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Mitch woke twice more in the night. The second time I didn't go to sleep again. I just sat there watching over him, not even daring to blink for fear of him waking and me not being able to help as quick as possible.

The sun began to rise around seven am. That's when Mitch began to stir. His eyes blinked open and he stretched his arm above his head, dropping them when a pain surged through his body. His face contorted in pain.

"Are you ok?" I asked placing my hand on his side. He nodded and took a deep breath. He smiled across at me breathing all the air out onto my face tickling my nose. I giggled and placed my head on top of my arm which was resting on the bed.

Our faces were inches from each other. Mitch leaned in and kissed my nose making me giggle again. "I like when you giggle. It's cute." He whispered.

I noticed that his lips were nearly blue in colour. "Are you cold?" I asked, dragging my thumb softly along his bottom lip. They were dry too.

"No, I'm fine." Mitch said, his eyes focused on me. I pushed his hair out of his face and smiled.

"Do you want me to get you some coffee?" I asked. Mitch's eyes lit up, his mouth cracking into a huge smile.

"Yes please." He said.

I scurried off downstairs to where there was a Starbucks. Ordering both Mitch and I's usual. I stood in the line waiting for my name to be called when I felt someone grab me into a hug. I froze not knowing who it was until I turned and saw the long brown hair.

"Kirstie, you're early." I whispered hugging her back. She stepped back and smiled up at me.

"How is he?" She asked. Just then the barista called my name and I stepped forward and took the cups off of her.

"That's for him to tell you." I whispered. She frowned walking next to me back down the corridor. We got in an elevator and pressed the third floor button.

"Have Mike and Nel got here yet?" She asked.

"Yesterday afternoon. They stayed at our place for the night. I don't know when they'll be back over again." I said stepping out of the elevator and walking towards the double doors.

"Just before we go in. I should warn you. He doesn't look his usual self. He's a bit yellow in colour, he's connected to lots of machines and wires and his lips are blue." I said standing in the way of the door.

"Scott, I've known him since I was ten years old, I know what he looks like when he's sick."

"Yeah but this is different." I slowly pushed the door open and led Kirstie round the corner to where Mitch's bed was. His face lit up when he saw Kirstie.

I watched as she hugged him tightly. I handed Mitch his coffee and sat back down, Kirstie pulling a chair up next to me.

Just then a nurse walked round the corner and smiled at Mitch. "How are you feeling, Mitch?" She asked checking all the machines and changing over his UV drip.

"My arms hurt a little when I move them." Mitch said. She nodded and noted something on her clipboard.

"I'll get Dr. Prendergast to come over and talk you through your che-" she stopped herself when she saw Kirstie. She looked at Mitch who shook his head. She nodded and walked away.

"Mitch what's going on? What was she going to say?" Kirstie asked him. Mitch tried to sit up and I stood to help him. I pulled the pillows up and let him get comfortable.

"Yesterday when they woke me they told me- they told me I had stage four lung cancer." Mitch said. Kirstie's bottom lip began to quiver and her eyes filled with tears.

"They'll make you better right?" Kirstie asked, her voice shaky. Her hands were shaking like leaves in the wind.

Mitch looked at me as if to ask for me to tell her the rest. I turned to her. "They told us that stage four was incurable. It's already spread to his bones. They can treat it with chemotherapy. But..... Mitch is terminal."

Kirstie let tear after tear slip down her face. I opened my arms and she fell into them like gravity was too much to handle. I turned to see that Mitch had his head in his hands. "Mitchy, this isn't your fault." I whispered.

Kirstie lifted her head and looked at both Mitch and I. She stood up and ran out. Mitch's body began to shake as he burst into tears. I wrapped my arms around him, moving so I was sat on the edge of his bed.

I looked over Mitch's head to see that Dr Prendergast was there. He nodded at the both of us and gave me a sad smile. "Shall I come back later?" He asked quietly, Mitch wiggled out of my grasp, sniffing and wiping the tears from his face.

"No, it's ok. Go ahead." Mitch said. The only part of my body he gripped onto now was my hand.

"Okay," the doctor sat down in the chair and pulled it up so it was right by Mitch's arm, "we've decided to start you straight on chemo. So we are going to give you the first dose here and see how you get on, then if you react ok to it then we can send you home and have a nurse come to your house every day to administer it. Chemotherapy is a very serious thing. There are many side effects including, hair lose, high fever, sickness, headaches and lose of interest in sex." I felt Mitch clench my hand trying to stifle a laugh. We were so immature.

"In your case we are going to inject it through your IV drip. It will take anything from half an hour to five hours to go through your body. It depends on the position in which you are sat or lay and how much is being administered that day." The doctor continued. "You just need to sign here." He handed Mitch the clipboard and a pen.

Mitch didn't hesitate to sign. "We'll have a nurse over in a minute to begin." The doctor said walking away.

"We're going to get you feeling better." I whispered kissing Mitch's head.

"Lose of interest in sex!" Mitch exclaimed looking at my lips.

"It's not like you're getting any anyway." I whispered stealing a quick kiss from. He hit me playfully in the arm.

"Hey!" He said.

"I'm joking...." I said giggling.

"Go home, Scott. Go get some rest. Talk to my parents, see Wyatt, tell Avi and Kevin." Mitch whispered.

"I'm staying right here with you, little one."

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