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I woke up to the smell of bacon. I noticed the bed was empty so I knew who was cooking. I got out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen where I saw Hailey and Joe talking.

"I'm not trying ketchup on my scrambled eggs! That's fucking disgusting!" Joe chuckled.

"Joseph, don't be a dweeb. Try it!" Hailey was forcing the fork in Joe's mouth.  

"Ugh!," Joe moaned as he was chewing on the scrambled egg with ketchup on it while Hailey was laughing at him.

"Well, I see you got Hailey-ed," I giggled, "good morning!" I pecked his lips and then wiped the residue of ketchup off my lips.

"He's gonna have to get used to it if he continues dating you! She loves ketchup on her eggs...and her eggs scrambled," Hailey winked.

"Oh, do ya?" Joe smirked.

"Hailey!" I felt myself turn red.

"Thanks for the breakfast!" Hailey laughed and went upstairs.

"Yeah, thank you for the breakfast," I made myself a plate and sat on top of the counter, "you didn't have to cook, you're our guest."

"I love cooking...I don't get to do it a lot..., besides," Joe got closer to me, putting his hands on my legs, "tell me more about how you like your eggs scrambled?" he smirked.

I laughed out loud, "well I like them with extra cheese..." 

"Oh?" Joe chuckled, "do you like them creamy scrambled or fluffy?" 

"Um...," I thought for a second, "the creamier, the better."

A big smile appeared on his face, "ah shit girl, you gonna get me turned on!" He starts tickling me off the counter.

"Stop!" I screamed, laughing squirming from his touch.

"Gimme that bacon, you naughty girl!" he snatched the bacon off my plate and put one end in his mouth.

"Hey!" I pouted, I put the other end in my mouth but it broke.

He started laughing, "it's not a noodle, it breaks!"

I stuck my tongue out at him and finished eating. 

Once I was done, I put the plate in the sink and he went to do dishes. "Wow, and you do the dishes! Are you my boyfriend or my maid?!"

He sprayed me with the sink sprayer, "talk shit again, I dare you!" he smirked.

"You missed a spot!" I pointed at the plate. He sprayed me again and this time I tried taking the sprayer from him which made him get wet but I never got a hold of it.

I slipped from the water on the floor. "Demi! Are you okay?!" he got down on the ground. I was already laughing my ass off.

"I'm fine, I'm okay!" I controlled myself and sat up.

"Wow Joseph, you always know how to make me wet...," I smirked.

"Do you want to feel my pants right now? You're not making this easy for me!" he chuckled.

"No, I don't!" I giggled.

"But really tho, even looking at you gets me going," he pecked my lips.

"Hey!" I pouted and pulled him into another kiss.

"I could kiss those lips all day," Joe smiled and kissed me again.

I blushed and got up from the floor where he slapped my ass, making me blush some more.

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