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I stayed in my office that I didn't get for working hard but for dating a prince. The more I think about it the more it pisses me off. I miss my cubicle because I felt like I was just like everyone else but now I feel like I am getting special treatment and I hate that,

I look at pictures of Joe and me on my phone.

I look at pictures of Joe and me on my phone

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I sighed out loud, not knowing what to do. Why is this so complicated?! I logged into my computer and googled some things for my article. I was the trending topic on Google! 

I obviously clicked my name.


"Oh my God!" I closed the window. I think I made my decision. I texted Joe.

Hey. Can we meet at Starbucks by my work on my break?


Good. I'll meet you in 30 minutes.

I hate to do this to him but it's not fair to drag it on with him if I'm unhappy. He deserves to be happy.

I called Hailey and told her what I was doing. She didn't like it but she understands why I had to do it. I did some work in those 30 minutes even though all I was thinking was Joe.

30 mins came up and I drove to Starbucks to meet Joe.

I walked in and immediately saw Joe. He was looking good. 

I walk over to his table and his smile disappeared, "hey

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I walk over to his table and his smile disappeared, "hey..."

"Hey. I got you a mocha frap," he handed me my drink.

"Thanks," I sat in the chair, playing with my purse strap, "we need to talk..."

"I already know what you're going to say...and to let you know, I don't want this," he sighed.

"It's just not fair... I'm not happy and I don't want to make you miserable... I liked you a lot..."

"I liked you a lot too. Something changed... It was after you were at my palace. What did they say to you? They're just protective... they'll warm-up."

"It's just... it hurts what she said... I can't be that... I can't be that princess."

"Who's she?" he looked me dead in the eye.

I didn't reply.

"Who's she, Demi? The Queen? Was it Selena?" 

I still didn't respond.

"It was Selena. Fuck. What did she say?"

"I have to go... I'm sorry...," I stood up from my seat. I kissed his cheek and left the shop, feeling some regret and some relief.


I was in a rage. I stood up from my seat and stormed to my driver. "Take me home." I got in and he drove me back to the palace. I've never felt this much rage.

Once the driver stopped the car in front of the palace, I got out and rushed inside. I ran into Nick in the greeting room. "Where's Selena?" I glared at him.

"She's getting a massage upstairs. Why?" Nick asked.

I walked past him and stomped to the spa room. Nick followed me there. 

I barged into the room. "You little bitch!"

"Joseph!" Nick grabbed onto my arm and I yanked it off.

"Excuse me?" Selena sat up from the chair.

"What did you say to Demi?" I crossed my arms.

"Why? Did she say anything?" 

"She broke up with me."

"Haha, a girl...breaking up with you!" Nick chuckled and I gave him a glare.

Selena sighed, "I just asked her what she's doing with you... to make sure she isn't using you."

"Fucking bullshit! What did you say?!"

"Well I did ask her that but then," Selena groaned, "I told her she was making a mistake because I wish I could go back to being normal...," she glanced at Nick.

Nick shook his head and looked away.

"I told her to walk away while she could because she doesn't want to be royal." Selena looked down.

"Selena..." I looked down at my feet.

"She's not the one for you, Joe... There are other girls out there."

"She was the one for me. There are other girls out there, but they only want me because of my title. Demi wanted me for me. You ruined that." I left the room and went to my bedroom.

I dialed up Sophie. "Hey... I need some fuck... I'm frustrated."

"Alright, come on over," she said. I hung up and I got my things and drove to her house.

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