Chapt. 20

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There you sat, patting Fuyumis back while she sobbed into your shoulder. It wasn't funny anymore, you already had to calm down Natsuo, Auntie Rei AND Uncle Enji before her. Izu only let one person at a time visit you. He was afraid that too many visitors would stress you too much. Sighing, you tried to wriggle out of Fumis grasp but quickly changed your mind as you felt your wound start to hurt. "Fumi, I love you so much, but can you please get off me?" you asked while firmly laying your hands on her shoulders. "'M sorry (Y/N)" she sniffed while slowly letting go and scooting back. "It's alright." you smiled while patting her on the head. Sometimes you really doubted that she was the oldest out of all of you. Well, she's a child at heart, that's for sure. Still smiling you watched as she made her way out of the little cave you had your bed in.

But as soon as her shilouette was gone, your smile fell. The only person who hasn't come to see you yet was Shoto. Maybe he really was mad at you. You dropped your (E/C) gaze and played with the (F/C) scales on your tail, tracing patterns while resting your back against the cave wall. Deep in your thoughts, you didn't register the shadow covering the entrance before coming in. Only when a hand grabbed your chin and lifted your head did you notice the other person. Your head snapped up in a panick at the touch. Red. All you saw was red. Red eyes, red sheets, red... blood. You abruptly backed away as invisible hands closed themselves around your throat, your arms, your tail and into your hair, doing their best to hold you down.

Breathing rapidly, you tried to free yourself from the grasp, jerking backwards and hitting your head on the cave wall. Hard. "Ow, fuck." you cursed as slight dizziness overtook your vision. The momentarily pain forced you to calm down and try to blink away the blurry vision. Carefully looking up, your eyes met dual colored ones, one of them surrounded by a scar. Shocked, your eyes widened before you lowered them in embarrassment. "M sorry Sho." you whispered, fiddling with your fingers. He just stood there, stunned at your reaction before quickly hugging you. Of course, you were surprised and worried, already expecting the worst to happen. "Please don't start crying too." you mumbled jokingly before hugging him back as tight as you could.

Instead of an answer he only sat down and pulled you into his lap. "What in the world did they do to you?" he whispered while looking deeply into your eyes. This statement caught you off guard and all emotion fell from your face. This time, it was your turn to cry, desperately clinging onto Shos broad shoulders and hiding in the crook of his neck. He tried soothing you with calming words but nothing worked really well. So, he just let you cry yourself to sleep, hoping that it was a deep and dreamless one.

Just as you fell asleep in his arms he remembered what he originally came here for. And he didn't do it, again! Frowning, he mentally scolded himself for being such a wimp, for backing out again and again from confessing to you. In the end he just gave up and laid down with you to fall asleep next to you, knowing tomorrow you would be right here by his side. And would always be, because he'd be dead if he left you. He experienced a few days without you ant it did not work too well for him, he didn't sleep at all. Shaking his head, he broke free of his thoughts, wrapping his strong arms around you and tucking your head under his chin. Tomorrow was the day he was going to tell you that he loved you and you'd spend the rest of ypur lives together... Right?

Angry eyes stared at the wooden table, nearly burning through it. Oh how he wished if he could just set the world on fire right now. His crewmates didn't seem to notice the storm that was awakening in their captain, but he sure felt it. An everything consuming rage, gnawing away at his sanity and he was ready to let the rest of it slip into oblivion. It wasn't just not the same since you were gone, his complete life got turned upside down. The usually loud chit-chat of the bar the pirates frequently used was just a quiet hum in the roaring depths of his mind, just a background noise for the insanity that made its way towards the surface and just more fuel for his burning hot rage. It felt like poison in his veins, slowly taking up every inch of his self and burning its way through everything that defined him.

He could feel it seeping through his muscles and steadily filling his heart and brain, clouding his mind and eliminating every chance of rational thought. Maybe the booze was helping it grow, like shit fertilizes plants, but this was another kind of growth spurt. And just like the anger and heat grew within him, he rose to his feet, completely ignoring his crew and his surroundings. Taking a bottle of whisky and a bottle of rum, he made his way towards the door of this hellhole. The crew scrambled to get up, they realized that he doesn't see them nor would he care. He averted his gaze to the torches that were hung on the wall and swiftly ripped one off. And then.... he simply let go. He let out all the bottled up emotions, all the anger and let his sanity fade away completely for a moment, and maybe for good this time.

With a yell of sheer rage he threw the bottles to the ground and let the torches fall into the alcohol, immediately lighting everything on fire. He stood there, in the middle of the chaos of smoke and flames, and watched as all of the insignificant people scrambled to save their lives. He spat at the ground in disgust before turning and walking to the dock, completely unbothered by the flames, where his crew already waited, ready to get the fuck out of here.

Hello all of you beautiful cuties reading this, I hope you still love the book as much as I do. I just was on a crative-spree the last two days so idk when the next update will be here.

But stay healthy until then, luv you ❤️

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