Chapt. 18

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Oh my god I'm so nervous...

Will everything be alright?

The pink devil promised not to kill me.

Hopefully they don't get caught.

Wait... They! They're here!

I can't believe those morons came.

I hope Sho isn't too mad at me...

Izu is going to be so happy to see me!

Oh shit I told Sho I love him.

Well, here goes nothing!

And with that thought you broke down the door and catapulted yourself across the ship. Directly into Minas arms. Your eyes locked onto th glowing red ones of the captain and suddenly everything went into slow motion. You clearly saw the droplets of water surrounding you and strands of (H/C) hair falling into your vision. You saw the shock in the red irises and the disappointment in his face. And at that second, mid-air and halfway across the ship, you almost were sorry to leave him. You were harshly snapped back to reality as he blinked and fury overtook his eyes, almost knocking the air out of you. Or you out of the air, take it as you wish.

Hastily you turned your attention towards the awaiting Mina and latched onto her, biting hard into her shoulder. She screeched and stabbed your stomach, and just as planned you coughed up some water mixed with your blood to make the injury look deadly. You let your muscels loosen and fell onto Mina lifelessly. She was quick to use the force of your jump to fling you over the railing and into the water. All of this happened in under five seconds and while everyone on the ship was in a shocked silence, you landed in the water and were pulled down immediately. You sighed as the water enveloped you and you felt a strong but gentle grip on your wrist, pulling you further down. It felt like home. Izu must have come to get you, you couldn't explain it otherwise. But that wasnt Izus hand you felt on your wrist. It was bigger and rougher.

Before you could end your train of thought you noticed the water around you beginning to become red. Looking down you discovered that the wound was way bigger than anticipated and bled profusely. You coughed, and this time a cloud of real blood pushed past your lips. As you continued to stare at the wound and thought about how you're gonna fix this mess, you felt yourself being pulled into a warm embrace. You watched as a big hand made its way around your waist and pressed onto the torn skin, effectively stopping the bleeding. Closing your eyes you let your head roll back against a broad chest and sighed as you felt someone nuzzle their head into the crook of your neck. By now you already knew who was holding you but didn't have the energy left to move around. "Hey (Y/N). You scared me."

Your breath hitched nonetheless at the familiar voice directly next to your ear. "Sho..." you whispered, barely holding your eyes open at this point. "You... shouldn't have... come...". Your voice got thinner and thinner with every word you said. "Of course I had to come, (Y/N). I have something important to tell you." he replied, his voice reduced to a murmur. "Sure... but tell me... later. I'm... passing out." you slurred out before going limp in Shotos arms. He only chuckeled and waved for Fuyumi to come over and wrap your stomach, he couldn't keep his hand there forever. She quickly got to work on roughly stitching the stabwound. "Have you told her?" she asked, never looking up from her work. Shotos smile faded at that. "No. She passed out before I could tell her.". Fuyumi merely grinned, she knew exactly that her brother was too scared to tell you.

"You coward." she laughed out while wrapping seaweed tightly around your freshly stitched wound. "Hey, don't be mean. Mom said no fighting while rescuing (Y/N)." Shoto repiled jokingly before placing you on his back where Fuyumi tied another seaweed around you both. As soon as you were securely tied to Shotos back he turned around to face Fuyumi. "The way back is going to be long and tiring. You sure you're ready for that?" he asked, concern laced through his voice. Fuyumi just smiled brightly and assured him that she'd be fine. And so, the two heroes started their journey home with the most valuable treasure for both of them; you, finally safe and out of the pirate's grasp.

Bakugo was seething. He was angry that you tricked him. Hurt that you left him. Sad that you died. And even more furious that Mina of all people killed you. He watched with disgust as Sero cleaned the bite you left on Minas shoulder, Mina wincing every now and then. The flood of emotions he suddenly felt confused him. He wasn't used to this, he had never felt like this for anyone before. A faint "I'm sorry, captain." caught his attention and his red eyes met with bright yellow ones. He only grumbled in response to the apology from Mina and turned away. He angrily stomped over to the railing and stared at the spot you fell into the water.

Due to him not knowing what he should do with himself he started pacing up and down on the ship restlessly, making everyone else nervous at the same time. He finally decided that it would be best to first collect his thoughts and get his emotions under control. And that works best with a bottle of alcohol and alot time to himself. "Set sail. We're headed for the haven south-west from here, where we bought the kid." he barked across the ship, the crew scrambling to folliw his orders. He can be very scary if he was angry. He stood at the nose of the ship, just staring out into the open.


Sorry for the short chapter you cuties it's just I don't have any inspiration left and wiuld greatly appreciate some suggestions.
Luv y'all ❤️

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