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The next morning I woke up to no texts from Demi. No calls from Demi. I got out of my bed, slowly and went downstairs where Nick was sitting at the table, drinking his coffee.

"Hey, bro," Nick took his eyes off the newspaper.

"Hey...," I poured myself some coffee and ended up sitting in front of him.

"I see that Demetria has made it to the front page...," Nick chuckled. I hate how he's getting laughs from this. 

I sighed, "I don't think it's going well for her..." I looked at my coffee.

"Exactly why you shouldn't date random girls," Nick put the newspaper down, "Sophie is used to the attention."

"ExAcTlY wHy YoU sHoUlDn'T dAtE rAnDoM gIrLs," I mocked him, rolling my eyes, "when I told you about her, you were there 100%. What the fuck happened?! Demi isn't just a random girl. Besides, what was Selena? A princess undercover?" I snickered.

"No need to mock me," Nick glared.

"No NeEd To MoCk Me," I mocked again.

"Shut the hell up! Act your age!" Nick hissed, "I'm just saying that....some people aren't used to this spotlight... maybe Demi isn't ready for this..."

"No one is ready for this shit. Might as well keep banging random chicks and not marry. I'm not ready for this shit! Why does it matter?! Once your child is born, I have 0 chance to become king!" I got up from the table.

"It matters because it's our image! You look bad makes us all look bad! I know you didn't sign up for this but it is what it is, Joseph."

I shrugged it off, I took my coffee and went back to my room.

I place my mug on my table and looked at my phone.

Missed call from Demi

I instantly called her back.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey! Hi...," I tried to calm down. 

"Sorry...I haven't called back... I just... I had things going on..." she stuttered.

"It's fine," I sighed, " listen... I'm sorry about what happened yesterday... they weren't supposed to come home and I'm sorry that they were acting terribly towards you... they're just being cautious about who I bring over..."

There were silent for a minute.

"It's fine...," Demi was acting distant.

"No, it's not... I know it humiliated you... I hate that they did that to you...but I just want us to be fine..."

"We're fine, Joe," I felt like that was forced out of her mouth, "I was calling you to see if you would like to go bowling with me...and Hailey...and her date. Tonight at 7?"

I grinned to myself, "yeah, of course! I'll meet you all there."

"Alright. See you then." she hung up.


"Just give it tonight and see where your heart is...," Hailey gave me a hug. 

"I think I already know where my heart lies...," I sighed, looking out the car door window. Hailey wanted a new outfit for her date tonight. I didn't worry about what I was wearing.

We pulled into Hailey's favorite store--Barney's! We went inside and we saw Ariana looking at handbags,

"Ari!"Hailey caught her attention. We walked over to her and gave her a hug.

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