I'm Sorry....

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I opened my eyes as the piercing bright light invaded my vision. I nearly cried out in pain as my brain seemed to be revolving around in a hurried frenzy around my skull. I shut my eyes tightly, hoping for the pain to pass.

That's when I came to realise that I was not the only person in my bed. I could feel a head and arm on my chest and a pair of legs tangled up between mine and the sheets. Who the hell was that? I couldn't remember anything from the night before. It was all such a blur.

I slowly cracked my eyes open a little so that I could just about see the person through my eyelashes. It was a man, thank god.

Had we gone out to a club after drinking last night? Had I hooked up with a total stranger? Was I even in my own bed? Was I even in my own house? What if I was in a total strangers house? What if they tried to kidnap me?

I suddenly panicked, opening my eyes fully, my breathing becoming raged. The light burned through my eyes and into my head. God it hurt so much.

I noticed that this man had nearly black hair that was almost perfectly stiled, apart from the bits that had been played with at the back. I still couldn't see his face though and I was terrified that if I moved I'd wake him.

I also noticed that we were both only in our boxers. How far had I gone with this guy?

I now took in my surroundings. Yes, I was definitely in my house, but not in my room. It took me a while to realise where in the house we were. Mitch's room! But with no Mitch? Where was he?......

It suddenly dawned on me. The almost black hair, the tattooed arm, the short body..... Oh no! We hadn't!!! We couldn't have!!!

My breath hitched when he moved slightly, his head nuzzling into my chest even more. It was weird.... This felt almost natural. But I had to get up. I couldn't let him realise that I was here in bed with him. Not knowing how far we went last night.

I gently lifted his body, his head flopping from side to side, off of my chest. He pulled on the covers and wrapped them around his shoulders, rolling over onto his side. God he was cute!

I quickly picked up my shirt and jeans which were on the ground at the end of his bed. I crept to his side, kneeling down and gently caressing his face. He was the most beautiful person I had ever met in my life. I bent down and softly pressed a kiss against his forehead.

I turned my back and started to walk out the room when, "Scott, you can't ignore that it happened." I turned to see that Mitch had sat up in his bed, his hand on his head. He seemed completely unsurprised by the fact that I was sneaking out of his room in just my boxers, carrying a pile of my clothes.

I blinked at him unsure of how to answer. "I'm sorry..." I started but he shook his head.

"It was me. All me. Scott, we didn't do anything. We only made out." He said standing up and out of the bed.

"How do you remember, we were drunk." I whispered. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, I pulled on my shirt and watched as Mitch bent down to pick up his clothes. His boxers were hanging loosely on his waist, his back muscles working as he folded his jeans and placed them in his closet.

He shook his head at me. "I wasn't drunk Scott. I hadn't drunk that much." He blushed a deep red.

"What do you mean, you weren't drunk? We finished the bottles of champagne." I stepped closer to him, confused.

Once again Mitch shook his head. "You were too drunk to notice. I got about one quarter of the way down and stopped drinking."

"You planned this? What?" I asked my mind began to run at two hundred miles per hour.

"I planned because I thought you liked me and people only bring out their true feelings when they're drunk." He moved towards me and put his hand against my arm. I pulled away. "I thought you wanted that." He whispered.

"I did. But you show me absolutely nothing of ever liking me in that way for what--- the fourteen years we've known each other. You go off and get engaged to some guy that you don't really love. And I'm here every step of the way for you. I have never let you down not once. I have been sitting with a broken heart for eight years and only now do you notice. I loved you the moment I laid my eyes on you." My voice died away as I sat down on his bed, rubbing my face to clear my thoughts.

"Scott, that doesn't mean to say I haven't had feelings for you all this time." He whispered sitting down next to me.

"Oh yeah? Then why'd you go off and get engaged?" I asked, looking up at him, my back slouched over.

"Life goes on. I didn't think you liked me like that. So I decided to take my mind off of you. I saw you everyday, Scott. It was hard for me too. You had boyfriends too that's why I didn't think you liked me like that. I know we flirt but I never took that too seriously. It wasn't until..." He cut himself short.

"It wasn't until what, Mitch?" I asked.

"It wasn't until... Last year when we were home for Christmas. I came over to drop your presents off. I walked in naturally. Your house was like my second home when we were kids. I caught you talking to your dad in the kitchen. You were crying, it was so hard to watch without rushing in to hug you. You said something about not being able to handle it anymore. You were so in love with this guy. And then your dad chipped in saying.... If you are in love with Mitch that much than just tell him. And you said that you couldn't. It would ruin our friendship. I left after that feeling like I was invading privacy." He finished what he was saying.

"Mitch, I... I don't know what to say...." I stated. Mitch stopped and wrapped his arms around me. I relaxed into his touch, it was so comforting.

"Scott, would you do me the honour of being my boyfriend?" Mitch asked me, his face hidden in my shoulder. I held him at arms length and smiled.

"What did you say, I didn't quite catch it?" I asked. I couldn't believe my ears. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"You heard me. I've liked you for so long now. Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked biting his lip, nervous.

"I'll have to think about it....." I stated and his face dropped. His features went from smiling to absolute sadness. "I'm kidding. Of course I'll be your boyfriend."

He squealed jumping into my arms, knocking me back so I was laying down on the bed. He lifted himself up so he was hovering over me. His eyes shone brightly with the light from the window.

He bent his arms so that our foreheads were touching. "Can we... Can we kiss?" Mitch asked. I nodded biting my lip.

Mitch closed the gap between us, our lips touching. The electricity that shot through me was almost making me shiver. It felt like my lips were on fire, as they moulded together with Mitch's, perfectly.

In that moment my mind was blank apart from one thought, 'God I could get used to this.'

Heya!! Hope you enjoyed. Shits about to get serious in the next chapter. Or is it the chapter after that.... You will never know.... Well you will once I post it!!

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