Chapt. 11

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Snuggled up against Sho you listened as Izuku told your story. He was a lot calmer than you, maybe you didn't have to worry after all? But that thought quickly disappeared when he started stuttering and fiddled with his fingers when he told them what happened when he was alone with the redhead. The hair on your arms and neck rose and you started trembling with anger. Shoto first mistook it for fear and held you tighter, but when he looked down he saw you were positively seething. You calmed yourself down enough to continue the story from when you woke up until Izukus panic attack was over. And then even you started stuttering as you remembered the dread that filled your stomach. The hopeless situation and how you almost gave up. At that Sho pulled you even closer, his warmth enveloping your trembling frame.

It eased your nerves and you were able to continue the story, Izu cuddling with Fumi and you holding onto Sho. You sighed in relief as you finished, yawning and rubbing your eyes lazily. It was past midnight already and you didn't get much sleep the nights prior. Auntie noticed that both you and Izu were almost asleep sitting up and suggested that they all go to bed now. You just nodded and let yourself be pulled underwater. As Sho brought you to a soft-looking patch of algae, you couldn't help but shudder a bit, remembering the horrible nightmares. "H-hey, Sho?"  "Hm?" "C-could you please.... uhmmm.. stay with me? The nightmares... " you asked, a light shade of red creeping onto your cheeks. He looked surprised, but it quickly changed into a warm smile. That smile that had your insides melting.

"Of course, (Y/N). Just lay down, I'll be right here." he promised, laying down beside you. You happily cuddled into him, burying your face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around you protectively and started playing with your hair. Relaxing further into him, you let yourself drift off to sleep. Maybe the horror was finally over.

"There it is, captain!" the purple haired woman whisper-yelled, ducking behind the railing of their ship. It was dark and you could barely see anything, they chose to not light up the lanterns as it may alert you beforehand. "Good. Don't let the anchor down though." His voice was barely louder than a growl but could be heard on the whole ship. "We wait until morning to catch them."
And with that final decision they all made their way downstairs to sleep, except said purple head, keeping watch over the ship and the island in front of them.

You slowly blinked, awaking from the first peaceful night you had since your escape. As you looked up you were met with Shos face right next to yours and a small blush crept onto you cheeks. You took your time studying his face and noticed a fairly large scar on his forehead. It must've slipped your mind yesterday. Without thinking you brought your hand up to it and traced it softly with your index finger, tucking his half red hair behind his ear in the process. Lost in tracing his scar you didn't notice the blue and brown eyes looking back at you. Only when a soft, deep chuckle cut through your thoughts you looked up. You instantly went red as you pulled your hand back and pressed it to your chest, stammering incoherent excuses. He only smiled, grabbing your hand and guiding it back into his hair.

By now, you must have been as red as the left side of his hair. "Where'd you get that scar from anyways?" you muttered embarrassed, avoiding eye contact like the plauge. "When I went to save mom. Dad wasn't home yet and I stepped in. I nearly lost my eye and mom feels extremely guilty. She blames herself for it." he answered, his tone serious and a little sad. "Oh. I'm sorry-" you went to apologize but he just shook his head. Just as he went to sit up though, the feeling of dread hit you. And it hit you hard. You felt like vomiting as you clutched your stomach and hastily pushed Sho down again. "D-dont. Move. A-an inch.". The pain was audible in you voice but you had to push it aside to get moving. "Please Sho, don't move. I have this feeling if you move, you'll die.".

Hoping he followed your plea you slowly slid off the seaweed and swam as fast as you could to where Izu, Fumi and Natsu were sleeping. "Izu! Fumi! Natsu! You have to wake up but don't move!" you whisper-yelled. Izuku immediately opened his eyes and turned his head to look at you. "What's happening, (N/N)?" he asked, clearly concerned. "Don't you feel it?" you asked back and watched as first pain and then realization flashed across his face. "Oh no.."
"Izu, you have to go wake up uncle and auntie and tell Fumi and Natsu to not move, alright? I'm going to try and see whats up there...". Your orders were pointless as you already knew what it was. You knew as soon as the nausea hit your gut and that was only confirmed when you saw the flash of panic on Izus face. Thank god that Izu was too scared to think about any consequences that may occurr for you up there and just swam to wake the others.

You took a deep breath of clean water, knowing it could easily be your last one, and ascended to the surface. Hiding behind a boulder you popped out of the water. This felt awfully familiar and a new wave of nausea and dread hit you. You leapt out of the water and propped yourself up on the rock. You carefully peeked over the top and immediately let yourself fall back into the water. Clutching your stomach tightly you felt bile rise up your throat and vomited into the water next to you. It was back. The horror has never truly stopped. And although you looked only a mere second you didn't need to look twice. You were sure that that was the ship from wich all of your nightmares sprang. And though you only took one glance at it you were very sure you saw a blonde man standing at the railing, looking directly at you and waving just the slightest bit.

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