A steamy nyte

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*Andria gets up to plug up her mp3 and plays "Keyshia Cole- Brand New and undresses right in front of me into the lingerie that I picked out and lays across the bed rubbing rose pedals all over her body then looks at me and shoots me the "Come here" finger*

"Come here Daddy...I wanna taste you!", she says to me and immediately I feel my nuts hit the floor. Well, maybe not my nuts per say but, Man!

*I smack my legs to wake them up so I can walk over to her. I get in front of her and she snakes her way up around me and grabs the back of my neck planting kisses all over my lips, neck and breast meanwhile licking the cool whip off of me and I tilt my head back to welcome her, her tongue and what ever else she wants to use*

"Are you enjoying yourself Daddy?," she looks at me and ask

"Yeah! This is really got my hormones raging something serious!," I tell her in a low tone of voice while im running my fingers through her hair and she lets out a soft moan.

"Feed me!," she demands

"OK!," I reply back. I grab a strawberry and dip it in the cool whip and get ready to tease her mouth but...

"Unnn uhh," she says

"Huh? Unnn uhh what?, I say looking puzzled

"I'm not hungry for food, I'm hungry for YOU! When I say you I mean YOUUUU," and she points down to my shorts

"OHHHH," I say with my mouth completely dropped! "You're an Animal!," I tell her

"I watched my first porn I'm ready!," she smiles and says

"Wow, You really are a virgin!," I say and laugh to myself

"Not for long!," she grabs me and pulls me on top of her. Wrapping her legs around to my back she feels my um...uh...my "man man", against that clit and she starts to grind on it

*I jump up so she won't get too aroused too soon and put some ice in my mouth. I pull her down to my size and slide the thong off and toss it to the floor. Parting her legs I hear her inhale a deep breath and I go down to freeze her clit with the ice in my mouth. Hearing myself not only slurp the water up off her pussy but, her letting out baby moans. I place her legs on the sides of my shoulders and take my thumb to rub circles on her clit while my tongue goes in to explore her secrets and the ice does its job*

"Ahhhh Baby," she says

*I start moving my head side to side while my tongue is in her and I manage to drink the water in my mouth and accidentally suck her at the same time and she pulls my hair*

"AHHHHH SHIT MMMM YEAH," She moans loudly and I look up at her then go back for more

*I curl my tongue into a straw and start to suck her like my fav. drink and I can feel her riding my tongue so I grab her hips and move her back and forth on my tongue! She starts to moan continuously which is turning me on even more just listening to her moan. I change positions and bob my head up and down like a cat lapping up milk (which I was) and I could feel her thighs closing in on my ears so I bit her and she pulls my hair again. Now, by this time I figure I gotta stop doing shit to cause her to pull my hair or else I'm going to look like Jordan!*

"I wanna feel you in me baby," she moans out to me and arches her back

"OK," I say and I stand up and drop my shorts to get ready to give her what she been yearning for

*I let her scoot up on the bed and I come between her legs and pull the covers up over me. I see her exhale a deep breath and get ready to receive big daddy (lol).*

"You ready?," I ask

"Mmm Yeah!," she moans

"OK!," I say and let out a deep breath

*I spread her legs a little and bend them up to me and she exhales and I rub her clit one final time to tease her then I slowly start to stick the head of my strap in her. She tense up and I can feel her nerves creep all over me so I switch to small circles on her entrance and her wetness helps the strap slide in. She feels the pressure from the thickness of my strap and I try to inch in as softly as I can but, she moans from the pain anyway so I proceed to go in. She grips my arms tightly and squeeze them while I start to go in and out in deep slow strokes which causes the moans to grow stronger with intensity*

"Speed up some baby," she says

*I increase my speed and shockingly it must be past the pain stage because she is starting to sway her hips to my rhythm so I post my hands on the bed and go a little deeper in her and she starts throwing it back. As I'm getting lost in her my hormones don't even exist anymore and I can't believe I'm strapping this chick but, all the while I'm loving it*

"Ahhh yes right there Daddy!," she cous and bites her lip

"Mmm shit girl," I say as I'm starting to sweat a little

*I lift her up out of the bed and hold her against the wall. Holding her thighs I start grinding between her legs and she wraps her arms around my neck and moans loudly. I notice she's holding her breast in her hands and squeezing them together so I dive my face between those titties (lol) and I let my tongue play with her nipples. She throws her head back and bumps the shit out of herself!*

"You ok babe?," I ask trying not to break character but, also not to laugh

"Yeah! I'm ok!," she says

"Can you do me from the back now?," she looks at me and ask

"If that's how you want it, yeah," I tell her

*I gently take the strap out and let her down so she can position herself and I can tear dat ass up! I notice we haven't been having sex for long but, she is major wet... and then...*

"OH MY GOD!!!," she screams

"WHAT? WHAT'S WRONG?," I panicky say "Did I hurt you?," I ask her

"YES! I'm bleeding," she says and shows me her hands

*I look at her hands and see the blood run down her legs then I look back at my strap to see it there too!*

"Why am I bleeding bay? I'm scared!," she starts to cry

*I take my strap off and go over to hold her*

"Shh baby its OK! It's normal for girls who have sex for the first time! I just "popped your cherry", as they say! I don't say because it sounds nasty but, that's what happened. Not all girls bleed but, in your case you did and it's going to be fine trust me," I tell her

"Your sure?," she ask looking embarrassed

"Yes!," I say and kiss her forehead

(20mins pass of me explaining to her about the penetration to the little film of skin that breaks when you enter the vagina and blahhhh blahhhh)

"Come on baby lets get cleaned up!," I grab her and say

"Were stopping?," she asks

"Yes! I don't want to freak you out no more than you already are. We'll have other chances sweetie and you won't bleed anymore," I tell her and lead her to the semi bubble bath

*I take her hand and let her get in the tub then I follow her and sit behind her to hold her, kiss her, calm her down and comfort my baby. She starts to stop with the shakes and kisses me like I'm the love of her life. She turns around to me and looks me in eye and says...*

"I Love You!,"

*And with a straight face, with no second thought in my mind, my lips parted and the words "I Love You Too", and for a split second... I actually meant it!*


*Wooooooow SO...Could this be love? Could this be the girl that Bamz is going to go all in for? I mean you never forget your first love...Right? What about Laylani? We'll see! Chapter 17 coming soon!

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