Chapt. 15

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The first thing you felt was your own shallow breathing. You still laid on your back but not in the position you last remembered. Also, there was a comfortable feeling all around your body, as if you were lying on air. Trying to move your fingers you felt soft wentness flow past them and immediately tried to open your eyes. You managed, with great difficulty though. Bright light hurt your eyes and made your head pound and as you tried to move around you found out you couldn't. You sighed, partly glad that you're alive and partly annoyed that your body was so weak. With your eyes closed and still lying on your back you let the wetness of the shallow water envelop you. As you felt how your skin sucked up the water and moisturized your mouth, you couldn't help but to sigh contently.

Continuing to breathe calmly in and out, you finally got the strength to move around a little bit. Looking around didn't hurt your eyes anymore and turning your head wasn't a problem either. So, you had the chance to take in your surroundings. You were located in a shallow but pretty big wooden barrel. The water inside was barely ankle-high, so you weren't even completely covered. When you propped yourself up on your elbows a bit you could see over the rim of the barrel and found yourself in a quite familiar room. Big windows, wooden floors and the big, soft looking thing you already laid on. Perfect. Just great, the captain's living quarters. Finally, you could also see why your tail felt so heavy all the time.

It was secured to the bottom of the barrel with a grey, very hard thing. Oh god, how you hated it when you didn't know how certain things were called and you had to rhyme it all together. It just didn't make any sense and you hated that. But, on the other hand, a live demonstration like with the knife didn't seem too desirable either. A shudder ran down your spine as you remembered Izus face, twisted in pain and blood pouring- okay no you had to stop or you'd vomit. Sighing heavily, you let your gaze wander again. According to the lighting it had to be around noon, wich meant that you slept a whole night and half a day. Well, you woke up once, maybe that was around sunrise. And sleeping wasn't the right term either, you were basically unconscious the whole time.
(lol just tried to write 'consciousless' and had to share my stupidity).

As you were caught up in your thoughts you didn't hear the door unlocking and opening, didn't hear the footsteps coming towards you and didn't smell the hint of alcohol that lingered in the air. Just as something broke the surface of the water did you register the presence behind you. Within a single second something big and heavy plopped down behind you and splashed water everywhere, wasting the precious droplets that kept you alive. You screamed in terror, both at the loss of so much water and the hands that wrapped themselves around your waist. As soon as a chin rested itself on your shoulder you froze up, letting yourself be pulled into a broad chest. Soft breath hit your cheek and now you smelled the alcohol in every whiff of air.

"Hello, beautiful." The voice made your stomach turn and the hairs on your arms and back rise. His speech was slurred and only a murmur. The tip of his nose brushed against your neck ever so slightly, just enough to make you uncomfortable. Not that you weren't already, being so close to the man you despised. Yes, you despised him, hated him, wanted to kill him and his stupid people for everything they did. And just for a second you slipped up and let your bloodlust run wild. You felt him flinch slightly from behind you, wich made you strangely proud. That only lasted a second though, as you felt his hands clamp down on your upper arms, digging his nalis into your soft skin.

"So, wanna tell me about your little friends?"

Izuku held the girl close to him as Shoto made a huge scene i front of everyone. Rambling on and on about how he loved you and they had to save you and whatnot. His temper got worse with every word, to the point where he was positively fuming. He handed the girl, whose name was Eri by the way, to Fuyumi and made his way over to Shoto. He poked a finger into his chest, not too hard but enough to shut him up, and stared into his eyes. "Shoto, you better listen up now, because I'm not going to say this twice." he explained in a calm and dangerous tone. Mismatched eyes met emerald ones and widened momentarily at the tsunami of emotion they held. "I don't care how much (Y/N) means to you, I don't care how much you need her either. What I care about is that we get her ass back here as soon as possible. So don't go bragging around and telling us waht we should do and go DO it god damn it!"

Shoto was stunned. Well, everyone was stunned at Izukus outburst but Shoto especially. Izukus words seemed harsh on the outside and they were definitely meant to hurt, but they struck a nerve deep in Shoto anyways. They awakened something, and what rose to the surface of Shotos persona was nothing but pure determination and an incredibly strong protective instinct. An instinct so strong, he felt like he might burst from the sheer energy of it. And what came next was rage. Glistening white rage that took over his vision and swallowed up everything in his brain until everything he could think of was you. Until all his brain could produce were the words he said earlier. But this time, there was passion. Hot, red passion that seemed to burn him up inside. He took a shaky breath before speaking again.
"Okay. Let's go save (Y/N)."

Alright honeys, 155 reads?! Thank you so much for reading this and I really hope you have fun with this!
Love y'all! ❤️

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