Hardest school day so far...

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(School was closed yesterday because of the incident but, they re-opened it today...on the bus to school)

"Hey Bamz um...I'm sorry about what happened to Andria. Hope she on man!," Jamal comes to the back of the bus to tell me

"She'll get better soon I just know it but, thank you," I tell him

"No problem," he dap me and leaves

(Arriving at school)

"BOWS FOR LOVE...BOWS FOR LOVE...SHOW LOVE TO ANDRIA," girls are yelling out so I go over to see what's going on

"Hey what's this?," I ask

*A girl steps out from the back*

"I know you! Your Bianca Andria's girl!," she tells me

"Um...Yeah who are you and what's this?," I ask her

"Well my name is Morgan and we are good friends of Dria. I'm her lab partner she talks about you all the time. Anywho we are selling these bows for a dollar to raise money to give to Andria to help her out and show her that we care about her," she explains and tears run down my face

"That's cool!," I say and turn to see how many people actually are buying them. Some people have four or more bows. I feel a tug at my head and I swat at the motion and hit Morgan's hand.

"Ouch! I was just giving you a free bow," she says

"I'm so sorry. Just...on edge right now!," I tell her and kiss her hand

"It's ok I understand! But, since your her girl you get a free one!," Morgan tells me

"Thanks! I really do think what you guys are doing is very cool. I want to buy twenty!," I tell Morgan

"TWENTY?," One of the other girls yelled as if she never counted to twenty a day in her life

"Yes, TWENTY," I laugh and say and everyone else laugh including her

*I give her the twenty dollar bill and recieve my bows then head to class. While in class I start braiding my hair in singles and placing bows on the ends. About two people came up to me and put some of their bows on me and saying sorry about Andria. The P.A comes on and its the principal telling us about the incident and she's crying because he was her family and letting us know about Andria and if people want to show love to buy a bow or donate if they like and the up and coming memorial service for Amy that will be held in the gym. I start taking pics of people in class who are wearing bows. I do my art sculpture and place it on the back window and leave for my next class. While I'm walking the halls I have people get together and take pictures of them in their bows. I hop in a couple of the pictures myself and think I may make a collage for her so she can see what happened when she wasn't here*

"Aye Bamz," A voice says from behind me and I turn around

"Yeah?," It's Tae, the chick from the mall. Laylani's girl

"Just wanted to let you know how sorry I am about what happened to your girl and I know its hard but, if you wanna talk I'll listen," she says and hands me her number

"Ok, Thanks," I say as I notice her whole right arm is covered in bows

"No problem," she says

"Hey you mind if I can get a picture of your arm? It's something I'm going to do for Andria," I say

"Sure!," she says and poses on the wall

"Thanks," I laugh. I didn't know you went here

"Yeah, next year my last year thank the lord!," she says

"I know you happy man I wish I was almost done," I say

"You'll get there just do what you gotta do and when you finally leave you'll be wishing to go back," she says

"Yeah, prob. well I'm a leave I'll get at you later," I tell her

"Alright," and she walks off

*I go through out the day of people pinning bows on me to people telling me how they feel about Andria so today has been an emotional day for me. Fastfoward to my last class.*

"Hello class! Due to...certain recent events I will be your subsitute for today. My name is Mrs. Quan," She says to the class

*The whole room becomes silent and no one is even looking at nothing but the computer screen*

"Um...I know some of you maybe feeling sad or lost about what happened and I don't have any lesson plans so you can feel free to get it off your chest," she says waiting for silence to break

"He shot my FUCKING girlfriend!," I say as I get up in rage and throw my book

*Nikki looks at me like she's scared and grabs my hand to sit me back down. I snatch away from her and continue to get stuff off my chest*

"Nobody else want to say SHIT I WILL! This dude was bipolar or something because outside the school he was cool, he was normal but in here her was all over the place and out the blue he wants to shoot up a school? Not only a school but, the one thing that means something to ME? Then I'm just suppose to deal WITH IT? FUCK THAT! FUCK THIS SCHOOL! FUCK THE NEWS! FUCK MR.X I'M GLAD HE GOT WHAT WAS COMING TO HIM!," I become so angry I just fall to the floor and cry and scream and kick.

(Ten minutes later)

*Mrs Quan gets up from her chair in tears and comes to hold me and hug me. My whole body is dead and I can't hold myself up. I continue to cry on her and other people come and hug me and before you know it the whole class is around us and for a second there I feel loved! I manage to get myself together and the bell rings*

"Hold up y'all," I say to everyone

*Everyone stops* (betta had, lol)

"Just want to let y'all know that I appreciate what everybody has done today and all of your friends. Today has been hard for me but, I really do see how many of y'all actually care. I don't know a great deal of you but you supported anyway and that speaks big of you! Now, I'm going to let y'all go and catch the bus because my range only fits 5," I say to them and they laugh and leave and so do I. I grab my book bag and put it in the back seat then someone taps me...It's my bus driver and she has bows on her too. She hugs me and tells me it will get better and I tell her Thank You and I leave to go to the hospital!


Chapter 20. Bamz is becoming more and more attached to Andria and has started thinking about making a big step but, don't know if the time is right? Don't want to jump into it because of what happened but, it makes a whole lot of sense.

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