Chapt. 4

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Your eyes fluttered open as you felt something wet against your cheek. 'Have I been crying while passed out?' But that thing was bigger than a tear, it was just as big as a hand. As your gaze focused you were staring into a pair of red eyes, located in a pointed face framed with spiky blonde hair. Your eyes widened and your breath hitched, though you didn't dare to pull away. The owner of the eyes smirked, purring a "Good girl." The statement still made you angry but you tried to hide it. You looked to your cheek to see a wet washcloth. Your gaze traveled back to meet his, taking in your surroundings in the process. You were sitting on a chair in a room with windows, presumably still on the ship as the floor swayed just a tiny bit. There was a desk with chairs and a weird soft looking thing framed with wood. The ropes around your wrists were still there, but now there was another one around your elbows, securing you to the chair.

Your shoulders and back ached from the uncomfortable position you were in and you tried shifting a bit. But as soon as you moved something cold was pressed against your throat and a dangerous voice asked "What are you doing?" You froze and looked him in the eyes. "S-shifting." you stammered, the fear very present in your voice. "And why do you shift?" he spat, frowning down at you. "I-I'm uncom-f-fortable p-plea-se let m-me move a a b-it" you whined breathlessly. "Tch, fine. But you try anything funny and you're dead, i swear to god." he hissed, removing the knife. You breathed out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You tried moving again, this time with a bit more confidence. And it helped a little, you let your bones pop and rolled your tail in and out. It felt relieving and you sighed.

He continued to wet your skin with the cloth and it felt very calming. He dabbed at your forehead and cheeks and moved down to your jawline. In one long motion he wandered down to your neck and throat, leaving his hand there for a couple of seconds. He gently coated your shoulders and upper arms, all the while holding eye contact. When the cold cloth hit your stomach you flinched back just a bit but he was quick to press it further against you. You sucked your breath in and broke the eye contact you were holding up until now. He grinned triumphantly. That's when you felt him grab your chin and force you to look up to him. "Hey look at me when I'm here." he growled dangerously. You squeezed your eyes shut before opening them slowly and meeting his gaze. "There you go." he said cockily.

"Now would you look at that. I really did miss a speck of dirt there. Right here, on your cheek.." he whispered the last part, leaning towards you and placing a hand on your cheek, wiping the dirt away with his thumb. You were surprised at how gentle his touch was. He trailed his thumb over your cheek, down to your jawline and to your bottom lip, pausing there. He stared you in the eyes as he dragged his finger across your lip, opening them in the process, and slipping his thumb into your mouth. The only reason he still had that finger was the knife in his pocket, wich you were sure he was quick to draw. He removed his finger and leaned even closer, until his hot breath hit your ear. He chuckled quietly before whispering "You're my pet now. So you better behave." Your eyes widened at that statement, your breath catching in your throat. He softly bit your earlobe and began placing kisses on your jaw.

Tears threatened to fall once again and you started to tremble. 'Is this it? Does my life end right here and now? Or was it over when that net fell onto me? Or when Izu dragged me to see the ship? Or even when they came to our island?' Questions began running wild in your head and you didn't realize that he had cut the rope on your ellbows. You were snapped back to reality when he lifted you up and sat you on his lap. As you sat there, back pressed flush against his upper body, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. He trailed soft kisses and bites up your neck and down to your shoulder and occasionally gnawing at your earlobe, his hands on your hips keeping you firmly in place. You gasped softly as he bit down on a especially sensitive spot, feeling him smirk against your skin.

It was a very uncomfortable feeling, your body saying yes to the touch and wanting more, whereas your mind was screaming that you didn't want this at all. In the middle of your inner conflict the door was thrown open. The blonde snapped his head around and barked an aggressive 'yes' towards the person who entered. It was a shorter woman with a rosy skin tone and short wavy hair, standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. "Captain, it's serious, we need you on deck. Kaminari called a meeting concerning those two fish we caught." You stiffened a bit and your expression soured at the name you were called by that woman. "Understood, Ashido. Go now, I'll be out in a minute." The woman bowed quickly before exiting the room and closing the door. The captain looked at you a couple of seconds before picking you up and laying you on the weird soft thing. He pulled out his knife and pressed it against the rope around your wrists.

You immediately stilled your movements, hoping to get your arms finally free. "Of course you will behave when I'm gone, right? I know you wouldn't risk a thing when we still have your friend captive. So be a good girl, will ya?" You got the threat that they would hurt Izu if you tried to escape and just nodded. With your best friend captive they could practically throw you over board and you still wouldn't flee. You felt the pressure on your wrists build a little and with one cut your hands were freed. The rope left deep purple marks on your skin and you rubbed them softly. The door fell into it's lock behind you and you heard a clicking sound, wich meant the door was locked now. The only way to escape would be the window and that would be way too obvious. So you really had no other choice than to lie there and wait for the captain.

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