Chapt. 13

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Your confidence was at an all time low as you slowly made your way towards the dreaded ship. But the sun that was burning itself into your back made you swim a bit faster, guilt setteling into your gut. Uncle Enji already positioned himself behind the ship, his tail and hair wrapped in a layer of seaweed. He would be in charge of getting the girl. He'd throw himself out of the water and grab her, yanking her from the pirate's grip. At least about that part you felt sure, it would work, you just knew it. That helped you, that way you could give your freedom and possibly your life easier to help that girl. Quicker than you wished to you were at the rock you sat on this morning. Wait, this morning? It felt like years to you since you recieved those devastating news.

Sighing you pushed yourself further towards the ship and popped your head out of the water just a bit away. And, on point as the sun barely touched the horizon, the pirates stepped out and to the railing. Horrified you saw that they all were there, and someone you never saw was with them. A guy with yellow hair and golden eyes. He was holding onto the purple haired woman's waist. And there she was, the little girl you were ready to die for, held carefully in the woman's arms, her face buried into the nape of her neck. You breathed out relieved, seeing no marks on her small frame, and judging on how she held onto the pirate she wasn't treated too roughly, at least not from her.

You met the captains stoic eyes and he waved the purple haired over. She walked towards him and sat the girl onto the railing, facing you. The small, rose colored orbs met yours and desperation was all you could see. She stared longingly at the water, you could understand how much she wanted to dive down. Again, your eyes met the captain's, but this time there was no fear in your gaze. You didn't flinch back from his scowl, nor did you feel intimidated. The strong urge to protect that child was enough to give you temporary strength. "So, if I come with you now, you won't hurt her. Right?" you asked, confidence dripping from your voice. They just gave a curt nod in response. But, the Girls eyes widened in shock. She stared at you intently and then shook her head no. Confused, you let your eyes linger on her form, raising an eyebrow. She just mouthed "I'm not worth it" and then looked down in embarrassment.

Now, this got your blood boiling. You were mad, really really mad. And more determined than ever before. You had to show this girl that she was worth of so much more, that she was worth risking your life. With newfound confidence you swam towards the boat, seeing the victorious glint in the pirates eyes. A ladder like thing was let down and one of them came to get you. You looked up and watched with horror as the pink devil descended, stopping shortly above the surface. She just grinned evilly and pointed her thumb towards ger back. Sighing, you reached up to wrap your hands around her shoulders, pulling your tail after you to stabilize the two of you. Slowly she started to climb up again. But before you completely left the water you splashed your fin on the surface once. That was the sign.

Uncle Enji ripped off all of the seaweed on his body and shot towards the surface with great speed. He broke through the water and, as you predicted, the pirates were shocked. The little girl screamed in terror, covering her eyes with her hands, as she was yanked from the womans arms. Meanwhile, the pink devil reached the top of the railing where the captain was already waiting for you. He and the redhead grabbed each one of your hands and pulled you on board. They immediately clipped something cold and heavy to your wrists and secured you onto the railing with its help. All of this went down in under five seconds and Enji and the girl were long gone, underwater.

You yelled and struggled against your restraints, but they wouldn't budge. A sinister grin spread across the captains face as he kneeled down next to you. Wich only caused you to squirm around more, wishing to get off the ship. He laid his hand flat against your tummy and pulled you into his chest, as far as that was possible. Now you were stuck between him and the railing, facing the ocean. You saw the sun set with a mix of bright orange and pink, the first stars appearing above your head. Oh how much you wanted to dive down again, be with Izu, Fumi amd Natsu and.... And Sho... You felt guilt and remorse rise like bile in your throat, up to the point you felt like vomiting.

"Set sail, guys!". The yell from beside your ear had you fliching and you heard feet shuffle around on wooden planks. You pulled at your restraints harder, fighting to get free. (H/C) strands of hair fell into your vision and the more you struggled, the messier your hair got and the more painful your wrists became. As the ship started moving you saw something pop out of the surface of the ocean. It made its way over to the ship but stopped far enough away. And then it hit you. That was Sho! He came to see you. Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked into the eyes you fell in love with. In a last attempt to get free you flung your tail around, making the captain fall over. "Sho! SHOTO! Please don't leave me! Please, Sho!" you begged, tears running down  your cheeks. Your tail was grabbed and swiftly tied to the railing so you couldn't move at all

All you could do was pull at your arms and keep yelling for Sho. "(Y/N), I'll come and save you! Hold on! HOLD ON I'LL SAVE YOU" he yelled back, the heartache audible in his voice. "SHOOOO, PLEASE SHO! Please don't forget me, Sho! NO PLEASE DON'T! SHOTO I LOVE YOU!"

And then everything went black.

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