The Finale

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(Incoming text)

wake up!!!! last day of school woo woooo


get up baby time for school, whats the colors?

uhh, white and grey

ok see you at school love you mwah


"Oh shit!," I say to myself

*I jump up and see that I didn't even finish the damn paper uhh. I send it to my memory card so I can type it on my phone before I get to school. I go wash up, brush my face and wash my teeth...wait... wash my face and brush my teeth, then I throw on my white tee, grey sweats, grey Jay's and my white fitted and leave out the door. I make it to the bus stop right when the bus was pulling up*

"Awww babe look at your hair!," Dria says playing in it

"Yeah, I did it for you!," I say to her trying to concentrate on writing the last paragraph on my paper

"It's cute I like it," she says and kisses me

"Thank you babe!," I reply

*Thankfully I managed to finish and I ran to the library to print it out and turn it in. I go to my home room and we are all instructed to go to our lockers and clean them out then turn in our locks afterwards. You know how WE do, we started a soul train line and it was papers and stuff everywhere, nobody really caring about cleaning we just having fun, happy its the last damn day time for SUMMER VACATIONNNNN SUMMER VACATIONNNN BA CHICKA BA. My baby Dria comes from her hall down to mine and gives me a kiss and runs back to go clean but, I caught the back of that ass pocket and brought her back to give her a long passionate kiss and she kicks her leg up*

(Everybody: OoooooOoooo)

"Y'all shut up," I laugh

"Mmm you keep kissing me like that and your gonna get yourself in trouble," Dria says

"Mmm nothing wrong with that," I smack her on the ass and she walks away

*Jamal and Tasha both run up to me same time asking how it went so as I was cleaning I told them all of what happened when this dude bumps into me and gives me a dirty look*

"Aye, Bro you wanna watch where you going?," I say frowning

"My fault I didn't see yo little ass!," he says

"My little ass? Da fuck? Bro YOU DON'T KNOW ME!," I say in my Kevin Hart stance

"Yeah what ever just stay away!," he says and walks away

*I look at Jamal and Tasha...stay away? stay away from what?*

"Yo that niga got probs," Jamal says

"Yeah, so finish telling us what happened," Tasha say

*I finish telling them the story and then the bell rings and we have to leave. We all dap at the same time (lol- is that considered a 3 sum?) and they congrad me on the weekend then I thank them and leave. Pretty much we did nothing in none of my damn classes I am just ready for lurnch (Madea voice) im leaving to go get lemon pepper wings. First-Third classes we just clowned and talked about stuff over the year and got our final grades and of course I have 3 A's so far Woo Woooo and now its LURNCH time!*

(Incoming text)

baby you still leaving?

yes I was just about to text you, you wanna come with?

sure i'll come


*I wait by my locker, well my old locker for her and I feel these hands cover my eyes*

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