Chapt. 35

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Spikes of clear, blue ice ripped the ship apart in seconds. The water around him started forming ice crystals, but he couldn't find it in him to care. Blood ran down the ice in streams, apparently he got some of them. They deserved death. Everything was silent as he stared at the sand next to him with vacant eyes. Or, at least for him everything was silent. The others were no doubt screaming and panicking, but he heard nothing. His wounds hurt, but he ignored it. Shoto just laid on the ocean floor on his side, the slowly fading warmth of the body pinned to his back being painfully obvious in the ice cold water. Why hadn't he torn the ship apart sooner? Why hadn't he been able to save you?

He faintly noticed warm hands skimming over his arm, tugging and rocking softly, most likely trying to get the speer out of his back. Sharp pain rushed through his body, well, the upper body, and he somehow knew that the weapon was out. Shoto got flopped onto his stomach, the pain being always present. So, he just laid there apathetically, mind wandering to a familiar face with a wide grin, beautiful eyes, water sparkling in the air as she threw it around like it was nothing-. A broken sob echoed from somewhere. Oh, he was crying. The sob came from him, shaking his whole body. Why couldn't he stop, the shaking hurt. Fuyumis shaking, broken voice spoke from somewhere above him, probably telling him everything would be okay, all would be fine. But how could everything be fine when the love of his life laid there, lifeless, next to him?

A scream echoed across the empty ocean floor, bringing him back to consciousness and snapping his eyes in its general direction. A storm of green barreled past him, merely dropping a silver bundle of tail and hair next to him. Izuku! He was her rescue, he could save her! Suddenly, he was very eager to turn around, but a hand in his neck stopped him from moving. It was shaking with sobs, holding him in place as much smaller hands ghosted over his back, hesitating just above his still bleeding wound. "I might not be able to heal your spine." a small voice whimpered from behind him. He just waited, impatient, until he felt the tiny hands make contact with the torn muscle. Warmth trickled up and down his spine, nerves slowly connecting again and gaining feeling in his tail. Unfortunately, that feeling was red-hot pain, but he could care less. As soon as the hands left his back, he whirled around to be met with Izukus back.

Izukus back, which was shaking with sobs as well. Golden light poured from his hands, lighting up your whole body. But the blood continued flowing from your torn out side, continuing to dye the water red. That just caused Izuku to focus so much harder, pressing his hands into your ribcage, causing even more blood to gush out of the wound. He practically glowed, lighting the surrounding area up as well, and plants started growing around the two of you, being forced out of the ground by the sheer energy of his healing powers. Shoto watched in horror as corals and anemones buitl up around your corpse as your sking grew paler by the second. Even the fish eggs in the sand were forced to hatch, but your body didn't show any sign of changing.

Finally, Izuku collapsed on top of you with a strangled noise, halfway between a sob and a scream.

"I-it's not working!" he howled. "It's only working on other species!"

He was careful. He always was when visiting here. Almost as if he's afraid that one wrong movement would make you crumble to dust before his eyes. He's thankful for the supporting arm hooked into his, although he doesn't think it's intelligent for Eri to help him. She is expecting a child, after all. His tail never healed completely so his movements are clumsy and sloppy. Still, he makes a point of visiting you at least once a month. Even now, even though his once red hair turned grey, making it look like it wasn't split in the first place. Even though he's way too old to leave the safety of the reef. He became an uncle by now, Fuyumi and Natsuo both having children. Rei and Enji were great grandparents, until they eventually passed away. Fumi also neared her last days, having had children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren by this point.

But you... You look exactly like you did the day the bastard killed you. Izukus desperate attempt at bringing you back resulted in the fauna around you growing, a large batch of colorful coral in the otherwise vacant ocean floor. The unbearable amount of energy was absorbed by your body, preventing it from decaying and keeping you preserved there for the last few decades. Shoto sighs, thinking about the future he was robbed of all those years ago. He knows that he'll join you soon, in your everlasting bed of greenery.

One trapped in the present, the other stuck in the past,
neither able to make a moment of time last.
The decades without one another flew by too fast,
him barely having the time to grasp,
that you were gone and now he's standing at your grave,
wrinkled hands shaking and his bright red fading with age.
But you look young and fresh, ready to wake up any moment,
and oh how he'd love to hold you again even if time broke and bent.
He knew from the start that you were the one,
but you had a different fate, away from him, and soon you were gone...

Alright, the book is officially finished now! I never intended on making a happy ending. So, I really hoped you enjoyed this story and I hope you'll check out my other stories too!

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