I Missed You

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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ended quicker than the blink of an eye. And as time went by Mitch and I slowly grew apart. For the first few days we called each other everyday but we slowly stopped. We went back off to separate schools. I guess we just got back into our own routines. Our lives continued as though we had never met although there was a strange feeling inside me. Something had changed about me.

I started to see people differently. Have different views. I guess I was just growing up but no.... that was not how I was told growing up would be like.

The next summer I got a part in the chorus of Annie. Mitch was in it too which made me extremely happy but something was different this time around. He had a part so we didn't spend as much time together. But something was different about him. He was quieter. Less willing to talk.

I watched him longingly as he put his heart into every word he said, every song he sang. He completely slayed the scene. He was so amazing. Better than anyone I ever knew. I couldn't help but to smile every time I looked at him.

When Annie ended I was left with an overwhelming emptiness. This was something I had never felt before. I felt as though I hadn't talked enough to him. Like I had wasted the time we had together. Every time I would go up to talk to him he would keep his head down or be called away by Jake or Ryan.

I went back to my boring life of doing the same thing over and over again. My life was like that ten hour version of the neon cat video. On repeat. My life was a deep dark hole of nothingness. It had no purpose. There was nothing to it. A goldfish could have lived my life.

Years passed as quick as weeks. And then bam it was time for high school.

I was to be going to high school on the other side of Arlington. The side where I didn't know anyone. It was going to be a hell hole.

I walked in on the first day. I watched my feet as I shuffled through the door. All the freshman's were directed towards the cafeteria.

I pushed the door to the cafeteria open and looked around the room. There were so many kids there. More than I had ever seen in my entire life. They were all sat in little groups, talking about what they had done during the summer and who their latest boyfriend/girlfriend was. I personally hated talking about that sort of thing. It always put me on edge to talk about things like that. It never felt right.

I walked to the back of the cafeteria, keeping my head down and sat in the corner. I took my GameBoy Color out of my backpack and started to continue playing Pokemon. That's when I relaxed. I was in my natural habitat. Pixels moving in front of my eyes as I clicked buttons.

I felt the bench move next to me as someone sat down. I stopped what I was doing to look up. It was a girl. She had black hair with bangs that covered her left eyebrow. She had an unimaginable amount of bracelets and bands on her right wrist. She wore black skinny jeans and a purple t-shirt.

The girl turned her head to look at me and I now saw that she had earphones in. She smiled at me and then looked down at the GameBoy in my hands. She took one of the ear buds out of her ear and said, "Big crowds not your thing either?"

"No, unless I'm on a stage." I stated smiling.

"Same here. I'm Kirstin Maldonado but you can call me Kirstie." She answered back.

"I'm Scott, Scott Hoying." I said trying to be heard over the crowd.

"Scott Hoying? Where have I heard that name before?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and returned to looking round the room. That's when I saw him. Mitch Grassi. He came breezing through the door of the cafeteria. A pair of glasses balancing on his nose, his shirt tied up to the top button and his jeans fitting perfectly. He looked around the cafeteria and then looked Kirstie dead in the eye.

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