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When I had reopened my eyes all the bottles of medicines were gone and so was Alex. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. Splashing my face with water, I looked in the mirror. God I looked terrible. I was as pale as a ghost. My hair flopped in every direction. My eyes were red and underneath them were bright purple blotches, some from crying, some from not sleeping for two days.

All this wasn't even half enough to reflect what I was feeling on the inside. I wandered down to Mitch's bedroom to check on him. I opened the door to see that Alex was sat on the edge of his bed, Mitch sat up. The bottles of medicine were all placed on the night stand. A couple of different pills and were in Alex's hand as he handed them to Mitch along with a class of water.

I stepped forward and smiled at Mitch. He smiled back making a face when each pill touched his tongue. I walked towards his bed, Alex turned and smiled at me. "You alright?" He asked. I nodded.

"You getting up for food?" I asked Mitch. He nodded, pulling back the covers and slowly swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

Alex and I walked back to the sitting room, just as I heard a knock at the door. I went and opened it to see Mike and Nel standing in the doorway. They smiled at me and I stepped aside so they could come in.

"He's just getting up for food." I said. They nodded and sat down at the breakfast bar. Alex began a conversation with them but they were quieter than usual less eager to make conversation.

"Scott!" I heard Mitch call me from his bedroom. I went running down the hallway. What had happened?

I went through his bedroom door and saw him kneeling on the bed. His boxers hanging low on his hips and his shirt caught round his arms. "Help." He giggled. "It's stuck. It's caught in the wires."

I was caught off guard by his beautiful body. He took my breath away. Every curve. Every hair. It was all perfect. He was perfect.

I slowly stepped forward, right up to his bed. I looked him up and down relishing in his beauty. "You still there, Scott? Or have you left?" Mitch asked, giggling. He knew I was still there. He knew what was going through my mind.

"Yeah." I answered my voice cracking. I let out a subtle cough and moved my hands up to the hem of his shirt. I slowly, inch by inch pulled it up. His head popped out as it came off. I dropped it down to the side.

I moved my hand up to cup his cheek, my eyes fixated on his own. He was smiling brightly. It made me feel so happy and mushy on the inside. I pushed his brown shiny hair down so that it was styled perfectly.

"You're beautiful." I whispered. I swiftly moved my other hand up and removed the cannula from behind his ears. I placed it down onto the bed, careful not to get it tangled. I then picked up his shirt.

"Arms up." I said. Mitch ran his teeth along his bottom lip making a shot of pleasure fly downwards. He obediently lifted his arms into the air and I pulled his shirt over his head. The only time our eyes taking off each other was when his head disappeared behind the shirt.

I lifted up the cannula and placed it back over his ears and around his nose. I straightened the tubing. My hand came back up to cup his face. It was incredibly soft. Like a new born baby. The absolute epitome of perfection.

My eyes slowly fluttered closed as I automatically leaned in. Our lips connecting in unison. The softness of his lips were still there although they were still unusually chapped.

I now began to notice how cold his whole body was. His hands, his face, his lips. Like ice. I broke the kiss, not daring to open my eyes. "Are you cold?" I asked my lips were still pressed against his.

"A little. But you make me all warm on the inside." He said against my lips. He bit down my bottom lip dragging it out and back in. I felt my stomach flutter as he began to kiss me again.

His hands moved up to wrap around my neck. His fingers playing with the hair on the back of my neck, tugging slightly. I was very close to letting out a loud moan but stopped myself.

I felt Mitch begin to lower himself backwards onto the bed. I put my hands out to hold up my body weight. I could feel his breath begin to hitch. He was running out of oxygen.

I pulled myself away but he began to pull me back in. "Please, Scott." He pleaded out of breath. I opened my eyes our noses touching. My heart was pounding like a drum. I could do it but I shouldn't.

"Your parents are here." I whispered placing a quick kiss to his nose and pushing myself up to my feet. I held out my hand for Mitch to take but he didn't take it. His eyes were closed tightly as he tried to fill his lungs with air.

I could almost hear the struggle of it all. It seemed like so much effort for something so simple. You don't think about something as simple as breathing until you can't do it properly.

He opened his eyes and I lifted him to his feet. I hugged him tightly. "I love you." I said kissing the top of his head. He looked up at me.

"I love you too." He said giving me a quick kiss. He began to walk towards the door. My hand clasped over my mouth as I realised.

"Mitch, pants!" I giggled. He turned and looked down and then looked up at me, rolling his eyes. He walked past me and into his closet. He returned five minutes later fully dressed.

I opened the door for him watching him walk down the hall, pulling the oxygen tank behind him. I ran up to walk beside him. "You look like Hazel Grace." I whispered. He punched me playfully in the stomach.

"I swear to god! I will fucking punch you in the face!" He warned stepping out into the kitchen to where his parents and Alex were still talking. They looked like they had been waiting.

I looked up at the clock. We had been in there for twenty minutes. To me it felt like two. Time flies when you love someone.

Little bit of a happier chapter for you..... It's all been too sad lately. Hope you liked
Mitch's new tattoo equals perfection. I love him way too much haha


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