Chapt. 21

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The next day came and as the sun rose, Shoto sat up beside you. He smiled down at your sleeping face and decided to get up and let you sleep as long as you could. Getting up he pondered over what he would get for breakfast while making his way out of the cave. On his way towards the reef he met Izuku with Eri, playing a little game of fetch. Eri immediately clung onto Izuku as soon as she noticed the other male, hiding behind his back. The greenette ignored this, greeting Shoto with a warm smile. "Morning, Sho! Slept well?" he added the last part in a rather suggestive tone of voice, he knew exactly where the other spent the night. Shoto blushed slightly at the hint and waved his arms around. "What does (Y/N) like to eat normally?" he asked as soon as the blush vanished.

Crossing his arms, Izuku thought for awhile before finally remembering something you actually liked. "She loves to eat salmon but you won't find any in this season." he mumbled. The tallers eyes lit up. "But I do! A lot of them swim around here all year, it's perfect!" he exclaimed before swimming off. "Hasn't she woken up yet?!" Izuku yelled after the boy who came to an abrupt halt. "No, let's give her rest!" he yelled back before rounding a corner and vanishing from sight. Chuckling, Izuku turned to Eri and spun them around, making her giggle. "Well, you'll have to wait before visiting (N/N) again. Sorry, hun." he sighed while smiling at the girl. But there was one little problem. You didn't wake up.

Days came and nights fell, but your condition got worse and worse. The water inside the cave started heating up because of your high fevers and the people who went in had to come out of it rather quickly because of the sour taste of pus that mixed itself into the water. On the third day Izuku decided to move you out into the open before you poisoned yourself. Because although it was more dangerous outside, the current could move freely and wash away all of the harmful substances. As soon as you were laid down, Fuyumi began taking off your bandages, gagging at the sight beneath them. The wound had swollen and the flesh and skin around it had an angry red color. Inflamed skin, hot to the touch, even made its way over to your belly button, getting dangerously close to some vital organs.

"Shit shit shit. This is worse than we could have imagined. Natsu, get me some pink algea, quickly!" Fuyumi yelled while thinking what could possibly help to reduce the damage. Finally, she looked up, meeting Shotos worried gaze, as she came to the only logical conclusion. "We have to move her out of the water.". This single statement caused every movement around her to come to an abrupt halt, everyone staring at her as if she was crazy. "The medicines I'd use for treatments wouldn't stick to her skin underwater. So, Sgoto get your butt over here and help me." she stated firmly, gripping you under the armpits and lifting you up. Hurriedly following his sisters command he lifted your hip and helped transporting you up to a shady lagoon on the island, Natsuo trailing close behind them. Shoto had never seen Fuyumi this serious, not even when their mom got injured, so this had to be really bad.

As soon as you were situated, your tail in the water and your upper body out in the air, Fuyumi began smearing the pink algae on the hot, red skin, always gentle as not to hurt you. While she was caring for you, she mumbled tasks to Shoto, like for example getting out onto the island and collecting some big leaves and plucking some coconuts, however he's going to do that. So, Shoto went and did as he was told, dragging himself along on the sand, it really was pathetic to watch. Natsuo had a good laugh at him before Fuyumi cut his fun short, sending him out into the reef to collect whatever. When Shoto returned with the monstrous leaves, Fuyumi quickly started to fold them together and laying your head onto the makeshift pillow.

As soon as he brought her the coconut she began to split it open on a rock, working her way through the thick shell. Pouring the water inside away, she scraped the soft white stuff off the walls with a small rock, mixing pink and red algae into it. It soon produced a thick, oddly colored paste wich also went straight onto your wound. By the time night fell, the oldest had done everything she could, tried everything she knew of and even something Shoto had suggested and she was exhausted. Covering your body up with the leaves that were left over, she cuddled up besides you and immediately fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next week was spent at your side, repeating that same progress again and again, and so far your condition was at least stable. Only the wound was inflamed anymore, though it didn't get better. It looked nasty, to say the least, and Fuyumi feared for the worst. Shoto wouldn't leave your side, always desperately clinging onto your hand. On the eighth day, Fuyumi sat up after making her cream and putting it onto your wound, and looked Shoto in the eye with the saddest expression he had ever seen. Immediately, all life fell from his eyes and tears sprang to his eyes, pouring down his cheeks. "Nonono please don't tell me...". Fuyumi just shook her head, tears falling into her lap too. "No, not yet. But nothing's working, she'll be dead in a- a day." she bawled, hiding her face in her hands, shoulders shaking with loud sobs. Shoto was frozen with shock, staring down at your peaceful face, and wondered how he could let that happen.

When Fuyumi calmed down, she went to get the others so they could say their goodbyes, nearly breaking out into tears again as she told Izuku. Soon, they were all sitting around you, sobbing and wailing, begging you to wake up, screaming for a miracle to happen. Eri was in schock, making no noise at all, wishing she could do something, anything. And then it hit her. She pulled down Izukus head, to whisper in his ear and he set her down onto the sand. Quickly making her way towards you, accidentally pushing Rei aside, she sat beside you, her little hands shaking. She looked every member of the family in the eyes and just said "Please, trust me."

With that she laid her hands atop your nasty wound, screwed her eyes shut in concentration, and screamed.

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