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I was at Sophie's house. "What's going on?" Sophie sat next to me on the couch with a cup of coffee. 

"I don't know if I can do this royalty thing...," I stared off into space. She just laughed at me. 

"Well you kinda have too," she pulled me into a hug, "what happened?"

"I lost her. Selena scared her off... Selena doesn't even know her." I told her as I felt tears come out of my eyes.

"I've never seen you act like this...How did Selena scare Demi off? Do you love her?" Sophie played with my hair.

"Selena told her not to do this...if Selena had a chance to do it all over again, she wouldn't be a princess... My parents scared her. She got frightened and called it off. I don't love her right now but I could eventually. She made me happy."

"Well, your parents can scare anyone who isn't royal. Selena had no right though... she doesn't even know her."

"Exactly but I can also tell that the media was affecting her as well... It is a hard transition..."

"I know... I just hope you'll find someone... maybe this wasn't the right time," Sophie kissed my cheek.

I just shrugged.

"Oh, my designer is here to help me with a dress for the ball. You can stay if you want," Sophie giggled.

"Nah, I'm out. Peace," I got off the couch and got my things. I drove back to the kingdom.

 I went to my bedroom. I changed into a different pair of clothes and laid on my bed, I just stayed staring at the ceiling.

Knock, knock

"Come in," I sighed aloud. 

"Hey," Selena walked in, shutting the door behind her, "we need to talk..."

"I don't feel like it." 

"I'm sorry for what I did, I shouldn't have done that... it wasn't my place and I was just looking out..."

"Looking out for who!? Her?" I sat up.

"For you. I've known you since we were kids.  I've seen you get hurt and I just wanted to make sure she's here for the right reasons. I'll talk to her."

"Don't talk to her. She made up her mind. She's hard-minded. I don't need my sister in law to talk for me." I begged.

"Fine," she sighed, "but I am sorry. So sorry."

"It's fine, Selena," I got up and hugged her.

"Can you do me a favor? Can you talk to Nick for me? He's not speaking to me..."

I sighed, "he's your husband..."

"Please?" She started crying, "he's upset at me because of you."

I groaned, I hated seeing her cry, "fine..." 

I went to Nick's room, "we need to talk. Selena is upset and it's her fault but you need to talk to your wife," I flopped onto their bed.

"How can I ever talk to her knowing that she regrets becoming a princess?" 

I rolled my eyes, "because she's your wife! If she had any total regret, she wouldn't have married you. She loves you. She adores you. I've never seen any woman care about me more than Selena cares about you."

"You'll find someone who cares about you. Thanks, that's an impressive speech you gave...,"  Nick grinned.

"Doesn't sound like it will happen. I can give good speeches but mom and dad always chose you." I shrugged.

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