Chapt. 6

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Izuku was lifted out of the barrel by the red haired pirate. He was surprisingly gentle. That didn't mean that Izuku relaxed, though. Maybe it was just the calm before the storm? He was carried through the door, the pirate having to go sideways or Izus tail wouldn't fit. So, Izus head was turned away from the sunlight and the deck, his eyes having a little more time to adapt than yours. But due to this, he didn't immediately see you there, what caused him to have a panic attack, being completely overwhelmed with the situation. He started to hyperventilate and sob uncontrollably, struggling in the pirate's grip. The redhead looked confused and uncomfortable, looking at his crewmates for help.

As soon as you heard those unmistakable sobs you were used to calm down for almost a year, you shot your head towards the noise. "I-Izu please calm down, hey-" Your voice was interrupted by the blade pressing harder against your throat. Helplessly, you looked to the captain, silently begging him to let you calm Izu down. He looked at you with his cold eyes, then looking at the still panicing Izuku and back at you. "Kirishima. Give him to her. And Ashido, remove the sword, will ya? And you other extras, move it. Give them space." A thankful sigh escaped your lips, your arms already stretched out to hug Izu. The redhead gave him to you and you gasped as you saw the hickeys and bite marks that littered his chest and neck. A death glare was shot towards said man, wich he just returned, visibly bored.

Without losing any more time, you sat Izu on your lap, buried his face into your neck and started to pet his back. "Shh, shh, everything's alright Izu, just calm down. It's me, (N/N), you're safe with me." you whispered, stroking his back with one hand, your other hand buried in his hair scratching his scalp gently. His body stopped trembling and his arms relaxed and wrapped around your neck. Very good, phase one was done. Now to phase two, stopping him from passing out. "Okay Izu, please tell me three things you can feel." you asked him with a soft voice. "Y-y-your ha-ands, the-e wind and the su-unligh-t." he stuttered, his voice breaking slightly. "Very good Izu, you're doing great. Now please tell me two things you can hear." you praised sweetly, your hands never stopping their movements. "I h-hear the w-waves a-nd s-seag-ulls." he answered, his voice slightly calmer and not breaking.

"That's great Izu. You're so brave. Please tell me one thing you can smell." "I can smell y-your h-hair.." he mumbled, barely stuttering. "Perfect Izu, you're doing so great. You're so strong, look at how great you're dealing with this panic attack. Now I need to ask you one more thing, do you know the names of you and me?" "Y-Yeah, youre (Y/N) and I'm Izuku." He shyly looked up to you, meeting your (E/C) gaze wich was full of love. "Exactly Izu. That's right, now you can relax a little. Come on, lay down, I'll protect you. I'll be there, always have been." you shushed, laying his head back on you shoulder. He nuzzled into you, his body going limb. But before he drifted off, you stuck you head into is green locks, hugging him tight. For anyone standing by it looked like a normal hug, but you whispered something to him. Only one word was enough for you two, trusting each other blindly.


Izuku nodded slightly, understanding what it meant. You used this code often, it was something like your safe word. Always when he got into trouble. 'Dive as deep as you can, don't look back and wait there for me. I'll come and find you when the coast is clear. Don't think about me, I can handle this.' Some would be confused as to how one word can hold so much meaning, but for you two it was as normal as breathing. You felt him sigh and rest his head on your shoulder. Relieved, you let your head rest against the mast behind you, closing your eyes. When you opened them again, you were met by many stares, most of them surprised. You looked around until your eyes met fiery red ones. "Could I please have fresh water and a cloth for him, the sun is drying him out." you asked with a strained voice, Izus attack taking it's toll on you too.

He just nodded and turned around, grabbing a bucket on a rope and lowering it over the railing. He pulled it up again, a layer of water coating it. He also took a cloth that was hanging on the railing and dunked it into the bucket. You went to take the bucket but he pushed your hand down gently and placed it back on Izukus hip. Surprised you looked up at the otherwise agressive blonde. "I'm going to do this, you're exhausted." he said simply, proceeding to wet Izus skin gently. To wich he relaxed further into you, your hands and arms holding him up. Although you still didn't trust the pirates one bit, your curiosity grew with every gentle stroke the captain made. "(Y/N), huh? Quite stupid of me to think that mermaids didn't have names." At those words your gaze shot up to meet his red eyes, surprise and a little bit of shock lingering in them. He looked down at Izuku, continuing his work. You took that time looking intensely at his features.

He was handsome, even you had to admit that. He was sitting criss-cross next to you, concentrated in his work and not even bothering to stop your staring, even though he could clearly feel your gaze. You decided to try and take advantage of his good mood. "Can't you just let him go?" you asked quietly. His movements stopped and he looked at you with a cold stare. You immediately knew you shouldn't have said that, you stomach dropping. "No. You both belong to us now. And only we decide what we want to do with you." he said coolly, standing up and throwing the cloth in the bucket. "Now, lay him down."

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