Chapt. 32

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Bakugo and his men (and Mina) set sail, with the burning red tail of the mermaid guiding them. He was still angry about your death and wanted to let other mermaids suffer for it. That's what you wanted to avoid after all. So much so that you put your life in danger to prevent it from happening. From his position behind the steering wheel he could barely see the mermaid, she obviously swam slower so they could keep up. He had a clear view over his ship and watched his crewmates scurrying about, preparing everything for their catch. Even if he didn't say it out loud, he was quite satisfied with everyone on board. He wouldn't be caught dead praising those extras but he was glad all of them were loyal. Unlike other people. Grinning with malice he thought back to when they threw Jirou and the dumbass over board, they weren't essential to the group anyways.

You sat on the shore, Izu in front of you, staring at the newborn baby in awe. It stared back at you with its big, golden eyes which she obviously got from her father. "How do you see if it's a boy or a girl?" Izu asked, still staring at the baby. "Izu! You don't ask humans these things, they're sensitive about it!" you yelped while slapping him on the arm. Jirou laughed before answering that it wasn't such a big deal and that all of you watched the birth anyways. "Males and females have different body parts down there, that's how we tell it apart. How do you tell it apart when you Merfolk are born though?" she asked in confusion. "We don't, it shows when you grow up and all of our names can be used for either." you said, shrugging your shoulders. She nodded, looking at the kid in her arms.

When she looked up again, her gaze drifted across the horizon, thinking she spotted something moving out there. Hey eyes fixated on that point, causing you to turn around too. "You know (Y/N), I suddenly have a very bad feeling." she mumbled, bringing her daughter closer to her body. You only nodded your head, an uneasy feeling taking over your stomach. Then, you saw something too. For a split second something red flashed across the waves, disappearing under water immediately after. "That could've been Momo. But what's she doing out there?" Izu asked from besides you. So you weren't seeing things. "Hey Izu. This feels familiar." you said, you voice thin and about to crack. "You don't mean-" "Yes I do.". You heard him gulp loudly, feeling his body go rigid from fear.

"Izu. Dive. Shoto, now. Hide everyone.". He only nodded, diving down into the water. Turning to Jirou you saw that she was on the verge of freaking out, clutching her now crying baby tightly. "It's Ba- it's Bak- i-it's" You were struggling to say his name, fear taking over and tightening your throat every time you tried. "Bakugo?" Jirou finally whispered, eyes wide in utter shock. All you could do was nod, eyes wide and body paralyzed with fear. Immediately, she scrambled to her feet, booking it into the bushes. As you turned back to the ocean you spotted a tiny, black dot which steadily grew larger. Thats was it. They're coming.

Panicked, you threw yourself into the water, swimming towards the lagoon. As you arrived there you saw that all hell has broken loose since Izu came there, Mermaids and Mermen scrambling about, frantically trying to erase every evidence of their existence. You could see many pairs of eyes in the caves, looking at you with desperation and fear. "Everyone, listen up! You need to stay calm or else we'll be dead! Those people are dangerous, I know this first hand. I need strong Merfolk to help me fend off these enemies, please step forward if you want to fight for all of our lives!" your clear, loud voice echoed across the lagoon, bringing everything to a stop. Feeling each and every single pair of eyes on you, you started to feel uneasy.

Until a croaky voice from far back caught your attention. "I will help you." Tsu announced, rising from the crowd. "Then I'll help you too!" Ochako shouted, swimming up and taking her girlfriends hand. "Yes, I'll help you to protect our swarm too." a deep and calm voice announced from the left side, Ojiro rising afterwards. "Thank you all so much, your help is appreciated!". You smiled as you saw the three decided to stick up for their family. A hand snaked itself around your waist and soft breath hit your neck. "And, of course, I'll help too." Sho mumbled, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. "Thank you. I couldn't do this alone Sho. I love you.". Feeling him smirk against your neck, you cuddled up closer to him. For all you knew it could be the last time. Taking a deep breath, you turned your attention back to the swarm.

"All of those who decided to stay here have the task to protect the children. We'll risk our lives to make sure this doesn't happen, but if pirates make it here, it's your job to protect all of you. Because if they're here, we're most likely captured or dead.". Your little suicide speech was abruptly cut short as seaweed shot up from behind you, wrapping around your throat tightly and ripping you from Shos embrace. Clawing at the plants you gasped for air, the seaweed almost cutting off all of your airway. This is going to be a nasty bruise. Shocked gasps and angry shouts were heard as you got flung around, eventually stopping in front af a very angry, red tailed mermaid. At this point, your head started pounding and black dots danced across your vision. "Why are you helping her?! Without them, we would have never had this problem! I went and found the pirates just so e can get rid of them!" Momo shouted, frustration very audible in her voice.

So it was her who told them?


Hello, yes, I am in fact alive and still writing this story. It'll probably end in the next two to three chapters, so be prepared!
Luv y'all ❤️

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