Such Love in Your Eyes

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We kept our relationship quiet for a while. We didn't want the band to worry. We knew they would. It was extremely difficult though, considering now that we knew about how each other had been feeling for the last few years. I just couldn't keep my hands off of him.

When we had been together for a month Mitch and I decided it was time to tell them. We sat them all down on the couch in the studio.

"We've got something to tell you and we don't know how you'll react." I said fiddling with my hands. They were clammy with nerves. I swallowed hard trying to get rid of the lump in my throat.

"You're not leaving are you? Going off to do SuperFruit full time and concentrate on your solo careers?" Esther asked, frowning at us even though she was joking.

"No," Mitch giggled turning to look at me. He glanced down at my hand and grabbed it, interlocking our fingers. I heard them all gasp as they realised. "Scott and I have been going out for about a month now." Mitch finished smiling up at me.

"And you never thought to tell me the second you got together?" Kirstie asked shocked.

"We didn't want you to think that it was just a fling. We wanted you to know that this was going to last and not effect Pentatonix." I said.

They all looked at each other. Exchanging worried, confused and excited looks. They then all turned to us and smiled. Jonathan stood and walked towards us. Pulling us both into a firm hug. "I'm happy for the both of you, just don't bring the emotions and the troubles into my studio alright?" He warned holding both of our shoulders with a strong grip.

"Yes sir." Mitch and I said together, saluting him with our free hand. Laughing when we realised we had done the same thing at the same time.

We sat down after everyone had gotten over the news. Kevin, Avi and Jonathan getting back to work. They were trying to figure out the bass for the new song we were writing. It was quite a strange one.

Kirstie came and sat down next to us. A huge grin was plastered all over her face. "I knew this would happen one day." Kirstie commented.

"How?" Mitch and I said at the same time.

"Because it's obvious. Since the first day I met Scott, I had never seen Mitch so happy with someone. You were both so close so instantly. Then as we grew up I started to notice some things. You guys seemed to be the only ones each other would talk about. Whenever you were around Scott would get starry eyed. Whenever Scott was around you would get all flushed and lovey dovey. How did y'all not notice? It was the most obvious thing in the world." She said, smiling. She stood up and joined Esther on the other side of the room.

I turned to face Mitch, his face had turned a bright shade of crimson. "You're blushing, Mr Grassi." I whispered stroking his cheek with my thumb.

He smiled, his eyes fluttering shut as he leaned into my touch. I leaned in and quickly kissed him on the lips. He leaned in trying to get more from me but I simply stood up and walked to where Kevin and Avi were working on music. I flicked my eyes over to where he sat, looking dazed and lost, his lips pouting slightly.

I watched him walk over to join the girls as I helped the guys with the bass line. "Yeah, but that doesn't sound quite right." Avi commented as they played with the different levels.

I could feel Mitch's eyes trained on me the whole time, making it extremely hard to concentrate. I just wanted to stare right back at him. His beautiful face was enough for me. I could stare at it all day.

As time passed we still couldn't figure out the bass line. We recorded another song and started to try and arrange another. That one came together pretty easily as Kevin had a good idea of how to put it.

Before we knew it, it was one am. Kirstie, Esther and Jonathan had left leaving just us boys. Mitch's head was in my lap as we had moved back to the couch. He stared up at the ceiling, listening to us talk. His legs were flung over the arm of the couch and my hand rested on his chest, his hands playing with my fingers like a small child.

"I've got it!" Avi shouted going back to the song we were arranging earlier. The one we couldn't get the bass line for. "So we can bring it down an octave lower to Scott and then when it comes to the bridge have this huge bass drop." Avi rambled on and I listened tentatively. Kevin chipped in at points when he wanted to say his opinion.

I felt my hand go still, Mitch's heart beat was steadily tapping against it like a bongo drum. His breaths were deep and long and even. I looked down to see that he had fallen asleep, his hands on top of my hand and his head nuzzled into my lap.

I looked down at him, a smile on my face. He was possibly the cutest creature to ever walk this earth. His face looked so relaxed, his hair swept to the side. I listened to his breathing in and out. It was like laying on the beach, listening to the waves flow in and out. Peace and tranquility overcoming my body.

I suddenly realised the room had become unusually quiet. I looked up to see Avi and Kevin starring at me. They both smiled brightly. "What?" I asked, blushing slightly.

"You look at him with such love in your eyes. It's really cute." Avi said. His facial features had soften considerably in the last few minutes.

Kevin nodded along with what he was saying. "I've always noticed that you look at him differently to the way that you look at anyone else. Now do I only realise that it's love in your eyes. You love him, Scott."

"I've loved him forever, Kevin." I whispered looking back down at Mitch to check that he was still sleeping.

A silence fell over us and I decided it was time for me to leave. "I better get this little one home. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said. I lifted Mitch into my arms. His body was lighter than I expected. His arms moved around my neck as his sleeping became lighter. My arms supported him around his back and under his knees as I carried him in a bridal style fashion.

When we got home I gently placed him in my bed tucking him in. I went to walk away but his hands clasped my arm tightly. "Don't leave." He whispered in his sleep.

"I'm not leaving. Just getting changed." I whispered, pushing his hair off of his face with my free hand. He let go of me as he drifted back off to sleep.

I changed and got into my side of the bed. He immediately rolled over and cuddled into my side. I wrapped my arms around him and slowly let myself drift off into a deep sleep.

Helllllloooo!! Hope you enjoyed. Bit of a filler chapter.

The new SuperFruit with Massie Williams was everything and anything I'd ever wanted in my life.


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