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Minutes later, Hailey comes down, looking madder than ever, "I know why you were so weird around Prince Nick and Prince Joe, I thought you were my best friend. I thought we tell each other everything!" she threw a photo at me.

"Hailz, let me explain!" I followed her up to her bedroom.

"We're best friends, Demi! You hid this from me! Something this big!" Hailey pulled out her suitcase and started throwing clothes in it.

"We all! I just... I didn't want you to react the way I knew you would react! It didn't mean anything! We just hung out but we called it off before anything could happen! What are you doing?!"

She zipped up her suitcase, "I'm going to stay with my parents for a few days so I can progress my best friend in the entire world hiding things from me! I'm so mad I can't even look at you." She walked passed me, carrying her suitcase.

"Hailey!" I followed her, "don't you think you're overreacting?! I mean you're acting childish! Let's talk it over like adults!" I followed her outside.

She threw her suitcase in the car and got in, "well call me pathetic but at least I'm not a liar!" she drove off.

I couldn't believe how she was acting towards me. I didn't know she would get this mad at me. I went back inside and sat on the couch. I hated that Hailey was mad at me. I had tons of text messages from all my friends asking about the photo. I sighed out loud. I thought Joe took care of this?

I decided to ask Joe. I went through my phone and dialed him up. I couldn't believe I'm going to talk to him after days not talking to him.

It went to voicemail, "Hey Joe... I mean Hey Prince Joe... I...uh, It's Demi...I'm calling you because there is a picture leaked of us and I just thought you took care of it. Just call me back as soon as you can. I'm here at home..." I hung up and I immediately regretted it. I couldn't believe I called him after we agreed on no communication.

He called me back in just a few seconds after hanging up.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey," he cleared his amazing voice, "it's Joe." acting like he didn't know who I know it was.

"Oh, hey, Joe.... so... what are we gonna do?" I sighed.

"It's out and public there's nothing we can really do," he sighed against the phone, "I could have my family fire everyone in that magazine but that wouldn't be right..."

"Yeah," I fiddled with a piece of string, "I wouldn't want that... so it's just out there?" 

I could tell he was nodding his head, "sadly, I'm sorry... but there aren't any like risque photos so maybe--hopefully people think we're friends because we were..."

Were friends. Were friends?! I didn't even give us that much credit.

"Alright... it's fine..." I shrugged, "well I'll see you later..."

"Okay, bye," he said.

"Goodbye..." I hung up and threw my head up, looking at the ceiling. 

I texted Hailey, "please talk to me...I'm sorry..." I felt bad for what I did. I never meant to make her so mad at me.

I dialed Miley. 

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey...can you come over?" I sighed.

"Sure. Is Prince Joe going to be there?" she asked, jokingly. Great, she knows. Everyone knows!

"Ha ha ha. No. I'll see you in a bit." I hung up and waited until Miley showed up.

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