Chapt. 30

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Everyone was silent, staring at Jirous motionless body, only the cries of the newborn baby were heard. A heart wrenching sob made its way out of Denkis throat and he rushed forward to cling to Jirou, screaming in pain. Your brain still couldn't register what just happened. From the corner of your eyes you could see a flash of green, also rushing towards Jirou. Izu crawled up to the body and clung to her side, shaking with unheard sobs, tears rolling down his cheeks. He really did form a bond of friendship with her, due to always visiting them. Slowly, the reality began to sink into your brain and even you started to cry a little. Sho put his arm around your shoulder, holding you close and trying to comfort you. Eri held onto a shocked Fuyumi, crying into her shoulder and Izu and Denki still clung to Jirou desperately.

As the seriousness of the situation sunk in even further, you gaze turned towards the bawling child which was still in Denkis arms. Your heart ached as you thought about how this poor girl had to grow up without a mother now. Fresh tears rolled down your cheeks, for you knew exactly how that felt. "S-Sho... T-the girl." was all you could say before he cut you off by hugging you tighter, being a buffer for the pain that just washed over you. "No, no, no, NO! PLEASE NO!" Izus screaming that mixed in with Denkis was desperate and loud, every bit of sadness pouring into the world through it. Fuyumi couldn't take it any longer, turning away and fleeing into the water, taking Eri down with her.

You didn't want to hear Izus screams anymore, so you covered your ears. You didn't want to see the lifeless body on the beach anymore, so you closed your eyes. And you didn't want to think of the child anymore, so you sought comfort hiding in Shotos chest. Sobs were shaking your body, your shoulders trembling. Why? Why does life have to be so unfair all the time? Why couldn't Jirou live to see her daughter grow, maybe have another child, and eventually grow old with Denki by her side?? Why, why, why??! There were so many questions and so many reasons why life was unfair, but so little answers or solutions to those problems. Desperately clinging to Sho you let yourself be pulled underwater slowly, deciding to let Izu mourn in peace. But, just as you were about to dive, you noticed something unusual.

There was a light, a light brighter and warmer than the sun. You felt the warmth of it even here, in the usually cold water. So, of course, you slipped out of your boyfriends hold and opened your eyes to see what was going on. And there he was. Izuku, cowering next to Jirou, still crying and the tears dripping onto her face. But his hands, which were still holding onto her tightly, gleamed in a beautiful golden light. Denki stopped screaming, watching with as much horror as hope and fascination. Izu, on the other hand, didn't seem to realize what he was doing, continuing to shake while crying. It was clear that he just activated his ability for the first time and you had to get there and guide him. Because, maybe it was something that could save Jirou. So, collecting all of your courage, you made your way over to the bunch on the beach and crawled up next to Izu.

Gently laying your hands on his shoulders you tried to get his attention which worked a little. "(N/N)? Is that you?" he asked with a hoarse voice, eyes still screwed shut. "Yeah it is, honey. Please don't open your eyes. Tell me what you feel right now, okay?". Your gentle and comforting murmurs seemed to calm him down a bit. "Well, I'm obviously sad. But I also feel so warm and safe. Like there's something inside of me that wants to tell me everything's going to be alright." he confessed, frowning a bit but not opening his eyes. "Thats good. Now I want you to concentrate that feeling to your palms. Don't ask, just trust me.". He just smiled before answering "With my life." and doing exactly what you asked him to do.

You could see the light that was engulfing his body before wander to his hands, getting brighter and brighter by the second. Until his hands were a flaming golden color, brighter than a thousand suns. Now, you took his hands and gently moved them up and down Jirous body, stopping at her stomach to stay there a while. Looking at Denki, you jerked your head to the side to signal him that he should go and care for the baby, that you had everything under your control right now. Thankfully, he got the message and walked off to the sea, cleaning and caring for his daughter. After him being gone you could concentrate fully on the task at hand, that being trying to save Jirous life. After a minute of moving Izus hands for him, you felt a head slump against your shoulder.

Looking down, you saw that your best friend was on the verge of passing out, barely holding onto consciousness. "It's okay Izu, we're done soon. This must be exhausting, I'm so sorry to have to put you through this. But please believe me, it'll be worth it.". All you got was a hum of agreement in return and a slight nod onto your shoulder. As you looked down at Jirous face, you could slowly see the color returning. Excitedly, you told Izu to open his eyes which he promptly did. And then he saw it for the first time, his own ability! Tears of joy streamed down his cheeks as he watched more and more colour to come back to Jirous face. He didn't need your help anymore, now moving his hands on his own, letting his instincts guide him.

Denki came rushing back with their daughter, only seeing Jirous healthy looking face before bursting into tears again. You laid your head atop her ribcage, hoping and begging. And then, there it was. The heartbeat you wished so much to hear. Tears burst to your eyes as you sat up and looked at Izu happily, nodding towards him proudly. Very long and extensive hugging ensued as you all watched Jirous torso rise and fall with the breaths she took while still unconscious. Not long after that, Izu started to get sleepy and passed out in the sand next to her from exhaustion. You celebrated Jirous life until the late afternoon, your people coming to check up on you. When they heard the trilling news, they also cried happy tears and celebrated with you, sending the new family off to a happy and healthy start.

Hah, don't we all love happy endings? You didn't really think I'd kill Jirou and half-orphan a child, did you? Anyways, I'd greatly appreciate it if you checked out my short-story book!

Luv y'all ❤️

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