Who is this Bitch?

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*woo MAN! Sitting in the lunch room I decide to text Andria to see what's up!*

"Hey you!", I text to her

"Hey! did you make it to lunch OK? nobody caught you did they?", she asked

"No, nobody said anything. I'm here now bout to go to my next class and head home! u?",I texted back

"I'm the same way! Only thing is I think that teacher is next to my class!", she said

"Awe damn! Hope she doesn't see you and say anything to you. She old she probably forgot about the whole thing!", I reply

"Yeah your probably right lol. Well hey can I ride home with you?", she asks me

"That's cool only thing I'm on the bus since I'm grounded and all I can't drive my car so...", I inform her

"That's fine! I'll meet you at your locker after last class OK? I got to go we have a group assignment uhhh don't like this :)", She replied

"OK see you then and It'll get better :)" I tell her

*I put my phone away and try and pay attention in class. I don't like math at all man I can't stand this shit! The bell rings and I run to class. On my way running to computer class I bump into the old lady who seen me and she grabs me!*

"There is no running in the halls!, she says to me while grabbing my collar

"OK Mrs. It'll never happen again! I'm just so EAGER to get to class and LEARN!, I lie straght to her face and say hoping she forgot who I REALLY was

"That's more like it, she loosen her grip and lets me go to class

"Crazy broad!, I say to myself

*Entering the air conditioned computer class I grab a seat in the far back. Since we had a sub on the day I came to class he wanted me to introduce myself to the class! Boring! I hesitate to get up, then I finally stand and say...*

"Hi! My name is Bambi. I'm in the tenth grade...I'm 16...I'm bout the coolest chick you gonna ever meet and I suggest everyone befriend me because I know all the shit...I mean... all the cool stuff that goes on! I also like to draw...dance...and do other cool shi...stuff too!"

*The class started to rumble in laughter and as I sat back down a girl named Nikki started to talk to me*

Hi there! I'm Nichole but, everyone knows me as Nikki, she said to me

Whats up you already know who I am so... yeah!, I replied not really caring to meet her because Andria is floating heavenly on my mind

You know, you have some long and pretty hair, she runs her fingers through it

um... whoa don't do that! Please don't, I grab her hand and place it back on her side

*She smiles at me and turns away. The teacher starts to talk...*

ALRIGHT DAMMIT! (he bangs on the desk) My name is Mr. Javier and over the coarse of this semester I'm going to teach you all how to write perfect resumes, create cover letters, learn how to format a business letter and so on and so forth. Now, I've had a long and rough vacation So! today were just going to work on typing. With that being said, can you all please turn to page twelve and do exercise 1 through 3 and print it out once your done. You can place it on my desk in this assignment bin and your free to go and if you'll excuse me I'm going home I am not up for this shit today! Only thing I ask is that you all act as if you have sense and keep the noise level down! Thank You!

*Mr. X took his hung over ass home and we all started to talk and do our work. I turn to open my book and do my assignment. I have an advantage because I already know how to type so this is cake for me*

Sooo...Bambi! Are you single? Nikki asks

Uhhh...Yes I am and I'm already interested in someone else!" I tell her

Is that so? So you wouldn't talk to me like that? You don't think I'm pretty?, she looks over at me and asks

Man! I'm never going to get done! Not to be mean but, your pretty OK and right now I'm just trying to do my work and leave!" I say getting annoyed by her

Hey! why don't you leave her alone Nikki she don't want your tired ass, a white chick next to me named Amy says to Nikki

Stay out of it Amy, no one was talking to you!, she snaps at Amy

Yeah, well its not hard to see she doesn't want you so just drop it! Gosh!" Amy says getting upset

Hey, thank you but, I can handle it, I smile and say to Amy

No problem! she's always like that with everyone!, Amy whispers to me

*So...I'm seventy five percent done with my work and Nikki starts to rub on my back and play in my hair and ask crazy questions and at this point I'm almost ready to punch her and leave but, I'm trying to stay calm! She then whispers my name and I look and there is her boobies out and she's rubbing them while shes looking at me*

I want you to take me Bambi, she says to me

man what the HELL is your problem? put your clothes on man your sick!, I say in disgust

but, you said I was pretty!, she sadly says to me

YES! I said you are pretty and you are but, were in a school and your flashing me! What the fuck were you thinking? I'm not into that type of shit and if your that type of girl then we can't be associates!, I break it down to her

Well fine! I'm sorry...I just...I like you! Sometimes I can come off strong when it comes to something I want, she tries to explain

Well, Like I said I'm already talking to someone

*I finish the last sentence and quickly jump up to get the papers out the printer. I staple them together, throw them in the bin and go back to grab my book bag. While I'm putting my book bag on I notice a piece of paper in the zipper of my bag and I grab it. Once I opened it up it was Nikki's number so i laughed balled it up and threw it away*

I wont be needing that!, I bent over in her ear and told her then I left

I'm not going to stop until I make her mine!, she says to Amy

Your dreaming if you think that's going to happen, Amy replies

I bet I get her before the other girl does, Nikki tries to persuade Amy

she wont go for you type trust me, Amy replies

we'll lets see!

Chapter 9 coming soon *what's going on with this Nikki chick? will Amy flip and join forces with Nikki? what about Andria? where's my other dam shoe? :) stay tuned n thx 4 your support

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