The biggest mistake

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Ugh! What am I still doing here? I start to collect myself and gather my things to leave for my house. I so hate my world right now! Why me? Peeking out the door to see if anyone is around, I hurry up and run out of the building to catch the city bus. Running and covering my behind I make the bus in the nick of time. This has to be the worst feeling of all time. It smells like pee-pee and liquor mixed with way too many perfumes.

"Ooo what cha say, what…what…what…what…what did cha say," who is this calling me?

Taking my phone out my book bag I see it's my mom so I answer.

"Hey Ma," I say in a mellow tone.

"Hey Baby. I know you're in class but, I'm calling to say that when you get home we may not be here and the new neighbors are moving in so YOU WILL MEET THEM!" she demanded me.

"Awe, Come on Man!" I said back to her.

"Bianca, I don't want to hear it so get back to work and see you later OK?" she replied.

"But mom I'm…," and before I could get it out she hung up on me.

"On my way home!" I finished saying. Oh great! Now I'll be home alone yet again.

Finally arriving to the empty house I run up the driveway, kiss my Range Rover and open the door.

"MOM," I yell knowing their not home but, thought I'd make sure.

Opening the door to my huge luxurious room, I take my shower and put some clean clothes on. I feel so much better now. I think I had a pretty OK day today I mean I got my classes, kicked some ass, talked to the mystery girl and now I'm all alone!

"Knock…Knock…Knock," Ugh… who in the hell is this?

I take a min to roll over and then go downstairs to see who's breaking my peace of mind.

"Knock…Knock," Alright I'm here! I yell annoyed as ever and then I peek out the window only to see…Andria.

"OH SHIT! It's her! They're the new neighbors? Oh no…no…no I run upstairs not knowing what else to do but shut and lock my bedroom door. My heart was racing a million miles per minute. What is it with this chick?

"Ooo what cha say, what…what…what…what…what did cha say," my phone began to go off and it's my mom…AGAIN! Out of breath I answer the phone.

"Yeah," I try and get out to her.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you that the neighbor's daughter maybe coming by to get school help from you later on. Since both of you go to the same school and you know it all, I told her mother you'll be more than happy to help her!" she said as though she was smiling.

"Ma you can't just…" I tried to finish my argument but, she hung up on me which is becoming a problem.

Staring into outer space I ran back downstairs to see if she was there but, she was gone. This has been a crazy day man…wait…why did she leave school and school isn't even out yet? Hmm…well…I'm hungry and don't feel like cooking so I'll just get me some Chick-fil-A.

I run back upstairs (yes, I'm getting good exercise today on my Stair-master lol get it? Because of the stairs! Nvm) to change clothes because I'm leaving for the outside world and appearance is everything (my parents made me this way).

Going into my walk-in closet I put on my baggy Ed Hardy jeans with a black Tee and my black Jay's. I pull my hair out of the ponytail and let it hang straight (people rarely see me with it down but, they dig it!) and throw my A-hat to the back and leave.

Locking the door behind me, I grab the keys to the forbidden Range Rover that I'm not suppose to drive until my license come but, I figured Andria might see me and want to ride…Ha…Haaa OH YEAH!

I press the red button to unlock the car door and I hop in. I adjust my mirrors and the steering wheel so I can cruise for a minute…well imaginary cruise real quick before my test drive.

(Interpersonal moment) "Yeah this is my car girl. You can come ride with me ANYTIME because you my baby Andria. Ha… Ha girl stop you know I like it when you play in my hair," OK?? Time to go!

I click the garage button to life the door, crank up the Rover, turn the radio station to V-103 and start riding out real slow and gangsta like.

"Ooo what cha say, what…what…what…what…what did cha say," UGH! Man come on your messing up my vibe. I look at my phone and see it's a number I never seen before so I ignore it and get back to swag-laxing.

I creep all the way to the end of the drive way and look both ways to see if I seen her but, unfortunately I didn't so sadly I drove off. While driving off something blinded me from a distance and I glanced up to see what it was and seen Andria sitting alone writing in her upstairs bedroom window. Her watch that she was wearing damn near blinded me. Wow, I hope she seen me.

I got my food and hurried home, parked my baby back where I found her and unlocked my house door. I wiped the car keys off free from fingerprints and headed to my room to eat my food.

Mid way through my Cookies-n-Cream milk shake my phone goes off again, "Ooo what cha say, what…what…what…what…what did cha say," dang man people been blowing me up today I said to myself. I looked at my phone and it was the same number from earlier so to stop them from calling me anymore I finally answer it.

Hello...Hello? I said into the phone but, I felt as though I was talking to myself.

Hello? I said again and all I got back was breathing so as I began to hang up the voice said

"My mom gave me your number from your mom."

Looking so confused I asked who it was I was speaking to (well I tried to say that but, having a mouth full of shake makes it sound like slurred alien talk) and the soft spoken person hesitated to respond so I asked again and now I was becoming annoyed.

"Who is this?" I asked the person

"…It's Andria," she replied and I dropped my phone!


*Want to know what's going to happen next??? Stay Tuned!!* XOxo…Bamz

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