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I tapped on his shoulder, "Joe..." I was still so nervous. At this point, everyone was staring.

"Hold on, Soph," Joe turned around, "Demi..." his eyes looked at me up & down, in complete utter shock.

"Hi," I grinned, "can we talk?"

He looked at Sophie then around at everyone, "of course." I took his hand and we went to a place in the palace that is a bit quieter.

"What? How? What made you come here?"

I giggled a little, "these days I've been missing you and I.... made a mistake, Joe. The pressure got to me. The Queen and King got to me, the way they looked at me got me sick. They gave me a promotion at work because they found out I was the girl."

He sighed slightly, "I know it's rough but I still don't know why you're here if it is so hard..."

"I don't know what the future holds but I know I want to be with you. The time we had together, I had a great time. I miss you, Joe."

He smirked which became a smile, "if it wasn't obvious in the tabloids, I've been a mess without you. I want this, and I will fight everyone who gets in our way," he took my hand, "I know this royal thing is hard but I'll make it easier for you. I'll talk to my parents and have them meet you better than before."

I put my arms around his waist, "sounds good," I put my chin on his chest.

"You look absolutely beautiful tonight, as a princess," he couldn't stop staring at me.

"I have to look the part, right?" I giggled, "kiss me, Joseph."

He chuckled then he gave me a kiss on the lips with one hand on my chin.

Joe pulls away, "I guess we should get back. Can I have this dance?" 

I grinned big, I took his hand, "of course." We walked hand in hand back to the ballroom where we began to dance.

"I can't stop staring at you, you're the gorgeous one here," he whispered in my ear, making me blush.

"You have Selena to thank. She planned it all out. She found me at your recent charity event... I wasn't up for it, then I realized I missed you so I got up for it. She taught me to dance, found me a dress, and got someone to do my hair and makeup."

"Remind me to thank her later," he kept his smile on his face, "that's why there were pictures of you guys shopping..."

I giggled, "yeah. She became one of my friends, she's really sweet..."

He gave me a peck on the lips, " how is work gonna be with this?"

"I'll just tell them that I won't be the one writing the article and I don't want special treatment, I already made up my mind."

"Demi!" Selena shouted, holding hands with Prince Nick.

"Selena! No need to shout...we're in public...," Joe whispered.

"Hey, Selena!" I stopped dancing with Joe to hug her, "Hi there Prince Nick."

Nick chuckled a bit, "you must be the girl who got Joe all in his feelings. Please just call me Nick, no need to be proper."

I laughed, "well it's nice to meet you." 

"Same," Nick grinned at Joe, "I'll let you guys be. Thank you, Demi," they walk off.

"All in your feelings huh?" I smirked at Joe, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Hey," Joe chuckled, "real men can have feelings too!" 

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