Chapt. 29

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The scream echoed across the empty, silent beach, leaving both of you shocked. You were silent for a few seconds to check if it was real. When you didn't hear it again after a few seconds you turned your face back to Sho. But just as you wanted to ask him if he heard it too, the voice screamed again. It was a scream of pure pain and fear that made the hairs on your arms and back rise up. Sho looked at you shocked for there were only a few living beings that could scream like that. And one of them were... Humans. "HEY! DENKI! JIROU, WHAT HAPPENED?!" Sho started to yell after another scream was heard out of the dark forest of palm trees. You sat there and your face paled as you heard yet another scream, unconsciously collecting water around you.

Shoto got the hint and froze it into two sticks with spikes at the ends which you took into your hands. The bushes moved violently and you braced yourself to face whatever made Jirou scream that loud. But instead of the monster you anticipated to show itself, Denki himself shot out of the darkness, tripping and falling multiple times. Tears stained his face and the worry you felt in the pits of your stomachs only grew. "Denki! What the hell happened and why is Jirou screaming??" you yelled. Although you haven't forgiven them quite yet you were worried, no one should have to scream like that. Denki lifted his face off of the ground, looking at you with wide eyes. "(Y/N)! Shoto! Thank god you're here!" he exclaimed, pushing himself up once more.

"Jirou is having our baby and i think something went horribly wrong!" he nearly sobbed that last statement, fresh tears springing to his face. Shoto gasped shocked and you clasped a hand over your mouth. "Denki? I want you to get Jirou over here, lay her onto something and bring her here. I'll go and get Fumi and Eri.". You tried your hardest to stay calm and collected. And it obviously worked a little, Denki visibility calmed down and nodded, before sprinting towards the forest again. With one quick nod towards Sho you made your way back to the swarm. Once you were near the caves, you started screaming. Loud. You threw around all the codewords you had with Izu, signaling something horrible happened, while simultaneously yelling 'EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY!' at the top of your lungs.

And soon enough the entire swarm was awake, including an enraged Fuyumi holding a sleepy Eri in her arms. Just as she was about to start a lecture you put your hand up to interrupt her. A quick and quiet "It's about Jirou." was all you needed to say to have them both wide awake, bombarding you with questions. Even Izu, who was not a person who woke up quickly was quick to react, already about to make his way towards the islands. It was an organized chaos, you were struggling to see over the heads of the swarm to see your own people rushing around, looking like they knew exactly what they were doing. The rational and planned preparations to go help Jirou were abruptly stopped by a single voice. "Why are you helping them? They're humans!".

Surpised, you turned around to face the red tailed girl the voice belonged to. Angry, black eyes stared into your own, showing a hint of betrayal. As you looked around you could see many confused faces, some of them even looking dissatisfied with the decision to help the two humans. "Look, I know you don't trust them and neither do I. But Eri and Izuku do and that's enough for me. As it should be for you. When Eri was with the pirates Denki and Jirou kept her safe from the violating hands of that explosive maniac. And that's enough reason to not only help them, but trust them!". Gesturing violently to strengthen your little speech you looked around at the swarm. Most of them nodded in understanding, finally giving Fumi and Eri the approval to help the soon to be mother.

Momo only huffed, turning abruptly and hissing a 'traitor' over her shoulder before swimming off to bed. You shook your head in disappointment before turning into the opposite direction and swimming after Fuyumi, Eri and Izu. As soon as you popped your head out of the water near the islands, you could hear another loud scream. When you came closer to the beach you could already see Izu, Fumi, Eri, Sho and Denki huddled around Jirou, trying to help as best as they could. Here and there were flashes of green light which indicated that Eri activated her power. Carefully you looked at Jirou, from her in pain distorted face, her hands clutching Denkis, down to her belly which you could see moving with every contraction.

The inside of her thighs was bloodstained, making the sand underneath her red, the blood flowing into the ocean with every wave. Fuyumi sat next to her, looking more than slightly overwhelmed, but still trying to apply wraps and creams to heal Jirou. Obviously, something wasn't right, but the helpers didn't know what it was. I mean, they were mermaids helping with a humans birth, of course they knew nothing! After what felt like hours of contractions, screams and a dozen ice-packs from you and Sho later, Fuyumi finally announced that she could see the head. The moon started setting already, the birth had taken up almost the whole night. Jirou was exhausted, barely having the strength to hold her head up. Denki held her during the whole procedure, rubbing her arms and threading his fingers through her hair.

And finally, just as the first golden rays of the morning sun hit the beach, the baby was born and promptly started crying, indicating a healthy child. Fuyumi took it in her arms and looked over it, to look for possible injuries but thankfully found none. After that, Denki finally got to hold his baby, proudly announcing that they had a little girl. But the happy moment was quickly ruined by Jirous breathing. Or, rather, the lack of such. All of your heads snapped towards her, watching her chest rise and fall the tiniest bit. Denki went sheet white immediately, rushing over to the mother of his child. "Jirou? Baby, hey! Are you awake? Please stay with us!". But all the pleading didn't work, Jirou only opening her eyes a little to look at her still crying daughter and her shocked and helpless lover before smiling weakly, closing her eyes and breathing out one more time before stopping forever.

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