Oh no, She knows!

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(Arriving at the hospital with all these bows on me)

*I get to the visitor desk and the lady already had her hand out with my name on my pass (think I come here too much? lol) so I grab it and go up to see Andria. She's getting a little better now. She can sit up, not for a long time but, her eyes stay open now. She looks at me and makes this confused scrunched up face and I laugh at her and she smiles*

"I know your wondering why I look like a clown right?," I tell her

*she tries and give me the north south head nod*

"Ok, so your friend Morgan and her girls were selling these bows to raise money for you and to show how much they care and are sorry for what happened and baby damn near the whole school was covered in these bows," I tell her and she smiles a little

"It was a hard day for me because people kept coming up to me telling me they sorry and giving me bows I almost cried a bunch of times but, I went off in my computer class I just couldn't take it man like why you?," I go on talking to her and I put a bow in her hair

*I take my shoes off and lay in bed beside her and start to show her pictures of people and their bows around school and she smiles, then I noticed a tear run down her face*

"What's the matter babe?," I ask her as I wipe her cheek

*she looks behind her an grabs a note pad and a pen and starts to write*

"I'm in so much pain!," she slowly writes

"Aww bay it will get better I mean you already making progress though so you don't have nothing toworry about plus, I'm going to be here everyday to bug and bother you so...," I tell her and she smiles

"I love you so much baby and thank you for not leaving me! Kept your promise huh? I could hear you," she wrote to me. I didn't know she was conscious then

"Yeah, I'll never break a promise that big and I love you too," I tell her

"These meds have me drowsy, I don't want you to go but, I'm about to nap OK," She writes

"That's OK baby get your rest. I need to run by the house anyway mom should be home today," I tell her and we get a knock on the door

"Come in," she writes and smiles

"Come in," I say smiling and looking at her silly ass

*In walks Laylani, Tae and Bana (I mean) Nikki Bozo looking ass and in their hands are flowers and cards and other things*

"How is she?," Laylani ask me and I stall to give her an answer

"She's um...Getting alot better!," I tell her

"I came to bring her some flowers and to check on her also," Nikki says and Andria makes frown lines appear on her face

"Baby, it's OK! I'll be back after class tomorrow," I tell her and give her kissy face

*Nikki puts her hands on my chest holding me back from leaving*

"Hol...where you going?," she ask me as if she's my mother

"Um...I'm going home Gibby lips! I'm not like you I can't just go in the wilderness and become one amongst that kind, cuse me," I say and push her aside

*Andria holds up a huge, bold "LOL", on her note pad and I laugh. They stay with her and talk to her for a couple of minutes before she get ready to fall off to sleep. I make it out the hospital and go to my car to head home. Getting ready to pull off I hear Frank Ski talking about what happened at our school so I turn it up. This time they release Andria's name as the other victim who was in critical condition and that Mr. X took his own life. He also mentioned that the police went to his home and found a note and other evidence they may believe drove him to do what he did but, they can't disclose that information at the moment. A tidal wave of emotions from that day just hits me as I arrive at my home*

(Getting out and entering my home)

"Oh my gosh I heard what happened at school are you OK?." Mother hang up says with her arms out coming towards me to suffocate me

"Yeah, I'm ok," I say as I'm trying to inhale

"Where you coming from so late?," she ask

"The hospital! My girl...," I heard myself say the words and I wished to take them back and my heart hit the bottom of my stomach, then I closed my eyes in hope she didn't hear that last word

"Your what?," she asked me while letting her grip go 

"Hmm? How was your trip?," I ask her and I try to scramble upstairs

"No, You get down here! Your what," she ask

(Aww shit here we go! Coming out time Part 1 Mother vs Daughter and...Action)

"I said uhh...My GIRL who's a friend and goes to my school is in the hospital she umm she got shot!," I tell her and she sits so I follow suit

"You think I don't know what's going on?," she looks at me and says in a mellow tone

"(my dumbass looks around) Yeah, Mom! I'm pretty sure you know what's going on else you wouldn't be here! It's all over the news AND...AND now the radio," I say to her

"No! I mean about you and that young lady!," she says and my heart beats so fast I'm getting light headed

"What do you mean?," I ask wishing this day will end

"I seen you. The day you two kissed. I'm your mother for a reasonand what I don't understand is why you didn't come and talk to me if you were having these feelings? Regardless I'm your mother and I love you through what ever I don't care who you love I'm just happy if your lucky enough to actually find it and know your in it, lesbian or not! Truthfully I always knew you had something towards females. You would never wear dresses to church nor on Easter even when I got you the cute little ruffle socks aww you were so adorable!," she brings up the painful past

"MOM!," I say turning red

"WHAT? You were! Then minutes after you left my sight you tore the dress off and put those stupid levi's on uhh. What I'm saying is this...Love who ever you want to love I support you. I don't support you keeping this from me I tried to wait til you came to me and told me but, you were taking too long. I love you and I;m here if you need me this may take me a little more time to really believe and accept it fully but, for now its OK.

"Wow, went better than I expected and Im so glad its over with and she knows now, I say to myself and exhale a sigh of relief

*I get washed up and get my lap top to do this final thing before i head off to sleep . I go to my browser and type in: www.yahoo.com, i wait for the page to upload and I wonder how Andria is? Is she well taken care of? What REALLY happens when i leave? Is she crying and wanting me there, then my page pops up. I go to the search bar and type in: Engagement Rings and wait for my page to upload*


Wow! really could it be marriage in the future? Did you feel the same way Bamz did whey YOU had to come out to your folks? I didn't my mom said she already knew and was waiting for me to tell her (mmm hmm mom lol) my sis actually told her but it worked out because she's OK with it her and my dad and a couple others but there's fam that don't know and may never know, who knows? (my moment chapt 21 in progress Thx

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