Chapt. 25

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Two whole moths have gone by since Eri told you about your abilities. Since then, all of you had been training them to make sure that you had a good grip on them as to not accidentally set them off. Fuyumis ability was in fact health, only that she couldn't heal a wound directly but she can give creams and poultices she makes healing powers. That means that a normal seaweed-wrapping could heal a small wound in under an hour if she concentrated enough energy. Natsuo had the ability to cool immortal things like rocks down to below freezing temperatures. He had his fair share of accidents while practicing this one, once freezing himself to a rock. Enji had to come and rescue him, burning his hands and fin accidentally in the process, wich Fuyumi had to heal.

Rei had the ability to cool mortal things down, so she had to practice on mortal things too. And due to her not wanting to harm any creatures, you offered her to let her practice on yourself. Let's just say, Eri and Fuyumi had even more work after that and you never ever did that again. Enjis ability was heat, which meant he could heat up both mortal and immortal objects. It was fairly rare that someone could do both, normally it was just one. Enji had some hiccups too here and there but had a relatively good grip on his ability from the start. Shoto was very special ability-wise, he inherited both his mothers and his fathers ability in both of their strongest forms, one on each side of his body. His right half had his mothers, cold. He can freeze both mortal and immortal objects, the same goes with his heat ability on his left side.

This was so rare that no one has heard of it in centuries, according to Eri, and her mom told her once that such a mermaid saved their world once. You also discovered that your ability wasn't current, it was water. That meant that you had full control over the body of water you were located in, could decide the range in wich the water did your bidding and the strength of the water. You even managed to move water out of the ocean and into the air, creating a giant wave that washed over the island you were at. Izuku, on the other hand, still hadn't shown a sing of his ability. He sarted to doubt that he even had one but Eri was quick to reassure him. "Everyone has an ability, it's not possible to not have one. They're part of our essence, they're what keeps us alive.". Those were her words and Izuku was glad to believe her.

And so, he tried every possible thing to awaken his ability, he gave it colors and shapes, sizes and names. But it has yet to work. You were there for him the entire time and supported him and that brings you to where you were now, mapping out the way towards Eris home. "Enji?" the little girl asked. Enji just looked at her and smiled softly before answering with a "Yes, dear? And please call me uncle, sweetie." "Okay uncle Enji! Do you know where the stingray reef is?" she answered, smiling brightly up at the tall man. "Yeah I know where that is, it's about here, next to this little cluster of islands, right?" he murmured while drawing the mentioned landmarks into the sand in front of him using a stick.

"Yeah, i remember those islands! Then our swarm gas to be about... About here!" Eri said excited while making a little cave symbol and circling it afterwards. "Very well then. We'll make our way there as soon as possible!" Enji announced, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Immediately, Eri was full of energy, shooting up and starting to swim around lika a maniac, tugging at everyone's arms and shoulders (and hair, ouch) to get them moving. Fuyumi just laughed before swiftly grabbing her and spinning her around to stop her frantic swimming. "Honey, we'll go tomorrow. Look, its nightfall." she giggled while Eri looked up to the surface, obviously surprised and a bit embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, I get it. But we'll start right after breakfast tomorrow, promise?" she asked while looking up into Fumis blue eyes. "Yes, promise. Now off to bed, sweetie!" the older laughed and watched as Eri swam up to Izuku, getting ready for bed. She also noticed that a certain red-and-white haired boy didn't make his way towards his own bed but rather someone's elses. She shook her head while grinning, knowing exactly that he hadn't told you how he felt yet. Oh, how much she wanted to slap him right now, you'd never guess.

As you made your way towards your bed you felt fingers slip between your own, tugging softly at them. You leaned into the touch, already knowing who it was and not needing to worry anymore. "C-can I... Can I maybe talk to you for a se-second (Y/N)?". Surprised, you turned around, not being used to Shoto stuttering. When you looked him in the face you could see the tiniest bit of a blush starting to creep up his cheeks. "Yeah of course, come on!" you chuckled, getting a bit nervous due to his weird behavior. Once you sat down on your bedding he started to fidget with his fingers, starting sentences but cutting them off after the first two words. "Come on, spit it out." you giggled softly while bumping your shoulder against his.

He took a deep breath before looking you into the eyes. "Remember what you told me before you were knocked out?". This question had you paling immediately, fearing for the worst. 'I love you.', that was what you told him before all of this shit happened. "Well, I've been waiting to tell you something too.". You had to turn your head away from him, not bearing the thought of looking into the eyes you fell in love with when you got rejected. But he grabbed your chin softly and tilted your face towards his. The next words you heard were like a dream coming true. "(Y/N), I love you too.". And immediately after he said this you felt soft lips touch your own. No, this was the real dream coming true.

Meanwhile, Jirou was kneeling besides a tree, clutching her tummy and vomiting the soul out of her body. Denki sat behind her, holding her hair and stroking her back, hoping to comfort her. Jirou held onto the bark of the tree with her free hand and leaned forwards to let the rest of her dinner hit the forest floor. After that, she felt a bit better, sitting up and leaning onto the tree for support. She first looked at her tummy, which she still was holding onto tight, and then into her lovers worried, almost terrified face and whispered quietly "Denki, hunny, we might have a little problem."

I'm so proud of how quickly I ruined the mood of (Y/N) kissing Shoto it's brilliant and wasn't intended at all, the kissing was spontaneous

Anyways, luv y'all!  ❤️❤️

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