Throwing salt in my game

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*Walking up to my locker and putting the combination in I notice a piece of cloth sticking out of it. I pull it out and its a red velvet thong in my damn locker and attached to it is a note. The note reads: Roses are red Violets are blue my ass is cold come warm it up boo! xxx A. Placing them in my pocket up walks Andria.

(She kisses the back of my neck) "Hey you ready to go?" she says

"Yeah" I say in a mystic undertone

"What's wrong? am I doing too much too soon? I'll tone it down I'm sorry", she nervously says to me

"It's not you, its..."

*Before I could finish my sentence Amy and Nikki walks by and Nikki winks at me same time Andria catches the wink as well and this is when it goes down hill*

"Who's she? she questions

"I don't really know just met her today. She is nothing and I think we should go before we miss the bus boo" I say to change the subject

"Well let's go!" she closes the conversation

*We start to walk out the building and wait for the bus. As we get on I allow her to pay first and then I pay and out the corner of my eye I see hair flying and I turn to look and its Nikki running to catch the bus. Immediately I tell the bus driver there trying to beat me up and he closes the door and hauls ass and nothing but it. Going to sit in my seat I make faces at Nikki and watch her face drop (was not about to go through that again)*

"I saw that", Andria points out

"Saw what? You didn't see nothing!, I say playfully and begin to tickle her

*Twenty minutes later we arrive at our stop and I watch her get off. As we are walking up the hill to our houses she interlock her fingers with mine and i turn to her*

"P.D.A? Really? It's like that already?", I ask Andria

(she giggles) "I mean I really like you so I don't just happened!" she looks at me and blushes

"It's alright, we just cant do it around my parents because she would freak if she knew!" I caution her

"Your parents don't know? Mine do!!" She shares with me

"Well my parents are from the "Old Skool" so asswoopens come freely when that subject is at hand but, maybe one day they will know", I tell her

"Maybe one day sooner", she lets my hand free and says

*We make it to the top of the hill in plain view of our homes and she lays one on me. I quickly push her off me and she falls. Had it been a minute sooner I would not have mined but now it was in front of everyone what the hell was she thinking?

"Oh, Andria! I'm so caught me off guard...I didn't mean...", I try explaining

"It's OK...I'm sorry...", she says

*I help her up and brush her off then hug her and we depart*

(entering my home)

"BIANCA!!!!!", Mother hang up yells

"YES? dammit!", I whisper back

*She runs down the stairs and grabs my black label shirt and I drop my book bag*

"What the hell was that I saw?", she questioned

"Huh? What are you talking about mom?", I respond hoping she didn't see the kiss

"You kissing GIRLS now?", she asks

(DAMN, so much for that) "No mom, OK you didn't see what you thought you saw!", I told her

"Well what the hell did I see? because I'm no fool!", she says

"You seen her, trip and fall on me! Didn't you see me helping her up and dusting her off? Come on now mom! Really? I'm not gay!", I lie and see if she buys it

"Mmm hmm, well get up stairs dinner is almost ready!, she looks in wonder and walks off

(Whew, for a minute I felt like "Ralphie" from a Christmas story when he dropped the F-Bomb and was waiting for his dad to come home)

"OK", I reply

*I run upstairs and turn on the radio...then I text Andria to tell her what happened and the door bell rings!*

"Now just who the hell is this?", I wonder and look out the window

*I crack my door and try to listen to the conversation*

"OH MY GOD!!! Hey Candice girl I haven't seen you in forever!" my mom says

"Hey, I told you I would find you girl! Soror's always stick together then she did some annoying ass screech noise and my lame as mommy joins in the party

"Oh my word is that Nichole? I haven't seen her since she was twelve look how much shes grown and shes beautiful!" my mom says

(If your thinking what I think your thinking then you've thought right! Here we go!)

"So girl how long you in town?" my nosey as mom ask

"Oh, we live here girl, about a block or so over", Candice says

"Oh Nichole you have to see Bianca, You all haven't see each other in years", mom says

*My mom calls my name and I walk down the stairs to the living room and..*

"Bianca do you remember Mrs.Candice?", she says

"Hi Mrs.Candice how are you?", I ask

"And her daughter Nichole, you two used to play when you were little", she shares with me

*I look up from changing my I-pod to extend my hand when I notice its Nikki's ass and the only thought that came to my mind was...this bitch!*

"Hi Bianca, nice to see you again", she puts on a fake smile and extends her hand out for me to shake

*Next thing I know a "Jamie Foxx Show" moment hit me and i shoved my hand in her face along with a screeching "RRRRR" and I ran upstairs. My mom called me and called me but I never came back down. She then invited them for dinner and I had to text Andria*

"Yo, dria! Guess who is in my house?", I text hoping she will hurry and text back

"Who babe", She replies

"The chick that winked at me in the hallway", I tell her and as I'm texting her I didn't know that banana cream pie's ass was making her way up to my room since my mom is so friendly like that


"WHAT??? what is she doing there?", she replied back

"She's at my door, I'll brb", I texted back to her

"What?? No! what she want?", she text

*I close my phone and shove it under my books in my bag and open my door. She stands there and ask*

May I come in?

*OK....OK...This is kind of long sorry but its just some stuff you have to share! Chapt. 10 in the making! You think she will let her in or no?

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