Chapt. 16

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"So, wanna tell me about your little friends?"

The sentence alone had bile rising up your throat. Oh no. They knew about Shoto! They even knew his name because you idiot screamed it over and over again. And on cue the monster behind you asked "What was his name again, Shoto? Interesting. You said you love him.". You internally cursed yourself for yelling all those things. Why do you have to act on your impulses all the goddamn time?! "Well, that's going to be a problem, dear. Because I already love you. And he's not here, I am." he mumbled against the skin of your neck, nuzzling into it. A shiver ran up your spine and you felt nauseous all over again. He loves you? Well, if so he had a strange way of showing it. Deciding that it couldn't get any worse you decided to at least ask some questions. "What's your name anyways?". That seemed like a safe question. You were wrong.

He stiffened beneath you and his breathing shifted. "You'll adress me as Captain, and nothing else. Understood?" he growled, tightening his grip on you. You being you asked again. "But isn't that weird? Calling you Captain although I'm not even a part of the... What'd you call it?" "It's a crew. And no, it won't be weird, just follow my orders if you want to keep your fingers.". That threat effectively shut you up, you really didn't want to lose your fingers. You stammered a quick "Y-Yes, captain." before cupping your hand and splashing water onto your already drying tail. "Need more water?" he asked from behind you, to wich you only nodded your head. "Damn, you need much of that shit. Already refilled that stupid barrel three times." he grumbled, moving to get up and out of the room.

You sighed in relief as the door closed, occupying yourself with wetting your skin more. You splashed water onto your face, let it flow through your hair and coated your arms, all while your tail sucked up more and more water. Until you sat on dry wood. Oh no. That wasn't good, if the captain didn't return soon your vitals would drop and you'd pass out again. It was crazy how much water you really needed, it surprised even yourself. But just in that moment the door opened and the captain entered with a bucket of water. His chin dropped at the sight of you sitting in the dry barrel and he looked down onto the laughable amount of water he had to offer. You gave im an apologetic look and smiled at his dumbfounded face. He just sighed and went over to you and poured the bucket of water onto your head.

You sighed in relief as the cool water swept over you, half of it not even making it to the bottom of the barrel. The captain sighed again. "Looks like I'll be needing help with that." he grumbled and went outside again, yelling orders. And not one minute later all of the crew came in with buckets of water, pouring it onto you and slowly filling up the barrel. You leaned back, enjoying the fresh water and soon enough the barrel was almost full. The people left, until you and the captain were alone again. Not wanting to come off as ungrateful you smiled brightly at him and squeaked a quick thank you. You saw him whip his gead around, red creeping up his neck and ears. He was obvoiusly flustered by your smile and very bad at hiding it, apparently.

A small giggle escaped your mouth, not knowing that the captain could get so red. "Why're you laughing at me?" he murmured, not turning to face you. "I'm not." you giggled, tucking a strand of gair behind your ear. "Of course you are, don't lie." he answered. And just out of caution you tried the trick that you always used to make Izu not mad at you. "Laugh with me, then no ones getting laughed at.". Smiling brightly you waited for his response, wich didn't take long to come. It surprised you quite a bit, hearing the deep chuckle echoing through the room and sending vibrations through your body. You giggled louder and louder, until it turned into bubbly laughter. His chuckles turned into louder laughs as well, soon filling the entire room.

In the back of your head you knew what you were doing was wrong, but you hadn't laughed like that since you first saw the ship and it was too damn good to stop now. The two of you laughed and laughed until your stomach hurt too much to continue. He sat down behind you again, careful not to waste any water this time, and you let yourself be pulled back again. You couldn't do anything about it anyways so it's better to play along for now. Sighing, you let your head fall against his chest and soon dozed off.

Outside, the crew stood in a half-circle around the door you two were behind. Every one of them had a shocked look on their faces, looking at eachother in disbelief. They never, ever heard the captain laugh before. Finally, Sero decided to speak up and voice the concerns they all were holding. "That mermaid is gonna change the captain. And not for the better, at that." he grumbled although he couldn't hide the sorrow in his voice. "We have to get rid of her." Mina whispered, to wich everyone agreed. But, they couldn't just let you escape.

They had to play it smart to make it look like you died. Or, they could actually kill you. But knowing you wanted off the ship as bad as they wanted you off it, faking death sounded easier and way more beneficial for both sides. Making it look like you died trying to escape was a good plan, but now they had just one problem. How do they get rid of your body? Well, they certainly knew someone who could help, although they didn't know how ready they were to do so...
Hello, it's me again! So, I'm slowly running out of ideas and I'd like to use all of you as a source of inspiration! So please comment one or two short sentences as to

1.: what you liked about the story,
2.: what you didn't like at all,
3.: what you would suggest for future chapters.

Thank you very much, I love you all!

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