Bringing home baby

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(So, it's been two weeks of me going to visit Andria at the hospital and today is suppose to be the day of her coming home. It's been a little lonely around the school without her but, I'm happy now)

(Incoming text)

Hey you!

Hey sexy what's the news?

I can finally leave!!!

Yay, Well may I do thee honors and come to get thee fair maiden?

Sure baby, I'll be waiting

Ok see you in a minute

k bye

*I turn off Mortal Kombat and grab my backpack so I can go and get my baby. I grab my car keys and leave to head for the hospital but, not without noticing I need some gas so let me hit the QT. Arriving at the gas station I go pay and grab a couple slushies*

"Hey, Bambi!," A familiar voice of a girl echoes from the passenger side of a car. I turn and see that it's Laylani, then she gets out

"Hey how are you?," I ask her and she comes to hug me

"I'm great! Were headed to the park," she says as she's eying me

"Oh OK cool," I tell her

"You look cute today, What's the occasion?," she asks

"Going to get my girl from the hospital they letting her come home today," I tell her proudly

"Oh...Your girl...Well, I'm glad she's OK...Guess I'll see you around then," she says and slowly turns to go then I grab her hand and she turns and stares at me

"Are you ok?," I ask her

"Yeah, sure!," she says and kisses my cheek then walks away

*I jump back in my car and drive off, getting almost out the lot i hear a loud SNAP and notice I left the damn gas pump in my tank and ripped the whole thing off. I jump out to check my car then the line and I put the end piece on top of the pump, jump back in my ride and go (a niga moment). Pulling up to the hospital I see my baby all smiles sitting in her little wheel chair waiting on me so I get out and help her in so we can go. I hug her tightly and I pull off*

"Oh, my gosh babe I missed you so much, uhh hospital food is for rats im so hungry!, she says and lays her head back on the seat

"What you wanna eat? What you have a taste for?," I ask her

"You!," she says

"Look at chu little freak, who done turned my baby out? You just a nasty," I tell her in my Mr. Brown voice and she laughs

"Baby I want a huge Philly cheese steak with the greasy stinky onions and mushroomsMmmm,"she says as she starts to drool like Homer Simpson looking at doughnuts

"ONIONS babe? Ewll you not kissing me no more!," I say jokingly to her

"Oh really? she leans over to me and start planting kisses on my cheek, neck and lips," now what you say?

"Come on man don't be bad baby," I tell her and laugh

"What's that sent your wearing? You wearing perfume now wow how long was I gone for?," she says

"No, that's from Lay...Laylani," I tell her

"Laylani?," she says

"Yes Laylani I ran into her at QT before I came to get you and she hugged me that's why I'msmelling like a fairy princess," i tell her

"Oh, Laylaaaaaaaniiiii," she says as if we're in grade school and I gotta crush on her

"You like her don't you?," she looks and ask me

"Huh? What?," I say

"Yeah you like her babe!," she smiles and say

"Yo, I don't even be talking to that girl!," I tell her

(Pulling up to wings and Philly)

"I'll be right back let me go get your food mama", I say and go in to get her food

(Today would be the day I get a text from vibrates and Dria looks at me then at my phone and opens it. The message reads)

678-555-5555: Hey cutie its Laylani! Got your number from Tae, Your taking too long to hit me up so I will. I think we should chill soon, I have something to talk to you about and don't worry it's not bad! Hugs and kisses Mmm bye!

"OMG REALLY?," Andria says to herself and puts my phone back

*Running out the place with the food I put it in the back seat and we drive off*

"Hey, You OK?," I look at Dria with her arms folded

"Yes, I'm fine just fine," she says and kisses me deeply while I'm trying to focus on the road

"Mmmm Daaaaaaaamn what was that for baby? I need to get your food more often," I tell her

"You wouldn't leave me would you?," she asks

"Where this coming from? You OK? No, I'm not going anywhere!," I tell her

"Just...I know it's other girls out there and I don't want them taking you from me," she says

*Arriving at my home. No, babe I'm all team Dria I say and kiss her forehead, grab the food and walk to open her door. I help her out and walk her over to her home and up to her room after I say hello to her momz*

"Hey tomorrow I have a surprise for you," I smile and tell her

"You do baby?," she leans in and kisses my lips

"Yeah, so let's eat then I have to go home and hit the bed, get some rest gotta big day ahead of me

*I put her bag in her closet for her and lay her comfy in the bed, I unwrap her food and fix it on her lap so she can eat and set the t.v for her and we eat. The whole while I'm thinking of tomorrow and I'm so nervous about this move but, It's time! We eat and shedrifts off to sleep, I kiss her lips and throw her trash away. Cutting her t.v off I tuck her in and close her door to head home*


Chapter 22 coming soon! WHAT IS THE BIG DAY???? What's the deal on Laylani thought she was with Tae and what she got up her sleeve? I'm thinking about stopping at chapt. 25 ending this story and maybe making Falling 4 Her: Junior Year! idk yet, let me know what you think! Thx for supporting I <3 you guys (well women lol)

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