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August 13, 2038;

We were at the castle where Prince Nicholas and Princess Selena was going to make an announcement. I already knew the announcement but it is protocol to announce to the world. People were obsessed with us for some reason.

I was standing next to Nicholas and Selena as the Queen, our mother is speaking to the crowd. Nicholas leaned into me, "what do you think about a blind date this Friday?" 

We weren't really allowed to speak during these things, but Nick and I always did it quietly. 

"I think blind dates are useless," I whispered back, looking at the crowd.

"Please welcome the duke and duchess of Houston," the Queen introduced. 

"Good because I got you one this Friday night," Nick grinned and stepped onto the podium before I could even say a word.

"Joseph, stand up straight," my mother told me. I fixed my posture and watched Nick and Selena.

"Hello, people of America, Canada, the world," Prince Nicholas spoke. Nick was younger than me, but he already is married and already have his life together. He was always the one with the best speeches, but yet I was the one everyone had eyes on...

"I want to inform you all that the Duchess and I are expecting our firstborn in the next year. Princess Selena is pregnant." Nick beamed a smile at Selena. 

The crowd went wild.

I clapped for my brother. This news was going to fill the TV, the newspapers, and the magazines! 

After the announcement was over, we all went back inside our palace. The security got everyone away.

I went to my part of the palace. I was in my closet, already thinking of this blind date this Friday.

"Joseph," Nick walked into my closet, "what are you doing?" 

"Going through my closet to pick out what to wear for this dating thing Friday," I dug through my closet. 

Nick laughed, "the date is 3 days away... you have time." 

I shrugged, "Can I know more details?" I crossed my arms. Nick laughed at me once again. 

"I've been told not to give you any information," Nick picked out my outfit that I should wear Friday.

"So what if she's just using me? I'm a prince!" 

"Oh, believe me, she doesn't know anything about the date either. Hince, blind date." Nick walked out of my closet and my room.

I decided to go for a walk to clear my mind, gladly paparazzi is not allowed to bug me. 

"Joe, I mean Prince Joseph," a girl stopped me. It was my ex-girlfriend, Gigi. 

Gigi was one of my serious relationships. We dated for 3 years and I was about to propose to her. Until she decided she couldn't take the fame and the royal family. My mom and dad, Queen and King, were not fond of her. She broke it up and I was upset. I became the troublemaker. The prince that liked to party. Luckily I cleaned up my ways once Nick got married.

 Luckily I cleaned up my ways once Nick got married

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"Oh, hey Gigi..." I didn't say much, I really didn't see her.

"You look good...you shaved your head..." she pointed out. This was an awkward conversation.

"Thanks... you look good too..." I scratched my head.

"Look... I know I ended things bad and I'm sorry for that... I'm sorry for what I did to you..." she sighed. I gave her a comforting hug.

"It's okay.... we all have made mistakes." I nodded.

"Thanks," she straightened herself, "I'll see you around." she walked off, looking back at me.

" she walked off, looking back at me

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I sighed out loud. I ran back home.  I got stopped by the Queen when I walked in.

 "Where have you been?" the Queen looked at me, I notice behind her that everyone was at the table, waiting to eat dinner.

"Uh, I went to take a walk... I'll go clean up." I rushed to my bedroom and cleaned up quickly before going back down and having dinner with my family.

"I'm so ready for this blind date Friday," I whispered to Nick.

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