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I woke up in my bed with someones arms around me. I rolled around in my bed and saw a guy sleeping in my bed! I looked under the covers and we were both naked. Shit!

"Wake up!!" I shook him to wake him up

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"Wake up!!" I shook him to wake him up. I kind of startled him.  

"What is it?" he groaned,sleepily. 

"I need you to go home. I need you to leave. I need you to forget this happened!" I pushed him off the bed.

"Ow! What the fuck!?" he dressed himself, "don't worry about me asking for more! You're a weirdo! You're just like every woman out there! Always regretting it the next day! Bye." he stomped out of my bedroom and out of my apartment.

I rubbed my head, sighing. I got up and rushed into the shower to get this gross feeling off of me. I changed into something work appropriate since I do have to work today.

I went downstairs, "how was it?" Miley grinned.

"How was what?" I rubbed my forehead, feeling hungover. 

"The sex! Since it's been forever since you got laid!" Miley grinned even more. I rolled my eyes. 

"I don't know, Mi... I was drunk and it never was meant to happen! You could have stopped me! I'm not that kind of girl." I made myself breakfast and ate it at the bar.

"Oh c'mon! This isn't your first one night stand! Stop acting like you regret it. It's been ages!" Miley went up to me.

"It's not my first but it's my last! Stop making me out like I'm some kind of whore! I'm so fucking sick of you and Hailey feeling sorry for me when I'm okay!" I glared at her.

"Well, sorry that we're worried about you. Old Demi wouldn't be this bitchy. I'll see you at work. Don't try to talk to me until New Demi fucks herself and the Old Demi is back," Miley grabbed her things and left my apartment. Once again, I was in a lonely, quiet apartment by myself.

I rolled my eyes. I finished eating and finished my hair and makeup. I went my way to work.


"Joe," Nick came into my room, I quickly closed my laptop and took my hands out of my pants, "were you doing what I think you were doing?" 

"Hm...," I quickly washed my hands in my bathroom and walked back to my bedroom, "I mean you're a man too... the only difference is that you're married so you can get some. Me, I have nobody and I can probably get some from whoever, but is that a prince thing to do? Nope." 

Nick groaned, rolling his eyes, "I'll remember to knock next time... but I have something to say." 

"When do you not have something to say to me?" I mumbled.

"I heard that," Nick groaned, "but I'm going to ignore that. Anyways, The Royal Caledonian Ball is coming up in about a month and a half...and you don't have a date. I know that you're tired of me asking about your love life and to be honest, I'm tired of asking but the King and the Queen insisted that I tell you."

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