Chapt. 14

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Your head hurt and your hands were numb. Cold floor was all you felt and the air smelled old. Somehow this was awfully familiar. You could feel that your skin was dry and in desperate need of water. The end of your tail felt heavy, a really disgusting feeling. Lying on your stomach your chest was squished uncomfortably under your weight, so you tried to roll over. But you immediately regretted that decision as your head started spinning and pounding from the slightlest movement and you were immediately exhausted. Must be because of the lack of water. You let a groan escape your mouth, you throat immediately aching in protest.

Finally managing to turn around you put your arm over your eyes, your chest heaving with deep breaths. The lack of water really showed itself and this certainly wasn't the way you thought you'd die. Even producing tears was too much for your body, so you just sobbed. As you laid there, one arm across your face and the other shielding your tummy, you started to pass out again, slipping in and out of consciousness. Just as you saw black dots dancing across your vision something bright hit your eyes, but everything went black shortly after.

"FUCK! SHIT! THEY'VE GOT HER!" Shoto was screaming for the last half hour or so after they caught you, swimming around the island anxiously. Izukus attempts to calm him down were dismissed within five minutes and he left to care for the girl they saved. Shoto was furious that someone could be as stupid as you were. And to tell him THAT when you were literally tied to a ship, about to be abducted. He stopped dead in his tracks and hugged himself tight. Bringing one of his hands up to his face he brushed his index finger lightly over his lips, wondering what yours would feel like for the umpteenth time. "I love you". You really said that to him, didn't you? He was pulled into a whirl of emotions as he replayed the scene in his head.

You, tied to the railing, the blonde bitch smirking over your shoulder knowing exactly how much you didn't want to be there, your (H/C) hair a mess and your wrists starting to bruise already. The broken sobs that escaped your mouth and the tears rolling down your cheeks, forming a little puddle on the floorboards. And he'll never forget the momebt they knocked you out. The weird black haired dude snuck up behind you and hit you over the head with a wooden plank or something. Hard. Hard enough for the plank to crack. Everyone that saw this was shocked at the raw brutality these people displayed so casually, as if it was an everyday occurrence. And maybe it was. Shoto heard Izuku wail in pain as the wood met the back of your head and snapped it forward, making it collide with the railing, damaging your head a second time.

Everyone was shocked, even Enji had the chills and subconsciously pulled Fuyumi, Rei and Natsuo closer. Only he, Shoto, was there to look you in the eyes as you were on the ship. And it almost broke his heart. Screw almost, it did break his heart and probably something else within him. The way you begged for him not to forget you, as if he ever could! He shouted that he would come to save you but you told him not to. Probably because you didn't want him to be caught too. Stupid (Y/N), always trying to protect everyone. As he was lost in thought he didn't realize someone coming up to him from behind. Just as a hand made contact with the skin of his shoulder did he react, grabbing it and flinging the person attached to it forward. He quickly grabbed their neck and pushed them onto the seafloor, holding them there.

"Sho, are you crazy?! It's me you moron!" a very very angered Fuyumi yelled from underneath him. He immediately let go of her and pulled her up, untangling some seaweed from her white and red hair. "I-I'm sorry I don't know what came over me..." Sho mumbled his quick apology before turning to swim away again. But, a soft hand on his wrist stopped him. He turned around to see Fuyumi holding him back, smiling softly but her eyes full of sadness. And that was Shotos breaking point, he couldn't hold in the pain any longer. He threw himself into Fuyumis arms and sobbed into her soulder. The oldest sister was used to comforting her younger brothers but this felt different. Shoto hadn't ever squeezed that hard or clung to her as if his life depended on it.

She could literally feel the pain her youngest brother was going through by how desperately he hugged her and how much he searched skin to skin contact with her. His tears mixed with the salty water around them and he couldn't form coherent thoughts. The wails so full of despair could be heard all around the island and at that monent, everyone knew just how much he missed you and how much you meant to him. Fuyumi rubbed circles into his back and tangled her fingers in his red and white hair, messing up the clean split in the middle. "Hey, shhh, calm down, Sho. We'll find her and we'll save her. You'll keep your promise." she whispered soothingly, never stopping her movements. It took a while, but eventually Shoto calmed down enough to talk to her.

"F-Fumi I think I l-love her... My h-heart aches so much... It hurts, Fumi, make it stop, please..." he sobbed out, tightening his grip on her shoulders. "I know it hurts, Sho. I know..." she mumbled sadly. "It's just, the moment (Y/N) first came to our island.. We were so young but I knew she was special... And then they were gone and we didn't hear from them for god knows how long... And then they both come back exhausted and... And... Bruised..." He couldn't bring hinself to say the word hickey, the hairs on his back rising at the sheer thought of what you've been through. "Exactly, Sho. And that's why we gotta save her. After all, you still havent had the chance to say 'I love you too'." Fuyumi replied, giving him a little nudge.

"Thats... Right! I have to tell (Y/N) that..."

"I love her too"


Alrighty honeys, 100 reads?! I'm so happy rn, thank you all so much! I'm glad you like this book, I worked my butt off for this. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the new chapter!
Bye loves!

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