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A/N This is all in third person point of view

When Alex had convinced Scott to get up they walked home. That's when Scott began to shiver. It was a cold day in Los Angeles and he was wearing next to nothing. Alex gave him a concerned look and took off his jacket. He wrapped it around Scott's shoulders and continued to walk ahead.

Alex couldn't help but to love Scott. He was just so beautiful and warm hearted but right now he was heartbroken. It would take a lot to fix him and Alex knew that Scott's heart would always stay with Mitch. He would never love anyone else.

When they got home Scott walked slowly up the stairs and to his room where he locked the door. Here was where he stayed for the next three days. Doing the most thinking he had done in a long time.

He thought about everything, from Mitch to Wyatt. From PTX to SuperFruit. He paced the floors of his bedroom over and over. For hours and hours through the night. He cried. He screamed. He laughed. He talked to himself.

On the second night Alex and Chris sat downstairs. It was two am. Everyone else was asleep. Except for them and Scott who they could hear pacing the floor of his bedroom.

"He must be burning up some calories." Chris commented. He had had enough of the not talking and the only noise being the creaky floorboards moving under Scott's feet above them.

"He's not eating. As far as I know anyway. Unless he sneaks down here at night and stocks up." Alex whispered. He was holding his head in his hands. He was so worried about Scott. He wanted him to let it all go. To be happy again.

"Alex, you need to stop worrying. Scott's a big boy. He knows what's right and wrong. He just needs to figure some things out. Let him grieve." Chris said, putting his hand against Alex's arm.

"He's been grieving for a month." Alex hissed, turning to look at Chris.

"You know how close they were. Can you blame him really?" Chris was trying to stay calm but it was extremely hard when Alex was turning bright red.

Alex opened his mouth to talk again but the kitchen door opened before he could say anything. The light was flicked on and it illuminated the whole room. Alex and Chris both turned to see Scott who had walked to the refrigerator and opened it. He grabbed a bottle of water and some snacks and closed the door again. He turned and jumped backwards almost dropping his supplies.

"I didn't know you guys were down here." He whispered, his hand over his heart. "It's two am. Why are you guys sitting in the dark in our kitchen?" Scott asked.

"Neither of us could sleep. Thought we'd get a drink. Do you want one?" Alex asked holding out the bottle of liquor that was on the counter. Scott looked at it for a minute and then shook his head.

"No I'm good. Just gonna go back up to my room." Scott said turning to go back out of the room.

"Scott?" Chris asked. Scott stopped and faced him, an expectant look on his face. "Try to get some sleep yeah?" He suggested. Scott nodded and walked out of the room.

As he walked up the stairs he thought about what Chris had just said. 'Try to get some sleep.' How could he when there was so much to think about? So much to discuss in his head. It wasn't as simple to get some sleep. It was safer to be awake anyway.

As he closed his door and securely locked it he itched at the cuts on his wrists. They were beginning to heal but there was an inkling in the back of his mind telling him to do it again. It was sort of like someone tapping on the back of your head constantly. Reminding you of something that you had done in the past and didn't want to do again.

On the third day, the boys were all sat down eating breakfast when Scott emerged. He had a huge smile on his face, something they hadn't seen in a while. "Good morning!" He said cheerily.

He walked to the fruit bowl grabbing an apple and then his keys which were to the side. "Morning. You want breakfast?" Hayden asked pushing a plate out in front of him. Hayden thought about adding 'try not to smash this one,' but thought against it.

"No, I'm good. I'll grab something while I'm out. Talk later." Scott rushed off out the door and drove to Kirstie's. He parked and knocked on the door, loudly. Kirstie turned to look at the door. Did she hear that right? Did someone just knock on her door at ten am?

She slowly walked towards the door and opened it a crack. She was filled with surprise when she saw Scott standing there. She fully opened the door and stared up at Scott. "Hey." He said letting himself in.

She looked at him astonished. "And why am I graced with your presence so early on a Saturday?" She asked. She smiled to herself and walked after him to the kitchen. Maybe he had turned that corner, she thought. He looked happy.

"Just dropped in to say hey. And do you want to arrange a rehearsal for PTX and do you want to hang out soon?" Scott asked all at once.

"Slow down. Okay, hey. Yes and yes. I have to talk to Jonathan but yes." She said handing Scott a Dr Pepper.

"I'll do that. I need to talk to Kevin and Avi too though. But I'll get that done. When do you want to hang out?" He asked opening the Dr Pepper and hanging his feet over the back of the chair next to him, like he would do normally. Normally, Kirstie thought. It was all normal again. What had happened?

"Ok maybe tomorrow. Scott, what happened?" She asked.

"What happened when?" Scott asked.

"Well you completely blew your top four days ago and now you're round my house as bright as day and loving life." Scott's smile fell from his face.

"I did a lot of thinking and I think I've come to terms with everything. I've decided to live my life and live what life he didn't get to live too." Scott said calmly. He no longer hurt as much although there was still a dull ache in the back of his head but he could deal with that.

"That's great Scott. So tomorrow. We can talk and catch up." Kirstie said smiling at him. She was so happy for him.

"I better run. I'm going down to the graveyard and then going home. You can come if you want." Scott said getting up. Kirstie shook her head and let him go.

Scott jumped in the car and flew down the road towards the florist. He bought a small bouquet of flowers and drove do n to the graveyard. When he parked he slowly walked down the gravel path. His hands were shaken slightly as he stopped in front of the marble grave. "Hey Mitchy." He smiled placing the flowers down in front of the stone and kneeling down. "I miss you." He said. He sat and thought for a good twenty minutes and then began to stand and walk back towards the car. And as he walked he swore he heard Mitch say 'I love you.' He turned back and smiled. "I love you too Mitchy."

Alex heard the front door open and then heard Scott go flying up the stairs. He heard him start to move things around his bedroom. Alex went up the stairs wondering what he was doing. If he had another break down or if that little happy spurt and wavered out.

When Alex reached Scott's door he stood back. Scott was sat on his bed, a camera and lights set up in front of him. He watched as Scott smiled and opened his mouth. "Hey welcome to SuperFruit the best show on the Internet."

And I'm finished. Hope you guys enjoyed this story. And I hope you liked the ending. Thank you all so much for all the reads and all the votes and comments. I am really really grateful for how much you guys support this. Please make sure to go and read my other fan fictions if you would like.


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