Fire is Burning!

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"Heeey Mom, how you been?" I try and play it off

"Why is it that I come home to find my package outside and my daughter not in this house?" She asked

"Well...I was...I... um..."

"And why is it that your NOT here like I told you to be? What are you doing next door Bianca...Huh?" She demands an answer but all I have is...

"I... I was just...I

"Girl, you better... *She gave me a look I never seen before* Go to your room and stay there! The way I feel right now you better thank god you have windows because if it were up to me you'd be in total...Darkness! Now, get out of my sight! Oh, and your grounded miss thing! No video games, No Range and I know you been driving it because I smell your "Usher" sent in it. From now on it's just school and home!" She said

*I turn to leave her sight*

"Dammit man! I never seen my mom act that way before!" I said to myself as I'm walking up to my bedroom.

*Closing my bedroom door I lay on my bed and look up at the ceiling. Contemplating what just happened I wanted to go and apologize for not getting the package... well for the first and second time because I just seen it and jumped straight over it. Thinking of words to muster up and say I suddenly forgot about what I was suppose to be doing so I send Andria a text...*

"Hey Andria!"

"Hey! where are you? I'm waiting baby like you told me to but, I don't know for how long because I have to potty! :)"

"Yeah, about that... my mom has been here waiting on me and I was actually suppose to have been home to get her package that was coming but, I wasn't so she's pretty upset at me about it and I can't come back right now so..."

"Aw man :( ", she text back

"Yeah, I know! Well I don't really know what else to say but, I am so sorry about this and I don't know the next time I can come over because I'm grounded so... I'll just see you tomorrow! Goodnight"


*I put my phone on charge and go to sleep! The time is now 6:15 in the a.m and today for some reason I wake up to "The space between what's wrong and right. You will find me waiting for you! (skip).... And if your heart is cold, my sheets are warm. I will shelter you through the storm!"(Your guess is as good as mine) I don't know how that got programed into my alarm clock but, I get up and immediately think of Andria... Getting out of bed I shower and do all the essentials then head out for the bus... Another long ass loud ass boring ass ride and I didn't see Andria get on today so I wonder what's going on?"

*At School*

"Yo, what up my dude?" Tasha greeted me

"Hey, ay you seen that girl that I was stalking yesterday yet?" I ask

"Oh yeah! you mean the chick that sky talking to?" she asked

"THE WHO THAT WHO TALKING TO?" my face changed dramatically in wonder of these awful words that were spilling from her lips

"Yeah, Sky was talking to her on the first day and...wait...YOU like her TOO?" looking dumbfounded she asked me

"I mean she alright but,..." I replied not wanting all my business out there like that

*A text from Andria comes*

"Hey Bambi!", she says

"Hey! before you say anything can I ask you something?", I ask

"Sure! go ahead" she insisted

"Do you know a girl named sky? I asked not wanting her to say yes

"(giggles) Why yes I do!"

"Are you know... a couple or dating or talking?" I didn't want to ask nor know the answer but, before I fall into all that I have to know (Hell, not gone play me! hell no she not! POUND IT!! :)

"(All on the dam floor laughing) Well sweetie that depends!"

"On what?" I replied in worry

"If you believe in the whole "incest" thing because I don't!" she stated


"SKY is MY cousin!"

"Oooh, OK!" A load of worry was lifted off my shoulders. I turn to get ready to choke the hell out of Tasha but, she was already gone.

"Yeah, your so silly! Any who, I txt'd you to tell you to meet me in the bathroom on the third floor at noon! Can you handle that?"

"Hell, there's not too much I can't handle!"

"OK, see you there then!"

*The time is now 11:30 am and I walk to my lame ass ol' Science class. The only reason I go is to see Mrs. Lexi with her fine ass and today she wearing her short skirt that snugs her hips showing the silhouette of her booty with a red short sleeve top and buttons going down the front. I noticed (as I'm staring hard at her that..) the first three buttons are unbuttoned so you can see the "M" her boobs made from her push up (And I do mean UP...All the way PUSHED UP) bra in which I seen in the Victoria Secrets April catalog page 36 for about $40 bucks. This was a REAL woman I thought to myself! A woman of class and grace! A woman with intelligence, style and curves! A woman...who's ass cheeks just showed! OMG!


"I should have been the hand to pull that skirt back down!" I said aloud

"SHID! You and a room full of other people" this guy with some space jam Jordan's, a button up shirt and baggy jeans says to me.

"Word!" I reply

"Yo, what's your name? My name is Jamal!" he extended his hand out for me to shake

"I'm bambi!" I say sounding like a dam fool (lol) because I was all up in Mrs. Lexi's booty region

*Bell rings at twelve on the dot and immediately my phone starts to vibe and its Andria*

"I'm here waiting on you I have something to give you!" she says to me 

"OK I'm on my way up now!" I reply back

*Getting off the elevator I walk into the girls bathroom and she pushes me up against the wall, pins my hands up and starts kissing all over me! I grab the back of her neck and return kisses back to her. She then locked the bathroom door and I said...

"Oh no, mostly all the teachers are on this floor, you can't do that they will pry it open!" I inform her

"OK...OK" she says and she unlocks the door and flickers the light.

*I look around for no reason and she pushes me into a stall! She's wearing this light blue mini skirt with heels and a baby tee that says "Kiss me under the...Raynebow." We start back kissing and I put my hands around her and start to grip the thickness of her booty. She starts breathing heavenly which lets me know she's turned on. She then sits on top of the stool and puts her feet up so you can't see them and says...

"Touch me! Right now!

*She looked and said it in the most sexiest way she could possibly create and I did the only thing that I COULD do...*


*Chapt 7 Coming soon! I know...I know...You wana know what's going to happen, Right? Yeah, well you will...just...not right now! :) Stay tuned ppl Juicy, sneaky, freaky quicky sexy scene under way! Thankx 4 reading and reviewing! muahz Bamz

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