Chapt. 33

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Your vision was blurry and the screeches and shouts around you started to fade away. Momo still had you in a deathly grip, not letting go anytime soon. Flashes of green flew past you as the plants she controlled lashed out at anyone that came too close. Cold crept up around you, tugging at the edges of your mind, preventing you from slipping out of consciousness. Then, a waft of ice cold water hit you and the plant around your neck was gone, leaving you hanging in the water, unable to move. Warm arms wrapped around you and you leaned into the familiar body as you felt tiny, soft hands travel up your shoulder and to your throat. Flinching just a tiny bit you let Eri touch your already forming bruise, sighing relieved as you felt that breathing was a lot less painful now.

Behind you was still a commotion but you didn't mind that, lifting your hands to cling to whoever was holding you. Slowly opening your eyes, your gaze met emerald irises and a smile formed on your lips as Izus face relaxed. Eri still had her hands on your neck, carefully massaging the sore patches. "Thanks Eri, you really saved me there." you rasped, throat still itchy. "Shoto saved you, not me!" she squeaked from behind you, taking her hands away when she finished. "Of course he did..." you mumbled sleepily, head falling against Izukus chest. Surviving was exhausting and all you wanted to do was go to sleep. "Hey (Y/N)! Please don't die on me!" you heard his voice from above you, making you chuckle. "I won't die... Just let me sleep for a bit..". And with that, your vision blacked out and you lost control, falling into what seemed to be an endless abyss of sleep.

'Why were there so many voices? Why are they screaming? This sounds like some kind of mass panic. My gut tells me something is horribly wrong but i just don't have the energy to open my eyes. Why am I so weak? Why can't I help anyone? I feel so useless, lying here when someone could be in danger.'. Suddenly, everything was red. All you saw was red. Red blood on human hands, staining the sand, running down Izus arm, dying the water around you red, dribbling out of broken skin. Red hair, standing upwards in every direction, brushing over Izukus skin, covering a whole head, falling in a face and hiding dangerous eyes. Red eyes, staring directly into your soul, forcing you to lay every aspect of your being bare just to step on every one of them, crushing them in the process. Panic overtook your body as you tried to escape this nightmare but you knew that it was reality.

Gasping and screaming, you shot up from your lying position on the sandy ground, making everyone around you jump in ghe process. Frantically, your eyes searched for the only thing that could calm you down right now and luckily, Sho was already by your side. Tears leaked from your eyes, mixing with the water around you as you desperately clung to him, sobbing your heart out. "I-I'm gonna kill h-him! I want to k-kill him!" you wailed, desperately hanging onto your lover. He only held you tighter, no words were spoken by him. Because Izu did that job. "Then we'll have to hurry, (N/N), because they'll be at Jirous and Denkis island in about ten minutes.". Your head shot up, tears coming to an abrupt halt as you realized that this really wasn't just a dream. Bakugo and his men were on their way here, right now.

A flood of emotions crashed over you, nearly drowning you. But determination won the heated battle inside you and your confidence came back once again. "Okay. Firstly, there's no we in this, Izu. You're staying here and that's an order.". The glare you sent him quicky shut any form of protest down, allowing you to move on with giving orders. "Everyone who chose to fight, come with me. We're protecting first and foremost our friends and family but the lives of Jirou, Denki and their daughter are on the line as well. I hope you will fight for them just as hard as you do for us. The rest, hide and don't show a sign of life.". Many stunned eyes watched as you went from having a panic attack and sobbing into Shotos arms to regaining full control over your emotions and giving orders. Which they followed immediately.

The group of fighters, consisting of you, Sho, Fumi, Uncle Enji, Natsu, Tsu, Ochako and Ojiro, made your way over to the island fast, already having lost too much time arguing before. Uncle Enji forbade Auntie to fight, scared that he might lose her when he almost did once already. Originally Fuyumi was also supposed to stay put, but she insisted on helping too. Either way, you were thankful for every helping hand because you k ew damn well that you wouldn't make it alone. Just the thought of those red eyes had your stomach turning upside down. Nonetheless, you swam faster, desperate to get to the island before thsy did. God knows what would happen if they found out their abandoned crewmates survived.

But sadly, you were too late.

The loud screaming could be heard even under water, making the hairs on your back rise up and panic build in your gut. Your head poked out of the water and the scene in front of you horrified you to no extent. A bloody, beaten Denki was lying on the ground, Jirou cowering by hs side, holding their baby daughter who was crying hysterically. Not even ten steps away from them you could see the dreaded person, standing in all his awful glory, glaring down at them with visible disgust. Tears streamed down Jirous face as she shook Denki again and again, the male not showing any signs of waking up. "How the fuck did you get here?! How the fuck did you survive?!" Bakugo screamed, fury evident in his eyes. "And where are those damn mermaids!".

Jirou opened her mouth to yell at him, probably something about how she wouldn't tell on her friends, but you knew that answer would get her killed. So, you simply stretched out a hand, making a giant wall of water between the two parties which was frozen by Sho, and watched as first horror, then confusion, then realization and then anger flashed across Bakugos face as he looked at you.

"I am here, bitch."

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