A day of many surprises

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*I get to my house and run up to my room. I put my phone on charge and see I have a text. Shockingly its from Laylani...no wonder Dria was acting like that... No, this don't mean nothing to me and I delete the message, take a quick shower and head to bed*

(Alarm goes off at 10:10 sharp)

"Uhh man ten more minutes", I say and slap the alarm clock to the floor and cover back up to sleep

(Alarm goes off at 10:15 sharp)

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT I'M UP!," I yell and go poddy

(Incoming text from Dria)

Morning Love, Me missted chu <3

*I come out the bathroom and reply back to her. I tell her to get ready so I can start my surprise then I go off to get dressed. 11:00 o'clock and I'm grabbing blankets, pillows, picnic basket and my guitar and load it up in my trunk (pull up to my bumper baaaabaaaay) I shoot a quick text to Tasha to let her know to be at the spot round one and I go next door to get Dria*


*I peek through the glass panel and see my pookie struggling to get down the stairs but, she's all smiles already (my little trooper). She opens the door and hugs me, I hug her back and she closes and locks her door. I get behind her and walk her over to the car. I open her door and allow her to get in and I help her with her seat belt (safety first boys and girls) then I close her door and I go to jump in and drive off*

"So, I got NO rest lastnight because I was so excited about today," she says looking at me

"Oh really? I slept like a baby," I said laughing

"Can I know what it is or something it has to do with?," she ask being a nosey rosy

"Sure! It has everything to do with you and I," I said

"No fair baby," she says as she folds her arms, pokes her lip out and pouts (too cute)

"Awww what's a matter with the baby? huh? Who did it to the baby?," I say grabbing her chin

"Leave me alone bae," she says laughing

*Ten minutes go by and we arrive at I-HOP (my baby's second home, her damn "Grand Slammin' ass".

"Aww baeeeeee I was just thinking of this place," her eyes light up and she says

"We'll this is the first stop on the day long adventure, so let's go eat!," I tell her

"Ok," she says

*I get ready to get out when I notice her unbuckling herself and getting ready to get out. She opens the door and gets out slowly and looks at me and smiles hard as hell*

"Awww baby look at you! You did it!," I say as I run over to her side and smack her on the ass

"Yeah Boy!," she say's sounding like a linebacker

"We go inside and get settled. We order and talk while we eat. I get a confirmation text from Tasha and I get ready to put phase two in motion. I let her order what ever her heart desires and I just look at her thinking that she has no clue what's about to happen and I'm so glad it's happening to her!*

"You ok bae? are you ready to go?," she ask

"No, you take your time im ok," I inform her

*I look at the clock and notice it's going on 12:15 so I got some time to spare. We continue to talk and I go up to pay for the bill. I feel hands on my back and I turn to see her*

"Hey what's wrong?," I ask

"Oh nothing, I'm just ready now!," she says and kisses my cheek

"Oh ok well lets get out of here!," I grab her hand and open the door for her so she can walk out (and I can watch dat ass Mmm Hmm lol)

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