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It was an early Friday morning, which meant my blind date was happening tonight. I wasn't thrilled at all. I was going to find a princess on my own, I know it. I didn't like being set up by my brother.

My family was having lunch with England royalty. King Charles and Queen Camila were there, Prince William and Princess Kate were there with their little ones and Prince Harry and Princess Meaghan were there. I really got along with Harry because we grew up together.

Then there was  Sophie Turner, who is good friends with Meaghan of Sussex, also joined us. She is also one of my best friends.

It was a rule in the castle that everyone can't leave the table unless the king and queen are done. The queen, my mother, was not done, so we all sat at the table talking. I was joking with Prince Harry.

"Football outside afterward?" he asked.

I nodded my head, "it depends on what kind. Your kind of football or America football," I joked, of course, he laughed quietly.

"America Football, you booger!" he smirked. I guess he was getting kind of laugh with Meaghan slapped his hand, hinted him to be quiet.

The Queen finally finished her meal so we were all free from the table. Harry, Nick and I went to the backyard to play some football.

"Nicholas told me he's setting you up with this wonderful girl," Harry smirked, passing the ball to me.

I glared at Nick, "yeah...he's more into it than I am...for some odd reason..." I shrugged.

Harry chuckled, "It worked for Meaghan and me... it'll work for you. Besides, it's time to leave the bad boy name behind. You're not getting any older."

"Thank you, Harry!" Nick threw the ball.

"I know but I have no problem getting my own woman," I shrugged.

"Then where are they?" Nick and Harry smirked at me. Making me feel useless.

"Not here," I mumbled. I ran off and sat next to Sophie on a lawn chair.

I looked at her reading some magazine, "why are you reading those? You know the Queen hate those magazines. All gossip."

She shrugged her shoulders, "they're fun to read. Like this one. This writer is dogging your style!" she started laughing as she passed me the magazine.

"Prince Joe, Duke of Jersey?  More like Prince, Duke of no style!" I read out loud.

"Damn, this Demetria Lovato is not playing. What did I do to her!?" I chuckled. Sophie laughed out loud.

"This is why you can't find a girl! You have no style!" Sophie clapped, I rolled my eyes.

"This reminds me...I want to help you look good for your date tomorrow!!" She clapped again. I groaned out loud.

"I can dress myself, thank you..."  I sighed.

"Not well, please! Please!" she begged. I finally agreed. We were going to go tomorrow early. Sophie and the England royals left later that night. We had to do some royal stuff that night for the King and Queen.

The next day, I woke up and ate some breakfast. I got in the shower and then got dressed. I drove myself to the spot where Sophie told me to meet her.

She picked out all the suits for me to try on. I only like 2 that she picked out. "I like this one the best." she pointed.

"Me too." I nodded. I changed back to my clothes. We had lunch together where we had many laughs.

I drove home where it was time to get ready for my blind date after spending hours with my best friend, Sophie.

I fixed my hair since it was naturally curly.

"Wow, looking sharp," Nick walked in.

"Thanks..." I took a deep breath.

I grabbed my things and went to the car that the Queen let me borrow

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I grabbed my things and went to the car that the Queen let me borrow. I drove to the restaurant where Nick told me to go.

"Good luck, bro!" he texted me.

I paralleled park in front of the restaurant. I slowly got out and went inside. I followed the host to my seat. That's where I waited and waited...

I kept checking my phone for the time. She was 5 minutes late. Each time I saw a female walk in, I was hopeful but that hope kept going away when it was the girl.

5 minutes turned into 30 minutes. She never showed up. I looked like a fool waiting on something. I took a big chug of my beer then I got up.

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