So Much To Do

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"Scott! Scott! Wake up! You've got to get ready! Come on, Scott!" I heard the voice of an extremely excited Mitch wake me up. I cracked one eye open to see Mitch fully dressed sat on my legs, hands on my arms and shaking them slightly.

"What time is it?" I asked smiling. He smiled as he saw me begin to wake up. His eyes shone bright.

"Seven thirty." Mitch giggled leaning down and gently kissing my nose.

"Mitchy, our flight isn't until eight tonight!" I whined. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him against my chest. "I need to sleep a little longer." I closed my eyes again and felt Mitch giggle against my chest. The vibrations of his voice rippled along my body.

"You're so lazy! We've got so much to do!!" He said pushing against my chest to sit up again. He breathed in sharply and my eyes snapped open just as his face relaxed after a sharp belt of pain.

"What do we have to do, Mitchy? I don't want you to out do yourself." I asked. It was meant to be a joke but Mitch didn't find it funny. He quickly jumped off of me and began to walk away. I pulled back the covers and ran after him. I placed my hand on his arm and he pulled away, turning round to face me.

"I will not out do myself. I am perfectly capable." He snapped. His face contorted in pain and he stepped backwards. I stepped forward to help him but he pushed me away. "No. I can do it myself. I can help myself. I don't need help all the time."

"Mitch, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. I know you can do it yourself." I stepped back to give him some space. He stepped back against the wall and slid down the wall. He rubbed his hands over his face and breathed out deeply.

"Sorry for snapping. It's the medicine. It controls my brain. I just need to sit here for a minute." Mitch closed his eyes. He was a bit out of breath even though he hadn't really done much. I walked over and slid down the wall next to him.

"Don't apologise. It's fine." He rested his head on my shoulder and took a deep breath. "So what is on your list of things to do?" I asked trying to change the subject and get his mind off of it.

"We have to take Wyatt-" He began but I had to interrupt.

"The boys will be here. You don't have to worry about that one."

"Oh ok. I want to go see Kirstie. I haven't seen her in a couple of days. You can come too if you like. There's laundry that needs doing and I wouldn't mind going shopping. We have to be at the airport two hours before and we have to book a taxi. I also have to finish packing." Mitch finished.

"Okay. Well I would like to get breakfast first. You want to go to Starbucks?" I asked and Mitch hastily nodded his head. I jumped up and pull him up with me.

"Can we walk?" Mitch asked as I grabbed my car keys. I put them back on the hook and smiled. I interlocked my fingers with Mitch's and began to walk down the stairs towards the front door.

"Can I have an iced coffee and a gluten free croissant?" Mitch asked. The barista nodded and looked over at me. She smiled at me. Again it wasn't like the smiles you get off of a stranger. It was a sympathetic smile. Just like that lady the other day.

"Can I get a caramel macchiato and an oatmeal cookie, please?" She nodded and I payed her. I led Mitch to a seat in the corner. I watched him as he absentmindedly played with my hand. Clapping both of our palms together and twisting our fingers. He was such a child, so cute.

After that we went and saw Kirstie she gave Mitch a huge hug on the way in and we sat down and talked for a while. "So when's your flight?" She asked.

"Eight. We've to be there at six though." Mitch said. "So we don't have much time." He and her talked while I sipped at the tea that Kirstie had made for us. It was great to see Kirstie and Mitch together. They would laugh and gossip and talk until their mouths fell off. It was possibly one of the most amazing things ever. To see two best friends love each other.

We headed home after two hours at her place. I gathered up Mitch and I's washing and threw it in a wash. "I'm going to go for a nap." Mitch yawned as he walked up the stairs.

"I'll wake you up in an hour." I reassured him as I heard the bedroom door close. I laughed as Wyatt walked along the kitchen counter towards me. I reached my hand out and scratched his head. "Daddy's tired. He isn't well, Wyatt. I'm scared." My voice was hardly audible.

Wyatt leaned into my touch as if he understood how I felt. I lifted him into my arms and for once he stayed still there. Usually he jumped out of my arms but today he was free for cuddles. "What am I gonna do?" I asked as he licked my cheek. "Of course you don't know. You probably wouldn't even know if you were human. How would anyone know? How would anyone know what it feels like for the one person they completely and truly love to be dyeing until it happens to them?" Wyatt looked up at me, his huge green eyes blinking at me.

I dropped him down to the counter as a tear came to my eye. I wiped it away hastily and sniffed them back. The washing machine beeped to tell me it was finished as the front door opened and Alex and Chris walked in.

I pulled the washing out and put it in the dryer. "Hey guys." I said as I turned the dials on the dryer and pressed the button to turn it on.

"Scott! You ready for your trip?" Alex asked pulling himself up to sit on the counter. Wyatt jumped into his lap and lay down. Chris put two bags full of food down next to Alex and started to unpack them into the cupboards.

"Yep. Mitch is taking a nap. I've just got to order a taxi. He wanted to go shopping but I'd rather he rested up. You know? The flight is long. Nine hours. I want to sleep for a bit too but he needs looking after. Even though it annoys him that I look after him so much but he needs it. I don't want him to do this by himself...." I rambled on like there was no tomorrow. I felt like I had to keep talking because if I stopped I would cry.

"Scott! Calm down! Take a breath." Chris said putting two bags of pasta into the pantry. One gluten free the other one normal. I watched as Alex scratched Wyatt's head. Alex looked up at me.

"Are you alright?" Alex asked.

"My minds racing. Should be okay once we get to the airport. Just been rushing around all morning. Doing so many things. I actually need to check for passports." I began to walk towards the door but felt a hand hold me back. I turned to see Chris. His eyebrows were drawn together in our concern.

"Scott, you take a break. I'll do that. You look exhausted." He said pushing me towards a chair.

"It's fine, Chris. I can do it myself." I began to push past him.

"Scott, how long has it been since you got a full nights sleep?" Chris asked. Alex was now standing too. They both looked at me with worried looks.

"I'm fine seriously!" I began.

"That wasn't the question. You haven't had a full nights sleep since Mitch got sick. It's been two months Scott. You're up half the night what with giving pills and getting water." Alex said.

"It's not Mitch's fault-" I began.

"We're not saying it's his fault. We're just saying its not healthy. You need to give yourself a break." Chris stated.

"That's what we're doing." I said.

"Scott, it's going to be same routine over there too. You have to promise once you get back that you let us help out more. We know you love him and that you are scared. But it's not good for you to not get any sleep."

"Fine. Please let me go now." I sighed and pushed past them. I had to finish packing before I woke Mitch. We had a flight to catch soon.

Sorry it ended kinda awkwardly! This is mostly a filler. Hope you liked. I have to research everything because I don't live in America and I don't know much about cancer so it takes a lot of time to write. But I am learning so much from this, it's so interesting to find out how many different ways people can get chemotherapy and what the side effects are. I also have to find out how long flights take and what they sell in Starbucks in America haha!


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