Scene 30 - Thunderbird 1 at the danger zone

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Thunderbird 1 is accelerating to the left of the screen. This then cuts to seeing Scott inside contacting his father.


International Rescue from Thunderbird 1, approaching danger zone. It looks pretty serious too, father. I can see a town nearby, but I haven't received any trace of any life within miles except Penelope, Parker, and Rigby. There are about one hundred or so people down there. Right in the way of this storm.


F.A.B. Scott. We need to form a plan to combat this energy. We know that our missile launchers will be sufficient to weaken the strength...


Father! I can see Penelope and Parker down there! They're on the ground beside the pit that the energy has been opened up at. It's like they're being drained by it.

In the lounge, Brains begins scanning the area and the energy to investigate what is happening. He adjusts his new glasses as he reads out the data to Scott.


It s-seems as this town you have just described could be H-Harmony. The rem-mote town cut off from the expanding and d-developing world of our p-planet, as the M-Matter inferred. This was the p-perfect place for it to keep the energy h-hostage.


And the energy, Brains?


Well... you're right about the drainage of human energy, S-Scott. With it now t-twenty minutes until the collision, it is ever-growing, even before the two ships collide with the source.


Can we stop it from draining them now?


Yes. F-fire missiles out at the ray, and it will upset its p-power.


Err, ok.

Thunderbird 1 hovers around some distance away. Penelope, Parker, and the others spot the ship.


Oh, thank goodness! They've found us!


What's... that... noise! That thing... moving in the air!

Scott's missile canon extends out from the bottom of the nose cone. The canon fires rapidly at the ray. It then releases Lady Penelope and the others from its hold. They breathe a sigh of relief and get up and rush away from the energy and electricity sparking out. The gunmen have jumped up and grabbed their guns out and aim at Lady Penelope and her friends, just as they rise to their feet.


Judge, you kill us and you're sacrificing your town.


Yeah? Well you came to Harmony and started this trouble, and we're gonna put an end to it!

BANG! BANG! Scott watches from the left window retracting in his craft. We hear Jeff on the radio.


Father! There's a fight going on! Penelope and Parker are right in the centre of it!


Is this with the townspeople?


Yeah, it is. They seem like old western cowboys. I'm going down to assist in the operation!

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