An Epiphany

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Nothing changed after that day, as expected, although I did break up with Kirstie. On the Christmas after my fifteenth birthday I came out to my parents. They were completely excepting. My dad told me he half expected it and then asked if I had a crush on any boys. It was weird talking about that so openly with them considering I had contemplated it for over a year.

Mitch, Kirstie and I went on to be best friends. Known as the trio by most of our high school. We sung in the choir and got most of the solos. We got the whole choir to nationals and won.

Yet these seemed unimportant considering what was about to happen. We graduated and it seemed like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory had ended again. I wasn't going to see Mitch everyday anymore.

Kirstie was going to collage in Oklahoma in the fall of 2011 and Mitch was staying in Texas. I didn't really know what I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to do something in music but I didn't know where I wanted to go.

It wasn't until I was having a conversation with my friend Ben that my perspective changed.

"Scott, you could try out for the Sing Off. You have that trio from high school. It was the best experience ever when we were on it. Even if you guys don't win its an experience and a half. It's worth a shot." He said as we sat in Starbucks sipping our coffee.

"Ben, you are a genius." I hugged him tightly before rushing out the door.

I got home and grabbed my cell phone. It rang three times before the click of it being answered was heard. "Scottland," came Mitch's voice through the phone.

"Mitchell!" I greeted, it was great to hear his voice.

"How may I help you on this fine Sunday afternoon?" He asked, as I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. My mom sat reading something on her iPad. She had never got off of it since she got it last Christmas. It was July now.

"I've had an epiphany." I said grabbing an apple and taking a bite.

"And what might that be?" He asked. I could hear the smile in his voice and it was beautiful.

"I think you, me and Kirstie should try out for the Sing Off." I said bracing myself for his answer. Mom looked up and gave me a confused look and I waved her off.

"Is this one of your crazy ideas again?" He asked. I could hear the mockery in his voice.

"No Mitch. I am deadly serious. Like more serious than when Beyoncé went solo!" I squealed.

"Alright, but I've never seen a trio on there. It's always at least five people." Mitch said.

"Get your finely toned butt down to my house and we'll discuss. I'm calling Kirstie now." I hung up before he could answer.

After I called Kirstie and explained everything to her they both arrived at my house.

"I'm not crazy guys. It's a good idea. Ben suggested it to me." I said rushing up the stairs, them close behind. I could almost feel them rolling their eyes behind me.

Mitch opened up my laptop and logged on. It was funny that he knew every single one of my passwords for everything.

"This 'epiphany'," he started, quoting his fingers in the air, "this isn't like the epiphany of when you, 6'3, seventeen year old, Scott Hoying, auditioned for High School Musical 4 is it?" He asked poking Kirstie in the side. They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Don't bully me guys! I really think we could do this. And plus that was never actually made in the end so...."

"I think it's because they were so shocked by your acting they decided that our generation was fucked! And that it would be pointless making another one of their shitty movies!" Mitch remarked, just as my mom walked in. She looked at Mitch horror present on her features.

"Mitchell Grassi! I will not hesitate to call your mother!" She exclaimed. She wasn't really angry at him. Just playing.

"Sorry ma'am." Mitch said Boeing his head. Mom walked over and ruffled his hair laughing.

"Would you guys like some snacks?" She asked.

"I think we're ok Mom." I stated and she left after kissing the top of Mitch's head and petting Kirstie's hair.

"I think she loves you more than me." I told Mitch, sitting down on the desk chair at the end of my bed. I spun around in quarter circles using my foot.

"I could interpret that in two ways, that your mom loves me more than she loves you or that your mom loves me more than you love me. I think you are wrong in both ways." Mitch said his smile shining brightly as he typed something into my laptop.

"Can you two save the love thing until I'm gone?" Kirstie asked.

"Ahh is Kirstie jealous?" Mitch asked turning to her.

"I think she is." I answered coming to a standing position, "I think Kirstie wants some love too." Mitch nodded and the two of us jumped on top of Kirstie and hugging her tightly.

"We're getting off topic." Kirstie giggled.

"Sorry, ADD." Mitch and I said together. We looked at each other and high-fived. Kirstie rolled her eyes at us.

Mitch searched for The Sing Off auditions and clicked on the first option that came up. I watched his eyes scan the page behind his glasses and his mouth slightly moving as he read through the page. He stopped on one sentence.

"Must have four to twenty members in every group." Mitch sighed his face sinking.

"Well I guess that idea's out." Kirstie commented. Her shoulders slumped forward in sadness. "You got my hopes up." She said poking me in the chest.

"When are auditions?" I asked. Mitch scanned through the page and then pointed at the bit where the auditions were. "Los Angeles 30 September. Nashville 2 October. And New York 4 October. We have time guys. I think we could find another person by then." I said.

"I don't know Scott. If you find someone, I'm up to do it but I'm not going out of my way to find someone." Kirstie said reaching out and placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I know Kirst. I'm putting this as my responsibility." I stated. I was going to make this work. I was going to find someone who would fill in and make us into a group. I could do this.

Bit of a time skip in this chapter. Hope y'all enjoyed. It was also a little bit of a filler, kind of not a filler too.


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