Beginning of the end or a new beginning?

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What happened?

Nikki told me that she kissed her and tried to sleep with her but, she told her no out of respect for you so...

O.M.G I don't believe this

Yeah, she sitting right here next to her! Just thought I'd let you know! Told you nobody will treat you as good as I did

I'll talk to you later


(NOW, for those just joining the story you should know that Nikki kissed Bambi but, Ol' Amy here wants Andria back and will do whatever to make it possible which is why she falsely told her that Bambi kissed Nikki making it seem like Bamz is playing Andria but, she really likes her...resume and yes Amy is now a villain (Russel)

(My phone vibrates)

Can I ask you something?

(I look up at Amy who is moving to the other side of the room and text back) yeah, what's up

I just got a text saying that this Nikki girl that was at your house


You kissed her? and wanted to sleep with her?

WHAT?? no, I never wanted to sleep with her and she kissed me

So, when were you going to tell me?

I didn't want to get you upset or worried I told her we have nothing between us and your the one I want

You know what, Whatever Bambi! I don't believe you! You sound very stupid

but, its the truth she kissed me man! Did your X tell you this? When was I gonna find out Amy was your x?

This about you and Nikki not my past

Yeah, she trying to break us apart and your letting her

You know what...uhh just don't talk to me no more!! I HATE YOU

Wow... Aite, I reply and delete her number from my phone

*I calmly and quietly print out my half page letter and put it on Mr. X desk, turn around to go back and collect my things and head out the door to get in my car to go home BUT, not before I happily punch Amy in the mouth for spreading rumors and the whole class gets loud and amp up the situation, then I leave. Mr.X walks in right when she falls*

"Well Damn!", Mr. X says and closes his door behind me

*I walk to my locker and throw my books in and slide down to the floor holding my head in shock this chick just told her that*

"You OK", Nikki asks

"Get away from me, before y'all came into the picture I was cool! Just go somewhere and hold your throat to the point of no return!", I lividly tell her and get up to go to my car

"Well OK, was just trying to help",Nikki says and turns to walk back to class

(Phones rings)

*Babyyyyyy did you forget to take your meds, Babyyyyyy did you forget to take your meds* (placebo-meds, yeah I gotta new ring-tone lol)

"Uhhh What?", I answer

" What? That's not how you answer the phone!", my mom says

"Sorry mom", I say

"Change of plans I need you to meet me at Piedmont park when you get out of school", she tells me

"For what?", I ask her

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