Chapt. 12

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Up there's the Todoroki children, made it myself!

He saw you. And you knew that. He followed you. And now your friends are in danger. If they saw them... If they saw Sho... They would want to catch them too. Oh god, this cant be happening. You had to think fast. As long as they didn't know there were more than you the others had high chances to escape. A rough voice cut through your thoughts.
"Oi, you bitch. I saw you, you know."
Your blood immediately ran cold. Taking a shaky breath you leapt up again, this time staying on the rock. You froze in place, the ship way closer than you thought in the first place. You could see any detail on the captains face and his red eyes pierced through your (E/C) orbs. A smug smirk spread across his face as he noticed your protective stance. So there was something or someone you wanted to protect on this island.

You didn't notice this though, and mistook it for self-satisfaction that he managed to follow you. "W-what do you want?!" you managed to ask him, cursing yourself for stuttering. His smirk only grew wider as he answered with only one word. "You."
You jaw clenched, you could've figured that one out yourself. "So, you mind telling me where that green friend of yours is?" Shit they were out for Izu too. "I-i don't know, we parted ways." your voice was somewhat stable, you had to trick them. For everyone's sake. "Ah, too bad then. We'll get you first and then search for him." the captain replied, the smirk never leaving his face. Shit, he knew. "And what makes you think I'd let myself get caught?". A bold move for you, but you knew that you had nothing to lose. "I was hoping you'd ask that, actually." he snickered, motioning a hand towards his crewmates.

The mermaid was being bratty and the captain has had enough. So he motioned for Sero to move forwards with the bait. The little girl hung limply in his arms, her silver tail swaying back and forth. But he knew she was awake because her fingers twitched ever so slightly. He yanked her out of Sero's grasp and sat her onto the railing in one swift motion. Her head rolled back against his shoulder and he immediately placed his hand on her throat, a knife following shortly after. He could hear your gasp and felt the child stir a bit, turning her head to look at you. As soon as she saw you she extended a hand towards you, a silent pkea for help in her red, almost pink irises. From the shocked look on your face and the guilt that was slowly mixing with it he knew he had won right there and then.

But he wanted to drag this on a bit, knowing your friend and potentially some other mermaids were on this island. "So, as you may have already guessed, this child right here is in this miserable situation only because of you. If you surrender and come on board willingly, we won't hurt her. If you refuse, well, you already know what a knife is, right?" and to emphasize his words he added a little bressure on the girl's throat, just enough to make her cough a little. Your eyes went wide, too afraid to say something." We'll give you time to think until sunset, so make the right choice." and with those final words he yanked the girl off the railing and threw her back at Sero. He proceeded to turn back to wink at you and was oddly pleased to see a shiver shaking your entire body. What he missed, though, was the determination and blind fury in your eyes.

As you dove down into the water again, you were about ready to murder everyone on this ship by yourself. Rage was pumping adrenaline into your blood and drove you faster towards the others. You reached Sho's and your bed first, seeing that he was still lying down. He apparently heard you approaching and sat up, worry in his dual colored eyes. "C'mon Sho. There's no time left, so move it.". You immediately regretted the harsh tone of your voice but were too furious to change anything about it, not even stopping to look him in the eyes properly. Just grabbing his hand you dragged him along to find uncle, auntie, Fumi, Natsu and most importantly Izu. Your brain worked feverishly on a plan that could save the girl, because they never said to let her go after you came along and you weren't that stupid to just hope.

After all, that girl was a silver mermaid, you had never seen such a beautiful color before. If they knew how rare something like this was... Just about as rare as Shos red-and-white tail, perfectly split in the middle, or Fumis koi-patterns on her tail. You swam faster, making quick work to gather everyone. Body trembling from your adrenaline high and anger, you almost couldn't explain the situation correctly. But you somehow managed and watched as aunties face paled. Uncle Enji's hands started to tremble slightly while the others just looked shocked. "We have to go geht that child, she has nothing to do with this shit." you finished your speech, wich was quite littered with curse words to begin with.

There wasn't anyone who dared to speak against you. Well, anyone except Izu, of course. "(Y/N), thats bullshit. You put yourself in danger and we don't even know how we're going to save that girl. Thats bullshit." he concluded, and sadly he was right. You couldn't risk it though and he knew that too. So, you chose to politely ignore him and carry on with the explanation of your plan, your capture looming inevitable over your head. "Neither Sho nor Fumi can be seen or else, I swear, I'll personally kill you when I get out of that mess." your tone was sharp and death glares were sent to the respective members of the family. Fuyumi just gulped and nodded, too perplex to understand the severity of the situation. But Sho, he was a different story. When you looked at him he looked as though he wanted to murder you right on the spot.

"Yes, Sho?". Addressing the problem was the first step in solving it and you didn't want to part ways with unspoken words. "I can't believe you'd do this to m- to us." he caught himself mid-sentence and left you wondering what he was going to say. After that he just shook his head and turned his back and swam off, leaving you heartbroken. But you had no tine for this, the sun already started setting. You had to hurry if everything should go smoothly.

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