Breaking Down

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The next morning I woke up with Alex sat on the ground by my bed, asleep. He must have been so uncomfortable. I could remember waking up screaming a couple times in the night and he must have come in to help me. I can remember being handed a drink of something and then feeling extremely drowsy. There must of been something in it.

I looked over to the other side of the bed and sighed, reaching out at the cold sheets. I wish he was there. I wished more than anything he was there. I slowly moved my body over and took the pillow. I wrapped my arms around it and let the smell of him fill my nose. I thought to back when I talked about the fragrant speakers. 'Smell is our strongest sense with memory.' I said to the group in the car. Mitch was snickering in his seat and Kirstie was giving me an are you serious look. 'Isn't that brilliant?' I asked. Kirstie's eyes flicked over to where Mitch was sat in front of me. They both rolled their eyes in unison and burst out laughing.

"Scott?" I heard a drowsy voice ask from the ground. I looked up wiping the stray tear from my cheek. I nodded at Alex who was awake and looking at me concerned. "Do you want coffee?" He asked. I nodded and he got up and left for Starbucks. He told me how he'd be back in ten minutes and that the others were in there rooms. He was pitying me. He didn't want me to go and off myself while he was out of the room. I did wonder why Alex was doing all of this for me. I mean we were friends, nothing more. He shouldn't care in that way. He probably didn't care, just didn't want to deal with another death.

I propped the pillow back up on Mitch's side of the bed and grabbed my laptop. I plugged in my headphones and began to scroll through Tumblr. I hadn't done this in a while. Every time I scrolled down though my eyes would flick to the search bar. I gave in to temptation and typed in scömíche. After it had loaded what seemed to be thousands of gifs and pictures popped up. People crying over his death. Saying how sad I must be and how I was now missing my other half. It frustrated me to see them sending all these pitiful posts out. The only thing I liked to see were the tribute posts. The posts that showed how many people really did care for him. The one that expressed memories from times forgotten and lost in the back of my mind. The quotes and the Twitter posts. The things that didn't really carry on in your thoughts but have never really and truly left you.

I opened a new tab and typed in YouTube. Before I knew it I was typing it in and clicking on the first video that popped up. "Hey welcome to SuperFruit the best show on the Internet. My name is Fred."

"My name is Roxie. Pouff!!! You son of a bitch!" I watched it all play out in front of my eyes. The 50 terrible celebrity impressions. They truly were terrible. Once I had watched one I had to watch another. The karaoke challenge.

"Seems like every bodies got a price."

"I wonder how you sleep at night."

"With your head in the clouds and the heh heh shoulders. And blahblahblahblah. And smile!" Came through the headphones. I couldn't seem to remember feeling that happy. It seemed like such a long time ago.

I clicked on another one. Most likely to. "And we're gonna do rhythms first. Joshua fought the battle, fought the battle of Jericho. Joshua fought the battle fought the battle, with me. Joshua fought the battle fought the battle of Jericho. Joshua fought the battle, we're gonna add the notes. Joshua fought the battle fought the battle of Jericho." As both of us burst into fits of laughter. "Imagine if I was a choir director."

"You'd be stressed." Mitch said looking up at me.

"I'd be so mean.... I'd be like Josh get off your phone. Go join jazz band if you don't want to be in choir singing right now." Mitch laughed loudly and I felt it hit me right at home. His laughter sounded so lyrical. So musical.

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