On the court, Off the court

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*Can I come over? what is the deal with this girl? First, she kisses me out of no where and says she's sorry but, now she wants me to come over tonight?*

"Sure, whats going on tonight?", I text back

"I just....I want to show you something!", She replied back

"Aight then, I'll be there around 9 I have to watch So You Think You Can Dance", I reply back (What? don't judge me, I love that show! : )

"Ok, I'll see you then", she responded

"So... now what can I do to pass the time?" I ask myself. Oh I'll hit the basketball court up real fast and see what's poppin'.

*I jump up off my bed and jump in my closet. I take my shirt off to wear the white tee and take my pants off to wear my shorts and throw on my black forces (Superman got changed in a phone booth) all in 2.5 seconds and I head out to the court.*

(At the court)

"Oh snap! Is that who I think it is coming up looking thugish? Everybody hide ya wallets and your women, Sky says

"Man, shut up fool, I say just let me get in on this game real quick so I can do ya'll and leave

"OH... so we real confident today I see! What gotten into you or better yet WHO you gotten into? Sky asks manishly

"Nobody man just come on and play this damn game, I smile and reply back

*The game takes about all of two and the half hours to play because everyone was cheating and having to start over and quiting and just crying so they can win. Me on the other hand just had one thing on my mind "What do she want to show me?"*

"Aye, I'm about to get ready and go i'm tired of playing what ever we trying to play", I say tired and out of breath

"And where are you going?", Sky asked

"Away from here that's where", I snapped

"Excuse me then", Sky says with her hands up

"You excused!", I reply

"Aey, let me talk to you real quick bamz", Sky stops me

"What's up? make it quick because I got a date with SYTYCD and a hot shower", I say to Sky

"What's going on with you? I seen you staring out into the distance and your game was a little off. It's like you have something on your mind, do you?", Sky asked

"Um... yeah something is on my mind actually", I began to explain. There's this girl...

"I KNEW IT", Sky quickly jumped up and said cutting me off as she's smiling from ear to ear

"So, who is she?", she asks

"Her name is Andria, and she goes to my school", I explain

(30 minutes of smiles and confusion pass by...)

"So... now she want me to come to her house in a hour", i finished up saying

"Well... go and see what she wants to show you then", Sky hyperly expresses

"Aight, I'll see you later. Had fun woopin' ya'll ass too. We have to do this again sometime", I reply and walk home.

(Arriving at my home I was greeted by Mother Hang Up)

"Hey I need you to be here to get my package when it gets here about nine or nine-thirty", She says

"WHAT? I Can't do that...What kind of package? Your not selling drugs are you?", I ask

"Girl NO, It's your grandmothers antiques that are coming from California and I need you here to sign for them", she replied

(why the hell they coming so late, I thought) "Ok ma", I replied.

*As the time winds down for my show to come on I decide to hurry and hop in the shower and wash up so I'll be fresh for the festivities. I play my favorite song "Anchors" by Secret and Whispers as im trying to take the worlds fastest shower so I won't miss anything. I jump out and grab my towl and hop on my bed to catch "Welcome to...So You Think You Can Dance!" *

(Ba da da da...Ba da da da so you think you can dance. i sing this all the time) Awe yeah baby

"What should I wear?" I ask myself

(a text message comes....from Andria)

Hey, Just seeing if you were still coming over later?

Oh yeah... I'm trying to find something to wear right now! I text back

Well, I'm sure what ever you wear will look great on you, she replies

Yo, do you like me or something? I'm getting mixed feelings from you like, I know then I don't know, I ask

Yes, I like you. I love your long hair, your lips, all of you from your voice to your swag, she says

Bet, so what does this mean? I ask

You'll soon find out sweetie, she text back. Now watch your show and I'll see you in a bit

Aight, l8rz

*Damn could I have a girlfriend right now? Really don't want to be tied down but, I like this girl though...I don't know. My show finally goes off and I'm pacing back in forth trying to see how I can visit her and get the drugs I MEAN package (Hope that doesn't slip forreal lol). I GOT IT!! I'll just go over and see what's up then say I have to go because my mom wants me back. No, she'd probably think I'm young or something. UGH... I'm a just go!*


*She comes to the door in a hot pink cut up belly shirt with light blue hip hugger jeans on and her hair in curls wearing pink Louie V. heels*

"Daaaamn....Hey how YOU doing"? I ask

(gigglez) "I'm Fine! Please come in your letting the air out", she tells me

*I walk in looking all around the house seeing pictures of her in her cheerleader uniform and baby pictures that were so cute*

"Are you thirsty? Can I get you anything?", she asked

"Nawl, I'm fine.. so what's the big secret you have to show me and why are you dressed up?" I asked

"I dressed this way for you! she replied and what I have to show you is up in my room... care to join me?", she asked very seductively

"After you", I replied

*She grabs my hand and pulls me close up on her butt. Then she wraps my arms around her stomach and does a little booty dance on me before she opens her bedroom door.*

"Woah... slow down mami", I reply (What the hell are you saying? tame that monkey lol) I'm not going anywhere

"I can't help it your just so cute", she says as she takes my hat off and run her fingers through my hair (super turn on)

"She opens the door to her bed room and..."


Chapter 5 coming! * What's the deal with this chick is she playing mind games or is she ready to do the DO! Mountain dew that is lol but, stay tuned to see the bedroom action, the neighbors gone know her name! who knows?*  I do :)

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