Closer to the end

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*Time is 8:15 and my alarm goes off. I smack my phone on the floor and look over to see Dria still sound asleep. I nudge her to wake up for breakfast*

"Babe!!," I say

"Hummmmm?," she says in her half asleep voice

"Come on get up time for breakfast. I cut my dream short so I wouldn't miss this," I say getting up and scratching my stomach (straight niga lol)

"Ok baby," she says as she's getting up and coming to my face

"Woah what you doing home skillet biscuit?," I hop over the bed to the other side of the room

"I was giving you a kiss," she starts chasing me and I run screaming like Mariah carey

"I'm not about to chase your crazy ass let me get dressed," she smiles and walks off

(I text Jamal)



you good?

yeah, you?

we ok! she loved it bro 

I knew she would with yo soft ass

lol watev aye you just make sure you on time

no worries I been on it

good i'll see you then


*I hear water running so I take my thong and bra off (hahaha jp) REWIND: arb dna gnoht, PLAY: I take my shorts and beater off and jump in behind her and she jumps*

"You scared me baby," she says n pokes out her lip

"Aww me sowi," I say and pull her into me kissing on her collar bone

"Come on now we have to get ready," She says and I hear nothing

"Yeah," I say and slide down to give her kitty kitty a quick licky licky

"Mmmmm babyyyy," she says as she puts her hands ontop of my head and throws her head back

*Water is pouring all over my body and i can barely breathe I feel like im damn near drowning but, I can't stop just yet so I flip my hair back and grab her thighs to hold them open and her against the wall. I let my tongue explore her for a minute and try to hit her G-spot (nothing like being freaky in the a.m, or when you really gotta be somewhere lol they can wait hell). I slide a finger in and feel her tighten up on me and I look up at her and she blows a kiss at me*

"Baby you so nasty," I say to her

"I get it from my daddy," she laughs and says

*I hop out and dry off, she hops out and snatches my towl showing all my nakedness to the community so I take off running trying to cover my jubblies (boobies lol) and she pushes me on the bed and try to go down but I jump up*

"AEY AEY NOW, we gotta go remember?," I cover myself and say

"Mmm Hmmm shut the fuck up and lay!, she demands

"ARRR??, I tilt my head and say

*She throws me on the bed and holds my legs apart and starts to suck on my clit! PAUSE: (now im not the one known to moan and do all that pepperann type shyt BUT, when I felt her warmth against me I kinda, sorta, semily, utterly made a sound! PLAY: she stops and looks up at me with her mouth wide open and I look back at her with the "hell wrong wit chu? face*

"Did you just moan baby?," she asks all excited like its my first time walking of something

"Huh? No not me!," I say and go get dressed

"I believe you did baby Ahhhh OMG," she jumps all over me kissing me

"You are crazy lady," I laugh and say

*So, we finally get dressed and go down to breakfast. They had a nice do you say...Plethora of foods to choose from and my big ass wanted to taste...them...ALL! I follow my bae around and let her get whatever she gone eat and help her with carring her stuff then I pull her chair and let her sit and eat then I fly like a bat outta hell fixing my four plates of food. I was so gone I didn't notice my damn shoe had came off lol and you KNOW how I feel about my Jay's! So my Beluga whale ass comes back with a cart with my plates on it and I dig in. We eat and talk and make googly eyes and play footsies you know all the luby duby stuff couples do til she decided to reach and take food off my got damn plate, then shyt gets real! lol no im just playing  look at cha*

"Uhhh MAN, THAT WAS THE DEAL!," I say unbuttoning my shorts

"Baby your little self can eat!," she tells me like she didn't just eat like a damn T-Rex five minutes ago

"Yeah, you of all people know I can EAT, Mmmm eat it up!," I wink and tell her and she blushes

"So nasty! I love it," she giggles

"I know," I say

*Looking at my rollie its about that time*

"Hey lets go get our stuff so we can check out," I tell her

"Ok baby I need to be getting home and getting ready for tomorrow too, last day of school, uhh I missed church today," she says

"Aww man so did I and I forgot it was the last day tomorrow I'm thinking its next week," I tell her

*We get up and go to pack up our things and return the room keys. We walk outside and I see my baby, My Range and crazy ass Jamal sitting driver seat subbin "I'm on one", and he is too geeked lol stuntin in MY shyt! I grab my baby bags and open the door so she can get in and close her door then put our stuff in the trunk. Jamal gets out to let me drive and I turn him back around so he can drive hell im too full. He drives to his house to be dropped off and I dap him up then get out and let Dria ride passenger*

"Aite man see you tomorrow," I tell Jamal

"Aite late," Jamal replies

* I drive off on my way back to the house. The fun weekend is over and I just now thought about a paper I have to finish uhh. Pulling up in my drive way I kiss Dria and get out to grab our things. Nosey rosey mom is all in the window, You can't see her face but you can see her big ass starbucks cup in the blinds. I open Dria's door and walk her home. She kisses me good bye and thanks me again for the weekend*

"Oh wait babe what colors are you wearing tomorrow?," she asks

"Um... I don't know yet why?," I ask

"Just wanted to match for the last day of school," she says

"Awww how cute, but I don't think you can match a swag as sexy as mine sweetie," I tell her and she laughs

"You Swear," he pushes me and smiles

"Ha, I'll text you and let you know babes," I kiss her

"Ok, well se you tomorrow daddy," she kisses me back and goes inside

*I walk over to my house and go to my room to finish my paper when another thought came to my head and I stopped to braid my hair in singles and put the bows back on it. After I finished I go back to the boring ass paper then I think to turn on my music and get lost in the lyrics and start dancing. Then I sit down and finally start to finish it. I type till I fall off to sleep and take a nap*


Chapter 25. This is it you guys we have reached the finale of this story! What the hell is going to happen now?

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