Chapt. 7

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With your eyes wide you stare at him. Instead of following his orders you clutched Izuku tighter, careful not to wake him. "Please don't hurt him." you whispered, fearing for your friends health. "Don't worry, he did nothing wrong. He won't get hurt if you follow my orders immediately." Without thinking twice, you wiggled out of his grip and carefully laid him down. The captain waved with one hand, the redhead immediately jumping to his side and carrying Izu away and laying him down in the shade. Your eyes followed them to make sure Izu was safe. He'd be out for a while, but not too long. It was always about five to ten minutes where he was just unresponsive. The first time it happened it almost scared you to death. On top of that, back then you didn't know how to calm him down.

But now you were quite calm, knowing you had to distract the pirates for at least ten minutes so he could jump overboard. "Man, that one's out like a light, wonder how long it takes him to wake up.." the woman with the rosy skin asked in a suggestive tone, looking at you. "About fifteen minutes, maybe even longer, that one was quite intense." Lies. All of it was lied, that one was the easiest you had seen so far. It would take him six minutes to wake up, thirty seconds to understand the situation and react to your safeword, twenty seconds to figure out the plan and a short minute to execute it. And that's only the plan for a normal situation. You didn't acknowledge the adrenaline that was in his body, wich would drive him into the water even faster.

While you were distracted you didn't see the pirates closing in on you. You were snapped out of your thoughts by a hand grabbing your chin and lifting your face up. Just in that moment lips connected to your own and as you looked properly you saw that the captain was kissing you. You were shocked to say the least. A hand was placed on your waist and snaked itself around you. Then, another pair of lips connected to the skin of your shoulder, and yet anoter pair of hands grabbed you from behind. One of them must have slipped between you and the mast while you were distracted by the kiss. You gasped as you felt soft bites on your neck and jawline that must be from the person behind you. You looked around to see only one crewmate standing a bit away, the woman with the purple hair.

She looked rather uncomfortable watching her friends. "Yeah, I'm gonna go find Denki.." she murmured, the captain giving a short growl. Her steps echoed away, a new set approaching. "Baku- uhm, captain, I'll go to my room too, my mermaid looks like he'll be out for a while." the redhead stammered awkwardly. The captain just growled, not wanting to break the kiss. It got heated as he pushed his tongue past your lips and explored your mouth, the kisses and bites on your shoulders and neck never stopping. When you had enough of the kiss you tried to push him away, but your hands were grabbed by rosy pink ones from behind you and forced back down. Damn, so that pink devil was behind you? She was the one you feared most, after the captain of course. Then again, you haven't met anyone besides those two except for the redhead and he was just insane.

You felt the lips on your other shoulder move and suck on a different part of your neck. You turned your head slightly to see the black haired guy with the grin that looked worse than medusas. A shudder ran down your spine as he hit a sensitive spot and he looked up to you immediately. His black eyes met your (E/C) gaze as he bit down harder, almost drawing blood. A strike of strangely twisted pleasure shot through you and you let a rather loud moan escape, wich was immediately swallowed in the kiss the captain still had you in. He finally broke the kiss to move down to suck and bite at your collarbone, but the pink devil grabbed your throat and laid your head on her shoulder.

Now that your voice wasn't muffled anymore the moans kept tumbling out of your mouth, some quiet and some louder. A hand was buried in your (H/C) hair, keeping your head in place. You didn't dare look over to Izuku, although you knew that not even two minutes had passed. All you could do was sit there and keep moaning to distract them and hope your guessing was correct. You moaned louder on purpose, hoping the noise would wake him up. Now that you thought about it, there was an awful lot of hoping included in your plan. You squirmed slightly, accidentally grinding your tail between the captain's legs. He groaned at your chest and you froze in place, fearing you did something wrong. But instead of exploding he just lowered his hip and moved on your tail. It was the strangest and most uncomfortable thing you had felt this far in your life.

You panted and hoped, being surrounded by the pirates. Finally you risked the look over to Izu to be met with two green orbs, sqeezed to tiny slits, looking at you. Now. You looked at him, closed your eyes and scrunched your nose twice. You opened your eyes to see his body trembling slightly. You just gave him the highest danger signal you two had. You used it only once before and it immediately lifts up all previous signals. This right here was the worst possible case and you couldn't find a way that both of you survived. Last time you used it you only barely made it out alive and the recovery took two months. You looked him in the eyes, a tear falling from your eye. The pirates around you were too busy with your body to look at your face. An opportunity like this wouldn't come again as soon and he just had to take it. The look you gave him said it all.

He knew that if he tried to play the hero again and you survived this shit you would give him hell for it later. His lip started to quiver but you shook your head slightly. You saw him scoot closer to the railing, not making a sound. You were glad that you trained all of this with him beforehand. The tears flowed steadily now as you watched him heaving himself onto the railing. As he looked back at you you couldn't help but feel a pain in you chest. Your last words for him should be something special and so you brought your feelings for him in three unspoken words and mouthed

'I love you.'

Before closing your eyes for the last time. A few seconds later you heard a loud splash and shouting, all the hands were off you in seconds. More tears fell from your face and you let all the happy moments pass your mind. 'I really do love you Izu...'

'But, wait a second. Who the fuck am I to give up so easily?!'

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